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svösh's work in progress


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ok sorry to go off topic abit, but i wanted to ask you opinion svosh on this model ive made, its a double ended staff of some kind, i was just having abit of a play on 3ds max and it kinda led to me making this. ill modify it further tyo make it look abit more lethal and less like 2 ends of a standing lamp but when i get a new copy of the game i'll try and put it up for download,


but i just wanted an expert opinion:




p.s. fantastic work on all the models mate, cant wait!

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Ah once again svosh has proven that he is indeed the photoshop master and he does not bost about it like would.


Darth maybe you should promote him from Jawa to modderater or adminitratior or something becase he is too good to be a modest jawa at least promote him to wookie jedi or something.


Keep moding svosh I await for more of your work.

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Originally posted by Revan_2000

I agree svosh should be something other than a measly old rodent (Jawa), he should atleast be a customized name (like SUPERSQUIRREL) ;) and mayde even a moderator.


Well he does have just over 100 posts to go..... I'm sure he could hold out until then. :)


My hat is off to that double-shovel svosh, truly great work as usual. :)

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Originally posted by Glamador

wat is wrong with mono's browser that whenever he posts it posts it twice...i like that double-sided lamp stand...dunno wat it could be tho...


Well if you must know, for the longest time (almost an entire day) my browser HAS been acting up, but I don't know what you mean I think I've had 2 double post issues since June.


Anyway, svosh, you wouldn't happen to have a rifle model up your sleeve would you? *NudgeNudge* *WinkWink* *PokePoke* *Clears Throat* :rofl:

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Anyway, svosh, you wouldn't happen to have a rifle model up your sleeve would you? *NudgeNudge* *WinkWink* *PokePoke* *Clears Throat*


Very funny....


And (no offense) I would love to see a lot more weapon models beside the double-shovel and the H-V-88 (which kicks

@$$), especially more melee weapons.

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Thanks’s for the complements guys …. and btw this is in no way a double shovel it's spade shaped yes. ;) But I assure you it's no shovel; I made a joke to go along with Mav’s perception of it. I call it a quad blade because all four sides all the way along including around the spade shaped tips are actually blades [still nameless so far ]and this will be upgradeable as well. The skins still in the works I have been side tracked working on a few new skins and a few more edited skin mesh models.


I have something special in mind for this model and how it will be acquired in the game…it also means there will be 4 other models to go with this mod maybe more…



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I have something special in mind for this model and how it will be acquired in the game…it also means there will be 4 other models to go with this mod maybe more…

It is enough to wait but to you have to torcher us such?;)

and btw this is in no way a double shovel it's spade shaped yes. But I assure you it's no shovel;

Shovel, spade, hammer (hammer, what da hell :disaprove ) all the same to me because I'm Norwegian and the word for all three is the same(it really is)... Fine, spade-man, have it your way...spade,spade,spade...;) ;) :D

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Originally posted by svösh

One if the skins I have wiped up in the past few days… this guy looks like hell :eek:




It will be released with: Quest For Mandalores Artifacts by T7 a few skins by me, and a male Armour class 8 skin mesh edited no more abdomen pockets ;)


More to come…..



Pretty cools stuff, Svosh. Amazing what 8 years of Photoshop experience can do :)
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  • 2 weeks later...

Lol Glamador I try to share my knowledge freely :)


Thanks for the compliment Achilles, :) a few years with ps will give great results but having 3d experience has helped me even more. My traditional art skills drawing, painting, sculpting is what drives my digital art.


Thanks for the compliments Adam G , well as it turns out T7 released his visor mod that has the class 8 mesh modified with it, and now he is working on the Quest For Mandalores Artifacts so soon enough I think


Here is a little update: ice sliver



New sword model with a rather unique hilt the overall design is that of common ninja sword a thin stream lined blade, but the hilt is an other story ;) the overall poly count of it is 177 polys ya !


-: tech : the blade is made of a 3sided Ngon > The hilt was made of a 6 sided Ngon extruded up to the base of the hilt including the cross guard. The inner core was made of a cloned section of the hilt






http://svoshsphotos.fotopic.net/p8004248.html nice close up of the hilt






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Holy Mother of GOD!!! I never cared for adding non-Star Wars stuff in game, but this is so good it's worth a shot.:cool: I think i'm improving my own skills day by day, but you really is raising the bar.:D


Hope to see more of your talent in movie Star Wars models and skins. AWE.



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Thanks for the kind words everyone :)


Well Xavier2 the way is see it is it’s not really non star wars stuff, as all of KotOR was created 4000 + years before the moves. Allowing for a lot of freedom of story as well as unique items. Apart from my hv-88 based on Leia’s blaster from ESB that is the only movies type mod you will see from me. However the back story helps the mod fit in in the timeline of the story better in my opinion.


I’m not really fan of the movie stuff in a game based 4000 years earlier. Sure I love the movies and enjoy Jko and jka . I like moding Kotor because I’m free to create new things.




I have just added a few updates to my site on some of my older item mods.


Finally Fixed Light of the force model , fixed Fuel of hate, and packaged with the

Default vac mask fixed , sorry it took so long ;)


items: UPDATED: All in one come Packaged with now fixed g_i_mask010 , LOTF, FOH. And Force implant Now upgradeable with viewable model in swords upgrades screen


Items / model : UPDATED: Force implant Now upgradeable with viewable model in swords upgrades screen


items: UPDATED LOTF Replaced original dev's model with a fixed symmetrical one.

items: UPDATED FOH Replaced original dev's model with a fixed symmetrical one.

[ Both masks come Packaged with g_i_mask010 the default model fixed ]


dl from my site links in my sig



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Holy Mary-Ann and Professor! It's truely beautful work of combative art.


"It should be a in museum" ~Indy~


Svosh strait up if you ever leave us then I think that we may have to go back to square one. So in plain Shurrywook Don't leave us Master Svosh!:worship:


Goes into a old fallout shelter to wade out the wave of anrgy counter-posts and curles up into tiny ball.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Thanks for the continued support Hybris, and everyone it means a lot :D


A little update... Here are two more new unique models, the skin’s needs a bit of fixing here and there..But I wanted to share. I popped these out in just a few nights one each night from model to skin.

The concept is straight from my vivid imagination, I believe someone requested Starkillers blaster , so I made one….


The first thought that will cross your mind when you set eyes on this is, … holy crap I’m gonna die :eek:. At least I hope …


If you have been fallowing my thread there are some skins I have yet to release and a number of models now, if you put it all together you will see part of what is to come.


And what better weapons can the galaxies craziest Rodian be slinging around but, something to match his personality :nut:


inspired by a 1920’s tommy gun with a Star wars twist.


http://svoshsphotos.fotopic.net/p8691845.html New model Twitch’s blaster


http://svoshsphotos.fotopic.net/p8691844.html New model starkillers blaster


enjoy , stay tuned



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