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Messeges: Episode 4 - The Alternate Empire

Guest Redwing

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Guest Aaron Celchu

My business has been completed and I am on my way back. I will meet you at the previous rendezvous point.



For the Jedi!

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Guest Nazgul

It appears our enemies have organized sooner than I expected, we must move up our timeline. has the homing becon aboard Rogue9's Flagship informed us of their Rendevous point.

Lt: yes sir, it appears to be the Yavin system, orbit over the fourth moon.

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Guest Nazgul

no I have forseen this, send a small detachment to harry there discussions I want them to know I know who they are...

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Guest Aaron Celchu

Fleet specs


These are all the starships in my flagship's fleet---not ALL the starships available to me, but neither am I taking this entire fleet along. (Just most of it wink.gif ) that ay you can't just destroy all my fleet and kill me




1 squadron Kuat Drive Yards A-9 Vigilance class fighter

7 squadron Dodonna/Blissex RZ-3 A-Wing class fighter

6 squadron Slayn and Korpil "Blade" B-Wing class fighter

1 squadron Twilekii Chir'daki "Deathseed" class fighter

6 squadron FreiTek TX-75-A E-Wing class fighter

5 squadron Cygnus Alpha class Xg-1 Assault Gunboat

5 squadron Cygnus Beta class Missile Boat

3 squadron Incom I-7 Howlrunner class fighter

5 squadron T-65-[h,i,j,k series] M/X-Wing class fighter

4 squadron Sorosuub Preybird class fighter

2 squadron Hoersch-Kessel R-41 Starchaser class fighter

2 squadron Starypan/SunHi Razor class fighter

4 squadron Sienar Fleet Systems GAT-12h Skipray class Blastboat

3 squadron Sienar Fleet Systems TIE Avenger class fighter

1 squadron Sienar Fleet Systems TIE Bomber

4 squadron Sienar Fleet Systems TIE Defender class fighter

2 squadron Sienar Fleet Systems TIE Interceptor class fighter

2 squadron Sienar Fleet Systems TIE V-38 Phantom class fighter

1 squadron Sienar Fleet Systems TIE Boarding Craft

2 squadron Sienar Fleet Systems Toscan class fighter

7 squadron Incom T-65c A2 X-Wing class fighter

3 squadron Koensayr BTL-A4 Y-Wing class fighter

3 squadron Koensayr BTL-H1 Heavy Y-Wing class fighter

1 squadron Incom/Sienar Fleet Systems Z-Interceptor class fighter

5 squadron Koensayr BTL-S3 Y-Wing class fighter

5 squadron Incom Dragonsbane class fighter

5 squadron Incom Dragonsheart class fighter

3 squadron Sienar Fleet Systems Scimitar class Assault Bomber

2 squadron TIE Courier class fighter




30 Telgorn Corp. Assault Shuttle

30 Telgorn Corp. ATR-6 Assault Transport

30 Cygnus JV-7 Delta class Escort Shuttle

30 Telgorn Corp. ETR-3 Beta Class Escort Transport

30 Sienar Fleet Systems/ Cygnus Sentinel class Landing Craft

40 Sienar Fleet Systems T-4a Lambda class Shuttle




15 Sorosuub Quasar Fire class Escort Carrier

10 Rendili Stardrive Rebel class Assault Frigate

5 Rendili Stardrive Bulk Cruiser

20 CEC Corellian Gunship

30 CEC Corellian Corvette

4 Sienar Fleet Systems/ Kuat Drive Yards Dominator class interdictor

20 Rendili Stardrive Dreadnaught Heavy Cruiser

10 Imperial class Mark I Star Destroyer

5 Imperial class Mark II Star Destroyer

6 Immobilizer-418 class Interdictor

20 Lancer class Frigates

10 Republic Sienar Systems Marauder class Corvette

15 Mon Cal MC-75 Barracuda class cruiser

10 Mon Cal MC-80 Liberty class cruiser

2 Mon Cal MC-90 Defiance class cruiser

5 Kuat Drive Yards Nebulon-B class frigate

2 Kuat Drive Yards Nebulon-B class [Modified variant] frigate

3 Loronar Corp. Immobilizer class Modified Strike Cruiser

20 Loronar Corp. Strike class Cruiser

15 Kuat Drive Yards Victory class Mark I Star Destroyer

15 Kuat Drive Yards Victory class Mark II Star Destroyer

10 Damorian Manufacturing Carrack class light cruiser

5 Hapes Nova-class Battle Cruiser


Other [the vehicles listed here are only the ones currently on duty]


20 [assorted] Combat Utility Vehicles

15 Patel Ironwerks Heavy Lifter

15 Nicholas/Gordon Spacewerks Utility Tug

30 [assorted] freighters

20 [assorted] transports

20 Gallofree Yards Rebel class Medium Transport

10 Kuat Drive Yards Star Galleons



For the Jedi!

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Guest Aaron Celchu

*at the rendezvous point* Where is Horn? Captain, any ships on sensors?


[Captain:] Sir---we have new arrivals in the area.


[Aaron:] Who?


