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Attack on Cilpar

Guest The Master

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(has piece of a squint imbedded in upper port S-foil but still going)


Rogue 7 Im still here...


(Engine flames out)


...For now anyways...





"There's nothing like a seeker proton torpedo when you want to reach out and touch someone"

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*Wakes up and fumbles around in my flightsuit. Pulls out what looks like one of the controllers for remote-control cars. Pushes a few buttons and pulled a lever and the Frozen Fury begins to power up.*

Back in the hangar bay

*Technicians are thrown off the Frozen Fury as it begins to power up. The port S-foils knocks a technician out as it turns toward the hangar bay doors. The Frozen Fury's nose jabs 2 technicians in the gut and sends them reeling and then the Frozen Fury flies out of the hangar bay, much to the relief of the technicians who weren't injuried and flies toward the planet.*

I guess it's time for me to get back into the firefight. It's a good thing I got them to pack it full of torps or I won't be able to do anything again.

*Frozen Fury lands and I hop in. Power up repulsors and engines and fly off in the direction of the ISD.*



Save me Geebus! Oh, if you're out there save me Geebus!

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nice timing Frozen Fury!!!!!


come on with me, we are gonna take out the Shield generators of the IDS, who else want to join us?


*close comlink*

ok R2D666, give me all...


some one cover my six...


/set blasters in dual mode


*lasers sounds*

arrrrrghhhhhh!! they got my left motor!!!

R2 check it!!!!


how is my shield R2?

*broot broooot*

okay , we still got 100 units, refill them to 175.


Ice come with me now...........





When the Dark Angel came to see me... He ripped away my soul...

I lost my humanity...

I´m a Shadow in this world of darkness...

I`m chasing my shadow inside my own soul...

I´m the persegutor.

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*Flies up to DSS's right.* Don't worry I'm with ya. *Sets lasers to dual mode as well.* Let's take those globes down and becareful of those turbolasers on that ISD. You take the lft globe, I'll take the right one. *Barrelrolls and heads toward the right shield generator.*



Save me Geebus! Oh, if you're out there save me Geebus!

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Guest The Master

You guys work on the sheild generator while I destroy the Gladiator Droids. Flight 1, lets get this done with!

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roger that 1

ok ice lets our babies do their work!!!


RDD666, Dark Angel, you can do iT!


now Q, im your persegutor!!! come on!!!!






When the Dark Angel came to see me... He ripped away my soul...

I lost my humanity...

I´m a Shadow in this world of darkness...

I`m chasing my shadow inside my own soul...

I´m the persegutor.

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*Locks onto the shield generator and fires like a crazy bum.* Ah hell screw this. *Switches over to torpedos. Opens a channel to the Conintuum.* You're about to get iced. *Fires the torpedo which utterly destroys the globe. Rolls to avoid turbolaser blast and switches back to lasers. Starts taking out turbolasers in the vicinity of the ISD's bridge. Opens channel to RS* Maybe you guys should get back onto the Fist of Sullust to reload.



Save me Geebus! Oh, if you're out there save me Geebus!

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Guest Redwing

*Twin concussion missles fly toward the second shield generator, destroying it*


Okay Rogues, it's shields are out! Now we can really start to do damage! *Gladiator droid's lasers smash into shields* Whoa! Watch out for the droids!



At last we will reveal ourselves to the Jedi.

At last we will have revenge.

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Don't get too close 2, you don't want to get killed by the engine wash, it's too dishonorable. *Switches to torps and bombards the Conintuum's hull until the torps runs out. Makes a snap turn and sees a gladiator droid's volley miss barely.* That was close. *Pulls up behing the gladiator droid and starts firing, slowly pecking away at it's hull.*

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Guest The Master

Rogues, our orders are to finish up the droids while The Fist of Sullust pounds the Continuum to a pulp.


*Turns around and start spraying lazer into the Gladiator Droid's back.*

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Guest Rogue9

Snap Rolls out of a Droids Target site, flips while rolling and locks on to the droid. hits it with several quad bursts slaging its sheild generators.

