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Boba Rhett

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I've played and heard a couple of newer Fender acoustics (but I don't know which exact models...) and they're not that bad for the price, either plugged or unplugged. In fact, I thought they were pretty good. They are comparable with the Ibanez acoustics (and most likely made in the same factory.)

I never judge an acoustic's worth by it's plugged-in tone anyway... you can always replace electronics or get a great preamp/ EQ to fix obvious deficencies in the electric output, but you can NEVER fix a crappy acoustic tone no matter what you try.


In a perfect world we'd all own Taylors or Martins... but even I don't own one of either of those simply because: 1.) I just don't have the budget at the moment; and 2.) I really don't do enough acoustic playing to really justify going into debt in order to own an instrument of that quality.

Someday, maybe...


Especially for a relative beginner I wouldn't recommend getting a top-o'-th'-line instrument until you really learn how to play, anyway. Once you know what you're doing and you are sure you are going to stick with it, then think about investing and getting a better instrument. But for now get one that sounds and plays good for the budget you have. You'll also be much better informed at that point to pick out a great instrument, and one that perfectly fits the sytle of playing that you have developed. That's a difficult thing to do when you haven't been playing that long.


My theory is this: If you really like the way an instrument looks, sounds, and plays... then that is the instrument for you, no matter what name is on the headstock. If you get your sound and are inspired to make great music on a 40-year old, $50 plywood Harmony archtop, THEN THAT IS THE GUITAR FOR YOU!

The guitar snobs may scoff... but hopefully you'll be too busy playing to notice. :D

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Hey Rhett, you guessed it. I got my CPX15AD last Christmas. It's a beautiful guitar and it plays great, and yes it is a $2399 guiutar, but it will last me my whole life.


O, and I didnt know you didnt have the benjamins to pay. If youre price range is between 400 and 500 then stop by any guitar selling shop/store/warehouse and check out a Greg Bennet Series guitar. They are within your price range and they sound great in amps. Plus they are dependible. I have played atleast 5 of them and they are great. My personal favorite is the OM8CEN. Here is the OM8CEN's page, it is apart of the Continental series 8 and include a Fishamn EQ System which will alow you to plug it in an amp. My next favorite is the TMJ17CE. It is apart of the Black Bird series, and also includes a Fishamn EQ system, it provides more of a rock feel, considering its abalone bindings and its black maple sides and back. It gives the fell of "heavy rocker" while playing an accoustic. And my last "pick" is the J9CE, it just like the Black Bird, but its a little more Contemporary, it comes with all the same fixens, but the J9CE has a little more punch too it, making it a bit more in price.

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400? Can you find me a GD-47 SCE for that much? :D That'd be great because right now it's looking like i'll have to shovel out a lot more than that. :( Or even a Fender Montara. I dunno where I can find one. I feel I have some sort of oath to fulfill by getting one of those. :D


There's not really any guitar places like you're talking about around here. :( I may be going to Kansas City again soon and I'm gonna look around there if I can.

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Hey Congrats Rhett! Sounds like you found a guitar that you like. BTW, Can you take a pic of it, i wanna take a look at it. Did you end up buying in KC?


Anywho, on the Swamp Song. I have my killer into and solo, but I need a good chorus. If you wanna help, can you comprise a cool chorus. If you use any chords it would sound good if you used G, C and E as you root chords and possibley ad in a like a raised seventh or something to give it a twist. The song is kind of like a lite rock song. Its more of like an Aerosmith song where it songs really light but still rock.


Here is the intro in tabs:









THere it is, then hold the end 0 for 4 beats, but play a B on the A string will the E string is vibrating. When striking the B, hit the E and A strings to blend it in with the vibrating E. Strum the B 2 down and 1 up, while going down switch your finger to a G on E string, and continue strum pattern do this for the next notes C on A string and open A. COntinue pattern for 4 times. On 4th time, thats when we lead into verse, which will be a selection of chors broken into 3rds. (EX. C,E,G). I will probably go up 4 chords then break back into the struming. Then the chorus, which is your job :), then the verse, then chorus, then solo, then struming then end solo.


It sounds complicated now, but once we have it all down it will be a snap. If you need help figuring stuff out, just ask me where in the song you need help and ill be happy to assist.


O, also I'm adding in a slap bass solo, with my bass. I am just gonna play over. Plus I will add in drums with my dad's drumset. Then we just need vocals, which i dont have :D


Once again, congrats Rhett :thumbsup: and have fun playing!

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