[Captain:] They aren't---Wait! Admiral! A whole fleet of Star Destroyers have just dropped out of hyperspace! And they've got Inderdictors with them!


[Aaron:] How big is the fleet?


[Captain:] Almost as big as the detachment we have with us, sir---and they've got more coming in!


[Aaron:] How far does the fleet need to move before we can safely enter hyperspace?


[Captain:] Their fleet is blocking most of the escape routes, and the Interdictors are moving to block the rest. Should we fight or run?


[Aaron:] Order all hyperspace-capable fighters to engage the Interdictors! And get the fleet moving towards the fastest way out of Yavin's mass shadow.


[Captain:] There is another fleet on sensors moving towards us. I believe it is Admiral Horn's fleet. I cannot make contact with them---our communications are being jammed.


[Aaron:] It looks like Horn has betrayed us again. Order all ships to retreat once the Interdictors are destroyed.

*to himself* You'll pay for this, Warlord Horn. Trael made the mistake of letting you live---I won't.



For the Jedi!

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Guest Drode

Everything is proceeding as planned, Master. Soon they will all be ours...



All hail Lord Nazgul!

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Guest Rogue9

Sensors: Sir, Fleet Command Reports Massive Force Dropping from hyperspace.


Corran: Send Messege to the Fleet, Order the Retreat,make sure Aaron knows.


Comm: Messege sent, we recieved a Confirmation from Aaron but its Garbled we can't be sure he recieved our warning...


Corran: We can do nothing right now, Order the Fleet into Hyperspace... frown.gif

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Guest Drode

*message comes in over holo-comm* Commander! Commander! We've lost two Interdictors! Many more and we won't be able to hold them!


[Drode:] It does not matter. Our mission here has already succeeded---in an unexpected way. *evil laugh*



All hail Lord Nazgul!

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With in the great temple of yavin Wes janson swings his lightsaber in an over head arc then brings the blade back and cocks the blade in his right hand before extingusing it, * exits the temple and looks up to see a huge fleet battle, Runs towards the Fire Hawk (corrlian YT-2400) and powers her up and zooms off J give me a reading on those ships! and power the guns its going to get ugly *uses the force to see who is on the ships that are retreating Aaron Celchu! is that u well here I come ready or not to help u! so lets ROLL some TIES and light these skies!




AOL, you'll never find a more werched Hive of scum and vilinly

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Guest Drode

[Captain of Drode's flagship:] Sir, we have a YT-2400 named the Firehawk taking off toward us from the suface of Yavin's fourth moon. Sensors confirm that the pilot is Force-sensitive!


[Drode:] From the Massassi temple?


[Cpt:] Yes.


[Drode:] We would do well with a Jedi to control. Order his ship captured.


[Cpt:] Yes sir.


[Drode:] This is an unexpected twist...but of little consequence to us in the end. Except to benefit us.


*outside the window, a squad of Defenders throttle towards the Firehawk, ion cannons blazing...*



All hail Lord Nazgul!

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Guest Nazgul

What do you mean Already done...I just gave the Order, your initiative serves you well, if it doesn't get you killed first. be careful with this Jedi.

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Guest Drode

*bows* Yes, Master.

[to Cpt:] How are the Defenders faring?


[Cpt:] Not very well, Sir...we've lost two of them already. This Jedi is better then we thought.


[Drode:] Put me on a comm channel with their leader.


[Cpt:] Yes sir.


[Defender leader:] What is it, Admiral?


[Drode:] Let me tell you something, Lieutenant: Let the Jedi slip away and you and your entire squadron will be put to death. Do you understand me?


[D Lead:] *gulp* Yes sir.


[Drode:] What is your progress?


[D Lead:] We have brought his shields down, and I believe his hyperdrive is damaged.


[Drode:] Don't fail me...


[Cpt:] Sir! We've lost too many Interdictors! We can't hold them any longer!



All hail Lord Nazgul!

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*inside his ship alarms are blazing! What! fighters coming in J Yeeeeeeeeeeeehaaaaaaa! As his ship zooms around them avoding every hit from their Ion cannons alright then J let them have it, the quad Laser then rotate and bring to fire on the fighters desotrying a huge amount of them. Alright then that took care of that but look like our safe haven is no longer safe J, Aaron I'm coming!



AOL, you'll never find a more werched Hive of scum and vilinly

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sith spwan there coming around, J damage report, data rolls across his screen and he sees nothing good SithSpitthe hyperdrive is damge! how bad is it J, beeweeeoop its only leaking can u stop it? beeep! good! is there enough to get us at least out of the system?, beepwweeep. And more good I hope this works!

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Guest Drode

[to Nazgul:] I will NOT fail you sir!


[to D Lead:] Capture the Jedi NOW!


[D Lead:] Sir! We've lost almost our whole squadron! I can't---ARRRGGGGHHH!!!! *static*


[Drode:] By all the legions of Hell!

*runs to secret personal hangar*

If you want something done right---do it yourself!

*climbs into his personal starfighter---a TIE-Advanced Defender, the deadliest TIE "superfighter" ever made*

I will not fail you, Lord Nazgul!



All hail Lord Nazgul!

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