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lol i ran around for 10 mins XD

very good man to bad lucas shut it down

thats just evil, but think about it lol some guy makes an gf 2 and its becomes a huge hit lucas would be like DARN if we just hade made that game :p


my dream :p

win the dam lotery hire lucas arts to make meh gf 2 and 3 and 4 and 5 :X

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Originally posted by Scale

lol i ran around for 10 mins XD

very good man to bad lucas shut it down

thats just evil, but think about it lol some guy makes an gf 2 and its becomes a huge hit lucas would be like DARN if we just hade made that game :p


my dream :p

win the dam lotery hire lucas arts to make meh gf 2 and 3 and 4 and 5 :X


Well, if someone made huge money out of GF2 wouldn't LucasArt make a mint by taking it to the court? They have the rights and all...


But if it was freeware and became a hit, maybe it would actually inspire them to make GF2 one day?


Or not. But hey, that reminds me. I was on another message board somewhere and there was this guy who said:


Besides, I read on a site that George Lucas will probably start working on it soon, but not at the moment because of all the Star Wars movies happening. It said in perhaps... by 2009 or something it will be either done and begin selling or begin production.


I somehow find that highly unlikely. Call me a pessimist if you want. ;)

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Well, I am fortunate enough to be able to think that my current age is always the best. When I was 11 I didn't want to grow up, same thing for 12, 13, 14 and 15. I am always happy, just thinking about the future is not nice.


Oh, the person who said the "year 2009 rumour" actually e-mailed me because we both write fanfiction. I asked her about the rumour and she said that it's probably not true.

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Originally posted by spectre5

Tiätty :)


Mutta hei, viittitkö tulla irkkiin?


Ois siellä helpompi selvittää asia..


Häpeä myöntää, mutta en tajua irkistä yhtään mitään. En ole edes varma, mikä se on. Yritän tänä iltana kokeilla jotain. Lähden huomenna viideksi päiväksi vahtimaan kakaroita, katsotaan mitä ehdin. :)


Juh, nyt tajusin, mikä se irkki on. Minulla ei kylläkään ole sen paremmin kelvollista sähöpostia kuin sivuille sopivaa kuvaakaan. Ja tietääkseni siellä pääsevät kirjoittelemaan vain rekisteröityneet käyttäjät.


Tee tänne vaikka erikseen topikki tälle aiheelle tai lähetä sähköpostia (sen pitäisi näkyä täällä jossain). En tiedä miten nopeasti ehdin vastaamaan, mutta jos tämän päivän aikana ei tule mitään, kannattaa kysyä neuvoa joltain muulta. Se voi olla muutenkin kannattavaa, sillä en ole mikään vuosisadan tietokonenero ja kuten sanoin, olen tavoitettavissa vasta perjantaina.


Hm, we are heavily off topic and using a language no one else probably understands. We are so evil.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi there. Gosh, its been a good long time since I was last here lol. I am extremely flattered and amazed that people still talk about this work, its utter crud compared with what I could be doing today :p. Sadly I have little to actually offer the community in terms of the work I have done, however once upon a time there did exist a CD with all the projects, source code, beta music and concept art from the fan game. The person previously known as Bone Man has a copy of this disk, and somewhere in this mess I have one too lol. If I find it i'll post up all those goddies if you guys would like.


I've given up the computer community now really, having studied computer science at A-level for the last 2 years has driven me quite mad. So what does a mad ex-programmer do? STUDIES MEDICINE! Yie medicine, but i'll always have a place in my heart for Grim Fandango. Cheers guys.


- Addy

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Raudaschl! That was your screen name! Whoa, it's been quite a long time, man. Good luck in the medicine field (my mother worked in some international pharmacies, and will again. It aint for me though)


Know that I think about it, I think I got the name confused with Recquesfat because Recquesfat is close to the latin "rest" or something. It's more like recquiscat, but it still comes close. I don't know, I just remember "in pace recquiscat" from A Cask of Amontillado by Poe.

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