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svösh's work in progress


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Thanks guys I’m really happy you like my work revan will be released in a few days for both male and females :) I’m happy to say.


And the combat armor is going to be done shortly after. I haven’t decided if I will make it equitable for the pc’s or not originally I planned on making it only for ice , marl , gerlon, and dead eye , I would like to make it for the pc but it would require some major changes in appearance. 2da and it would interfere with other shaders. Unless I can get it working with a .txi file. But so far no luck with that. Anyways thanks for the support any WIP’s I have will be added to my pics site.



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Originally posted by svösh

Thanks guys I’m really happy you like my work revan will be released in a few days for both male and females :) I’m happy to say.


And the combat armor is going to be done shortly after. I haven’t decided if I will make it equitable for the pc’s or not originally I planned on making it only for ice , marl , gerlon, and dead eye , I would like to make it for the pc but it would require some major changes in appearance. 2da and it would interfere with other shaders. Unless I can get it working with a .txi file. But so far no luck with that. Anyways thanks for the support any WIP’s I have will be added to my pics site.




Those Revan robes are freakin' sweet!!! *adds 'master Photoshop' to to-do list*


Will the final product include the robes or will you be removing those?

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Originally posted by Achillies

Those Revan robes are freakin' sweet!!! *adds 'master Photoshop' to to-do list*


Will the final product include the robes or will you be removing those?


The file Revan redemption robes are both unique items neither replace any thing in the game. I have a custom shader working, but replacing the shader for the space suit and underwater suit. No biggy really as you will hardly notice. The robes work just like any other clothes you equip them in the clothing slot and it replaces your model with the hooded masked caped Revan. The only draw back is that this requires two new line in the apperence.2da file and most people have a customized appearance file by now so you can copy and paste from the one I will add to the zip or in the read me use the detailed instructions to add it . I truly wish there was a better was to do this but a lot of people complained about raven mods overriding the default star forge robes and Revans robes so this was the alterative. You don’t need hl_cloakworks for this to work. But it works on the disguise principal. the screenie of Revan and Revan is really Revan and Carth I tried Bastila last night and I’ll be packaging this up really soon . These have all the bonuses that the revan default robes have only they’re restricted to the light side and the way I got Carth in these was to use my force gauntlet granting jedi defense ;)



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This board wouldn't be where it is today without modders like you man I can hardly wait for those revan robes, it just makes me mad that the designers of this game made Revan's cape freakin' static man.

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Thank you so much all of you that really means a lot to me, I’m happy to be here darth333, among great people like your self Fred Tetra, T7,Tk102.. and so many more giving back to the community. Just in January I hadn’t even known what would open the erf file I so desperately wanted to get my hands on. And with Fred’s tool I began. With T7 as my teacher I set out to make my first item the light of the force mask, and once it was done and I had my own work in the game. I caught the bug and began moding as many skins as I could . I’m so happy I could add to peoples enjoyment of this great game.


maverick187 if we get the model with animations in 3ds max that is some thing I have big plans for ;)



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if we get the model with animations in 3ds max that is some thing I have big plans for


That is good to here, I like Revan and all, but if he just put a little more fabric softener in with his cape man I would like him all that much more. Oh and if you want Mav is fine no need for the whole name thing, and keep up the good work svosh we all appreciate it.



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Originally posted by svösh

Just in January I hadn’t even known what would open the erf file I so desperately wanted to get my hands on.


heh. :) In January I didn't even know what an erf was or for that matter any of Biowares file formatts. The things one can learn when you put your mind to it. :D


Ever since you sent me the tan robe to get working I've been waiting for the final release. :) I could use the one I already have, but I have enough patients to wait like everyone else.

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You know what you two (svosh and T7) when or if I get myself a decent photo editor you two are helping me do some serious texture editing is that understood? ...........LOL :p ...............:D



Edit: Just Kidding....... (just incase you didn't get it :D )

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When ever the elusive compiler/decompiler comes out I will start in on the models. But I will continue to reskin as well of course. ;)


Latest addition to my items


If any one is interested I have a force implant up at my site for download


Stats: level 1 implant custom icon


force implant


Attribute Bonus Constitution Bonus +2

Improved Saving Throws Universal 2

Regeneration Force Points 2

Defense Bonus 4

Blaster Bolt Deflection: Increase +3

Bonus Feat Force Immunity: Fear

Bonus Feat Force Immunity: Stun

Bonus Feat Force Immunity: Paralysis



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  • 2 weeks later...

Back in april I made some black saber blades as a request I have decide to release them enjoy


-: Black blades: These replace the standard 5 glow colours with a black core.


In this file you will find images for making your sabers in to black sabers these will override the defaults to use drop any or all of the files in the override folder, with the corresponding .txi file.


Example: w_Lsabregren01.tga needs w_Lsabregren01.txi to work


You get the picture …..


This file contains :


w_Lsabreblue01.tga w_Lsabreblue01.txi

w_Lsabregren01.tga w_Lsabregren01.txi

w_Lsabrepurp01.tga w_Lsabrepurp01.txi

w_Lsabreyelo01.tga w_Lsabreyelo01.txi

w_Lsabrered01.tga w_Lsabrered01.txi



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