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bunny hopping ...


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I don't mean to start a flame war if it's a sensitive subject but, i am the only one to find that bunny hopping is ruining the game?


Since a few days i was trying to play some CTF with JA and found a few servers where everyone was bunny hopping.

Well, to be in par with the rest of the players and go fast i had to do the same myself, but i found the game incredibly boring and like a flag race, but no longer any tactical playing , no nice fights, no real teamwork... could have been any CTF on any other game, i lost the interest of playing some SW related game.

No, i am not whining because i would lose, i CAN bunny hoptoo , but, I REALLY don't have fun playing like this.

Am i the only one ? any mod or server that would in some way prevent bunny hopping and get the game back to the real thing ?

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I don't really play CTF, but IIRC the ability to bunnyhop effectively was not a part of the base JA game like it was in base JO. However, I believe that some mods put bunnyhopping back in (amungst other things). Someone can correct me if I am wrong.


But to make sure, perhaps you could try playing on a server that is base JA only (using the browser filter) and see if things are different.

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If bunny hopping "ruined" JK2 or JA, then it ruined every other online FPS since Quake, since you can do it in the majority of games.


If it wasn't removed by the developers in the latest patch, they must be happy with it.


That's a nice way of saying "Deal with it."


; )


This should be moved to Strategy Shack btw...

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What you saw is more than "bunny hopping", it is strafe-jumping, which has been in Quake-engine games since Quake II I believe.

It is the mark of an advanced-to-elite player because it takes some skill and practice to do it well. It gives players who master it a real advantage because they can move faster without Force Speed than non-strafe jumpers can with Force Speed, and it uses very little Force (only that required for the "jumping" part of it), so you can do it almost indefinitely. Strafe-jumping AND Force Speed together allow you to move really fast, but you have to be good to keep going in the direction you want to go without falling off a ledge or running into a wall.


It has nothing to do with mods, it is part of all Quake III engine games. Elite players use it in TFFA and even FFA, because a fast-moving target is harder to hit.


If you want to play CTF and don't like or want to master strafe-jumping, just play flag\base defense. A good defender is just as valuable as an expert strafe-jumper. But if you want to play offense (flag carrier or escort) or be a mid-fielder or flag-returner, you have to be a good strafe-jumper to play with advanced players. Or play Siege if you want a slower-paced team game.


Here are some strafe-jumping tutorials:







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sorry for having called it bunny hopping rather than strafe-jumping but that's what i was talking about and I DO KNOW how to use and as i am also quite successful with it in conjunction with force speed i must be a "elite player" (no i am not) ...


The fact that it's available on other quake3 based fps is just what i was saying when i said "...could have been any CTF on any other game, i lost the interest of playing some SW related game."


I had the impression that JK was different, or should be different even in CTF mode. Now I am not too surprised that some ppl like to play another quake3 like FPS, but i was wondering if i was the only one who would expect something more SW like even in CTF, as strafe jumping quite defeats the purpose of force speed (altho you can get a bonus with it) but also minimize the importance of saber fights and fights in general. Not to mention that it looks silly (but well, i suppose it's a minor side effect).


It also looks like lots of people using strafe jumping give the netcode/predict system a hard time.

and otoh, i noticed is that on servers with few people it renders the game totally uninteresting and in most cases people won't stay and give the server a chance to have more players.


My point is not to enforce some changes as i dont have that power ;P but i was curious to know if i was the only one with that opinion, that the all specificity of the game was ruined by bunny... oups, strafe jumping.


If other players have the same feeling and have not(edit typo) given up with JA i would have liked to k now (maybe to know of a server with a mod or something ) but, it looks like i am isolated, what can i do, as Kurgan said i'll "deal with it" and most certainly after my interest in JA (after JA-CTF) will completely fade away very shortly JA will go back to my shelves of oblivion :(

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I've always felt that strafe-jumping makes CTF far more intense (ie interesting).


I know for a fact, that the majority of the "hardcore" JK multiplayer community loved the game for it's insane pace with force and guns. JK2 was a much slower game than JK and it didn't appeal to many of the old JK people until they realized they could use strafe-jumping to up the pace. I guess the same is true with JA (which I don't play because the focus on saber fighting bores me to death).


Then there's the other fact. People love learning how to do things which puts them above everyone else. You can see this in just about every sport and videogame ever created. The truly great players are always looking to push the game beyond what it's creator's intended. In Quake-engine games, strafe-jumping is the first trick many people learn (other than maybe rocket-jumping), it's probably one of the easiest (although it's very hard to do well).


I personally have very little interest in a FPS where I have nothing more to learn after the first month or so.

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different tastes, different paces, different games..

I dont think intensity has to do with that.

My point wasnt to convince people who prefer a very individualist game of fast running.

I think it takes different skills depending on the type of game i am simply and personally not interested in focusing on strafe jumping skills, i prefer to work combat skills and tactical/teamwork skills in something more intense in terms of suspense and longer term coordination.

For an example it is like comparing basketball and football (soccer, for americans), doesnt take the same skills, and unless you're very biased it's not a question of which is better or which takes more skills, but which better fits to one's personal tastes and/or skills.

So, my point was, that with the generalisation of strafe jumping, JA doesnt fit me at all, and i thought that maybe i wasnt the only one that didnt like it that way.


When it comes to "players are always looking to push the game beyond what it's creator's intended" being great, i have to disagree.

I personally found out a lot of those "exploits" and tricks in other games and if they would, in my opinion (and it's all a question of personal opinion), defeat the purposes or the spirit of a game i wouldnt use them and would private mail the authors about them.

Sometimes i have decided to use them and give scarce hints to ppl i played with, and/or explain them to my clan mates.

ie : quake TF grenade jump, was one i disclosed, and at the same period one exploit would allow for a engineer class to use a rocket launcher.. i didnt use it and private mailed about that, i found out some lots of other exploits or tricks in games like tribes, half-life, CS...

If i have ever been a "great" player in something i wouldnt consider that it is because i have found said exploits and tricks.



Now, considering how few ppl with same dislike towards strafe jumping have shown here, i have to aknowledge that i am actually an isolated case.

This doesnt tell if it's because said people have given up since a long time, or if the portion of JA players reading this forum is really small or if i am actually unique :p


[EDIT: oh, by the way, there's another undisclosed big stuff "better" and "higher" than strafe jumping... hehe ! NOOO i won't tell... find out yourself for a faster and more evasive type of game :p ]

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Originally posted by ZH@o YuN

If you play Siege, you'll notice that it's impossible to strafe-jump. Perhaps a mod will implement this as a cvar, so it can be used in any gametype?


Why can't you Strafe-Jump/Bunny Hop in Siege?

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