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Guest The Master

*The laser that The Master is spitting out starts to melt the metal on one of the arms.*


I am breaking through!


*Starts to circle around for another barage of laser.*

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*Switches all shields to foward.* Dies you sorry excuse for a gladiator droid. *Starts ramming the gladiator droid until the shields on the Frozen Fury drops to zero. Arms lasers and continues to chip away at what is left of the gladiator droid.*



Save me Geebus! Oh, if you're out there save me Geebus!

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'Makes it back to Fists of Sullust and lands whats left of x-wing in hanger then heads for brige and helps man weapons.





"There's nothing like a seeker proton torpedo when you want to reach out and touch someone"


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Guest The Master

Rogue3 get out here and help with these Galiator Droids. Two left. One damaged.


*Laser starts to melt into the torso and the Gladiators speed decreases.*

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Roger that!, whoa Let's roll the TIE's and light the skies! Kicks XJ X-Wing in high speed, finds the Galiator Droid and tries to get a lock on him sith spit! I can't get a lock on him! "J"(name of my R7-D5) boost the shields! I'm gona get in as close as I can then rip em apart! beeep bwoeeop alright then here we go x-wing goes ful speed against the Galiator Droid and begins to fire quad-linked lasers at it. soon it explodes in to a ball of flaming recage!, and the x-wing flies through it with smoke tariling after it! J, We hit! bweep bwwop ,no oh good ships is still fuctional Rogue3 reports boige down!



It dosent Like me, I don't like me either, I best watch myself I have the Death sentence in 12 systems!

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Guest Redwing

*flies after remaining Gladiator droid*

I can't get a lock!

*Gladiator droid spirals down and flips away from Redwing's veiwport, and sends twin seeker torpedoes backfiring from a rear launcher, Redwing evades the torpedoes and blasts one of them to glowing chips of metal, but the other slams into his plasma shields*


Aggh! Forward shields out! Where'd that droid go?


*droid appears behind Redwing, blasting him with full-power lasers, rear shields fail*


I can't--shake him! Shields down! I'm taking damage! Flight control systems offline! Weapons systems damaged! I'm going to eject!

**nothing happens**

What! I can't eject! I---*static*


*Redwing's fighter spirals toward the planet Ciplar, and dissapears into its atmosphere*


*the Gladiator turns victoriously toward his squad-mates*


OOS: It was neccessary to at least temporarily kill myself off because I might not be here for a while biggrin.gif



At last we will reveal ourselves to the Jedi.

At last we will have revenge.

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Redwing Noooo! pulls the sitck to his chest and head for the Gladiator, opens fire on it and sends a quadlinked balst at it, it explodes with a mighty bang! and all what is left of it is just fly particles.


That one was for u redwing! now get out of here get to safty. Lead, three here any new orders?

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Guest The Master

The B-Wings are stuck down on planet with the prisoners until the Continuum is disabled. Until it is, are orders are to go down and make sure the B-Wing stay safe. Good luck, and I hope there are no problems.


*Points nose of X-Wing towards planet and puts all sheild to forward.*

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*Looks at display and see's that there is minumal damge to ship *open's tact frequency Yeeehaaa! Lets Roll the TIES and Light the Skies! *Points nose of Xwing twards planet at full speed and beings to do a barrel roll looks at screen com'om guys those Crosses need our help!

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*Flies out of the hangar with the Frozen Fury fully rearmed. Closes S-foils to catch up and rejoin the formation. Opens channel to all the remaining Rogues.* It's such a shame all those Rogues were shot down. I'm the only one left from 2 Flight, three from 1 Flight and I think we don't have anyone left from 3 Flight. I hope those boys are still alive. *Closes channel.*



Save me Geebus! Oh, if you're out there save me Geebus!

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Guest Redwing

OOS: Wow, just four Rogues left!


(Aaron got shot down by the Continuum when it first appeared in the area.)



At last we will reveal ourselves to the Jedi.

At last we will have revenge.

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Guest The Master

Oh no, only four. Well, Rogues, lets finish this, we can mourn for our dead later. Right now we have to make sure the prisoners are safe.


*Enters atmosphere.*

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