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Attack on Cilpar

Guest The Master

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Guest Jared

My modified clutch exits hyperspace above Cilpar along with my backup squadron of modified x-wings. "I hope the infromation was worth it" "It cost me hundreds of credits!"

..yep it's right..........all i have to do now is save all their butts!!!! hello? rogue 7 are you there? This is rogue 14.hello? damn! He must of crashed.




You don"t know the power of the dark side.

Now i will use it to save you all...............

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Guest Redwing

*ronks finally decide to get bored and walk away, I run over and turn on my flight radio*


This is Rogue Seven to all pilots, we have an emergency here. Stop those B-Wings! The Imps have captures our pilots, and the prisoners have NOT been rescued! Repeat: It's a TRAP!



At last we will reveal ourselves to the Jedi.

At last we will have revenge.

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Guest Redwing

Originally posted by The Master:

*Enters hanger bay.*


Well that is over, but unfortunatly, we had received to many losses.




Oh, and Jared where'd you come from? You didn't say you were going to post here...



At last we will reveal ourselves to the Jedi.

At last we will have revenge.


[This message has been edited by Redwing (edited June 23, 2001).]

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*Drops out of hyperspace near a planet being orbited by a ISD. The ISD sends a message.* This is the Black Hole, identify yourself. This Edmund Cold, I've come to see... We have been expecting you, you may land on the planet, he'll be waiting for you in his office. Understood. *Flies toward the planet and enters it's atmosphere. Manuevers toward a building and lands on the roof. Enters the office and is confronted by a man sitting behind a desk, with his face hidden by a shadow. He begins to speak.* (Man) Have you completed what I asked you to?

*I nod.*

(Man) Are you sure the New Republic has no idea you did what you did?

(Me) Very sure, I've covered up my tracks completely.

(Man) Good, if they found out what you did you could be most likely court martial. Why don't you stay here for a couple of days, until I've confirmed you done your job and the NR doesn't have any idea of it.

(Me) Okay.



For the empire! MY empire.


[This message has been edited by Grand_Admiral_Ice (edited June 23, 2001).]

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Guest Redwing

OOS: Oh ya, I wasn't thinking redface.gif


But they should know now, I commed them biggrin.gif



At last we will reveal ourselves to the Jedi.

At last we will have revenge.

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Guest Jared

calling for backup...i'm going to need it



You don"t know the power of the dark side.

Now i will use it to save you all...............

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*The door to my room slides open and a man walks in.* I've just gotten confirmation, that you have done what I asked you to do? I'm also glad to know that you left no trail at all. *I chuckle.* What did you expect, I am the best. *The man walks up to me and places a hand on my shoulder.*

(Man) Why don't you stay another week? I sure could use someone to train those lousy excuses for pilots.

(Me) I doubt I can stay another week, maybe one more day.

(Man) Good, that's plenty of time for you to train those guys to fly those TIE Fighters I've just received.



For the empire! MY empire.

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Guest The Master

*Standing in hanger with com unit in hand.*


Redwing, come in, Redwing! Are you still down on the planet? Come in Redwing!

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Guest The Master

*Over com unit.*


Rogue9, any sign of them? I am trying to make contact with Redwing at the moment. I might have to go back down there to help you.

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Guest Redwing

*yells into comm*: Rogues! Can you hear me? Stop those B-Wings! They've been taken by the enemy!



At last we will reveal ourselves to the Jedi.

At last we will have revenge.

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(Me) I'd prefer not to teach them to fly a TIE, they just aren't my thing, besides you're just as good as me, Commander.

(Man) What's with the formality, we are after all cousins, man.

(Me) Alright George, so how's construction going on the new ISD's?

(George) Faster than I thought, by the end of the month I'll have 16 new ISD's and in 6 months I'll have a SSD ready.

(Me) Isn't that more than enough to protect our planets?

(George) We can never have more than enough, if the NR feels threathened enough they can crush any fleet we build.

(Me) You have a good point there. Well i'm heading over to the simulators, care to join me?

(George) Why not? Maybe we'll figure out who's the better pilot.

*Exits the room and heads off to the simulators.*



If you don't want anymore of these long winded pointless conversations, I suggest you start that B-Wing attack soon, because my character isn't going to return to the Fist of Sullust until the attack is over.



For the empire! MY empire.

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fly's in search and rescue pattern, notices some sort of comm static, "J" get my cord's for where that static is coming form, beepweep What? there is a message from Rogue7, can u clear it up? bepweep B-wings*static....... stoooop B-wingsssssssssssssssssss.....Rogue Sqqqqqqqdron B-wings. what? J open the tactial channel for the squad! Rogues this is three seven reports some thing worng with the crosses, repeat seven reports some thing worng with the crosses! we have to stop them! puts the throttle at full and pushes the stick to his chest I hope they heard me! but if not I have to stop those crosses!


Hey let the attack begin!

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Guest Redwing

*Yells into comlink again* Rogues! Can you hear me? Stop the B-Wings! They're going to attack the Fist of Sullust! Repeat, stop the B-Wings!


*to self* Why isn't anyone responding?



At last we will reveal ourselves to the Jedi.

At last we will have revenge.

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Guest Rogue9

Rogue Leader I'm picking something up on my radio, "* Rogues! Can you hear me? Stop t** B-Win**! They're g*****to attack *****st of Sull***! Rep***, st***the B-Wings!"


I Can't quite make it out, it sounds Like the B-Wings are going to Attack the Fist of Sullust.


Rogue 9 to FOS: Jump out of the system immedientley and return on a differnet Vector in 1 tick. We'll take care of the Traitors....

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Guest Redwing

*radio sputters out* Dang it, well I hope they got my message. *looks over A-Wing* Totalled---barely salvageable. But maybe---*jerks out of the way as a blaster bolt strikes directly next to him* Great! The stormies have found me!



At last we will reveal ourselves to the Jedi.

At last we will have revenge.

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Guest Rogue9

Lead I've found Redwing He's Under Fire, I'm goin dow to assist.


*Lets See how those stormies Like StarFighter Weapons*


To Redwing: This is Why an X-Wings Strong Sheilds are so Important....

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Guest Redwing

*stormies dive for cover as the X-Wing's lasers carve furrows in the ground* Thanks Nine! ---tell someone I need pickup, please. Unless---*looks over at the nearest building* Is that a starfighter hangar I see there?



At last we will reveal ourselves to the Jedi.

At last we will have revenge.

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Guest Redwing

Copy that Nine, I'm going now.


*makes a break through the bushes toward the hangar, and is almost hit by heavy blaster fire from several directions*


Hey! They've got a whole platoon of scout walkers over here!



At last we will reveal ourselves to the Jedi.

At last we will have revenge.

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Guest Rogue9

I Got 'em those chickens don't represent much of a problem for a Starfighter.

*While Saying this R9 starts blowing them apart with Quad blasts*

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Guest Redwing

Thanks again Nine, once I get to the hangar I won't be so helpless.


*on his way grabs a couple blasters dropped by downed stormies*


Much better. Nine, one more favor---can you blast open the hangar doors?



At last we will reveal ourselves to the Jedi.

At last we will have revenge.

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