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Curse of Monkey Island won't run properly


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ok...hmmm.. that's strange I thought that the earlier two would have dialogue as well rather than caption. Nevertheless, you still reckon they are worth looking for or should I try and get them the ones that foolowed curse??????/

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There is as yet only one that followed curse, and it wasn't that good, but for kids, it may be just what they were looking for.


I suppose Sam and Max was a bit too adult for them, but the rest of them are so old that they're just too hard to get now. Pity.

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I'd suggest you go to http://www.lucasarts.com/companystore/


There is a thing called "The Adventure Pack" containing Day of the Tentacle , Sam & Max Hit the Road, and a game called Indiana Jones & the Fate of Atlantis for sale for 30 USD.


That's probably the best you can get nowadays.


P.S. I have Sam & Max quoted in my signature, so maybe that can help you decide whether or not you want it for your children.

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Guys, gotta say that it is a shame that such games aren't really available now. With my kids being 4 and 2 I really wanna avoid one's like that max and sam. Maybe I should do a generalised game search on the net but ain't too sure what to use as a search...any suggestions??

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Guys, gotta admit I find it a shame that there ain't more games out there like this one (Curse) and thanks for letting us know about max and sam but seeming my little ones are 4 and 2 I rather look for an alternative..

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Nothing you'll notice as much, you'll need to have played the first two games to find how the fourth game doesn't quite fit, but I've got a feeling your kids will love it (it's not as good as curse, but they'll like it anyway)

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Originally posted by NFS_Rogue

Sorry about the delay in replying to your post. I downloaded the scummvm thing but when trying to get it to work windonws xp home ed. wouldn't let me open it and get the daily build thing. It just gave me the small windows error screen saying do you want to send a report to microsoft.. Any ideas on how to bypass this.....thanks.


I know this is an old post, but do you have Windows ZIP.


That might have been the problem.

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Amazon.com is a good bet, but Monkey island 4 is still selling so I would guess it would be in a local computergame store somewhere.


And yeah, not only is downloading the game extremely illegal and frowned upon by us, but it's also very illogical considering the size of it, you'd be waiting for it's download for a good 3 or 4 hours on the best connection.


Just buy it, it won't cost much now since it came out in 2000.

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@Joshi, over here people just leave the internet connected overnite and pause it in the morning or leave it going for a couple of days straight. Nonetheless, I will look for it at a local game shop as suggested because as said earlier am skeptical of thins like ebay.


@Dr Edison 007, at the time I wasn't using WinZip on my pc but rather was using the latest version of WinRaR as many of the files I downloaded for NFS Underground were in this format. I thought that it would basically operate the same. When I couldn't get the scummvm thing to work I looked around and came across the abandon_loader 0.8 which I still use with a number of old games and they all seem to work fine when I couldn't get them to go before..


@Skinkie, what reason have they given for cancelling the Sam and Max 2 game. Too violent???

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Sam n Max 2 was cancelled because there apparently isn't a market for that kind of game anymore.


It was kinda violent, but I doubt it was intended for little children and it wouldn't have been cancelled because of that.

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I guess its kinda funny how everything seems to end up that way nowadays where the game once was fun but loses all credibility it held because it is looked upon as a 'kids' game. With the sort of violence that you talk of it obviously wasn't intended for kids?? Anyways, when I have done a generalised search for games on yahoo its funny to see the list of one's on sites that I use to play when younger and how much they differ from the modern genre of games today.

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Originally posted by NFS_Rogue

I guess its kinda funny how everything seems to end up that way nowadays where the game once was fun but loses all credibility it held because it is looked upon as a 'kids' game. With the sort of violence that you talk of it obviously wasn't intended for kids?? Anyways, when I have done a generalised search for games on yahoo its funny to see the list of one's on sites that I use to play when younger and how much they differ from the modern genre of games today.


It was actually nothnig to do with the violence or it being for kids. It was mainly about that fact that LucasArts (developers of Sam n Max, and evidentally the developers of The Curse of Monkey Island) didn't think games like sam n Max (and when i say games like sam n max, I mean adventure games, like Monkey island) would make money anymore. they're more interested in high violence content and anything to do with Star wars.


Unfortunate, but true. Sam n Max 2 would have been a great game as well.

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I guess then that they are more interested in making the games that don't require a lot of strategy and thinking. The degree of interaction in Curse is what made it more interesting but at the same time different. As for Star Wars, the games literally sux. So much for anything that ain't blood thirsty..

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I feel the need to unlease my geekdom.


Not all the Star Wars games suck. In fact quite a few are rather good. Knights of the Old Republic and Jedi Academy are two recent examples of excellent games in the Star Wars universe. The problem is that the market is flooded with them. No longer do they always feel compelled to crank out the best games possible (like previously X-Wing series, Rogue Squadron) instead they just rely on the franchise to sell the games for them. Especially when Episode I came out and a whole series of bad games based around the movie were hastily cranked out.



End geek stuff.

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I can feel this turning into one big argument, so I won't contribute 9yeah, I know, me!)


Of course I will say, there are possibly a few SW games that are good, just not as good as good classic LA adventure games.

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