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Curse of Monkey Island won't run properly


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Hi, I'm new here and don't go much on forums at all so I hope that this has been put in the right section. My problem is that I recently purchased the proper version of 'the curse of monkey island' for my kids and I can't seem to get it to run properly for them. The game starts and I talk to a short pirate and obtain his hook. After that the blonde guy speaks and then he keeps repeatedly saying the same line as though it is skipping. I have uninstalled the game and then reinstalled it hoping it will work again for them but the problem persists. I have checked the game discs for scratches and don't find any. Can anyone possibly tell me if this thing is common or if others have experienced the same thing and the best way to fix it.


I'm not very technically minded when it comes to things regarding game files so can an explanation be written simply.


I know that there are also programs like phantom cd or virtual cd that allow you to load the originals and play the game off the HDD rather than from disc. Would this help at all or is it something related to the computer itself.


I'm running the game under xp home edition, 520mb ram, geforce 4 card, pentium 4 3.06mhz computer.


Could someone also tell me how to save the game as I haven't been able to play for a period longer than 5 minutes before the skipping of speech starts and have to exit back to desktop.


Thanking for any help offered in advance.

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Firstly, pressing F1 goes to the ingame menue where you can save and load and so on. Also, try either pressing the period button on the keyboard, or clickng both mouse keys at once (left and right if you have 3 buttons on your mouse.) to skip past the dialogue.


If this doesn't work, then go to this website (just click it)




And download a file called Scummvm Quick and Easy.


This is a small (very small) program and is very widely used so don't worry about it messing up your system or anything.


The file is here


http://quick.mixnmojo.com/files/ScummVMQuickAndEasy1.3.5.zip (just click and it should download)


Extract the files adn then double click on the file called ScummVM Q+E.


Click on the button marked Daily Build and it'll download other files that are needed to make this work.


Then, just click on the drop down box with the list of games and find yours (Monkey Island 3 (CMI))


select a graphics filter (I suggest High quiality x2) and sound mode PC speaker

forget about language and infact the rest. find the destination path (the path of the installed game files) and then click on run and it should work.


If you don't want to do this every time, before running, make a shortcut so you can just double click on that. if it doen't work, play around with the settings on this program and it should help.




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Sorry about the delay in replying to your post. I downloaded the scummvm thing but when trying to get it to work windonws xp home ed. wouldn't let me open it and get the daily build thing. It just gave me the small windows error screen saying do you want to send a report to microsoft.. Any ideas on how to bypass this.....thanks.

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This has never happened befoe as far as I know. Best thing to do would be to download it again, it may have been something to do with the download. It's a pretty simple program and is built to be run on XP (that being it's main objective of making old dos games work in XP).


Hope this helps.

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Guys, I was looking over one of them old pc game cd's that you get with computer magazines and located a program called Abandon Loader 0.8 Beta version which got the game working fine. I expected it to at least trip up once and start repeating the speech or stalling but it hasn't happened. It can be obtained from the following site as a reference for others:





The kids are happy that the game is now working and thanks heaps for your advice along the way. I have downloaded a wlakthrough for the game so that they aren't kept waiting for too long (given their young ages) and are stumbling over what letters to use to get him to talk and pick things up etc. I've managed to get to where I escape from the boat and then got back on the island. I am suppose to go to the theater backstage door, get the dandruff from the pirate coat and find out that it's actually lice, also get the glove from the coat. I can't find the theatre and nearly all the doors around the theatre (or what I think is one) is locked. I try and get him to pick the lock using a pin but he won't do it....any suggestions. Thanx.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey guys, after the post about searching for the voodoo lady my kids and I went on a quest to find her in the swamp area. She wasn't there so we started the game again and got to the same point only not to find her. The doors are still locked so need a bit of help here to find her whereabouts so as to move forward in the game....thanks heaps..

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In the swamp you need to go into the big ship (you have to stop and talk to Murray first). At that point you need to experiment with the scenery a bit. Maybe give some of it a pull. Maybe some of it that's red and hanging.




Only read this next part if you want the full solution, I can't remember how to make the spoiler tags unfortunately...



Just pull the tongue hanging out of the alligators mouth and she will appear.

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Thanks heaps for that as I have gone and clicked on all different parts of the swamp and all it does it take me to the front of the ship. I've even tried using a combination of the stuff in the inventory ie; pins etc to see if it helps. I will go and grab the tongue because every time I have gone out of the swamp and back in hoping she'd appear it didn't work.....sorry for being a pain..

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So is the entire game based upon grabbing and pulling at everything to make things happen. I gather that pulling the tongue of the blow up alligator thing is only one example. It must be then that I keep overlooking the obvious hey..


It seems that youse know the series pretty well. Have you played it repeatedly or don't often get back to the earlier versions????

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Most of us pretty much know all Monkey island games inside out, so if there are any troubles, just ask.


And it's not always pulling or pushing things. Basically it's mostly logic, just think things through and it should come to you.

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I meant remotely as in that the concept of this game is like nothing I've ver taken a look at before. If it wasn't for the young kids liking the introduction and pics on the cover I probably would not have gotten it. But seeming they have enjoyed doing it so far why stop a good thing hey??? It is quite interesting although very different. I remember years back seeing a trailer for a game called broken sword (or that is what I think it was called) which kinda looked similar to this game.

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Broken Sword? Puh!


Yeah, I guess it's similar... a bit. One big differenece being...



...it's about ten thousand times better.


Okay, so not tenn thousand, but it is most probably one of the best of this type of genre about, if you like The Curse of Monkey island, buy this, along with it's two sequels (although don't buy it for the kids, the first scene starts with a guy dieing in an explosion, and then it just get's better).


And yeah, quake isn't much like these types of games, but whatever. Enjoy the game!

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I know that Quake comes nowhere near this but I have never done animation based gaming before. I find that curse is more of an adventure than an actual game...nonetheless a popular game in its own right.


What would you suggest as another game along the same line for my kids as having someone just blow up in the beginning of a game don't send the right message...

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Wow. It's quite amazing, but I can't think of a good adventure game that is suitable for kids. The closest you'll come to is 'Sam and Max Hit the Road' but that incorporates quite a lot of violence in it (but it's performed by a hyperkinetic rabbity thing so I don't know if it counts)


I guess the first two monkey island's if you can find them anywhere.

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There are a lot of great older LucasArts adventure games that kids should enjoy, though they're a bit less forgiving. Here's a list that you may want to look into:


Maniac Mansion

Zak McKracken and the Alien Mindbenders

Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade


Monkey Island series

Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis

Day of the Tentacle

Sam & Max Hit the Road (demented humor)

Full Throttle (kinda violent)

The Dig



I'm surprised you mention Sam & Max, Joshi, because it's probably one of the more "adult" games in LucasArts' adventure library.

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Thanks Guys for the suggestions as it is always good to have knowledge of games of a similar genre. My kids seem to be enjoying monkey island 3 so far and maybe we'll try and get the earlier ones as suggested....if they can be easily found.


So whats day of the tenticle about anyways...for curiosity sake.

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