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Hi all,if yu find a ruin or spaceship wreck,or a cave ,Can yu go inside of these explorable things ?If yu can go inside can yu get like an item or items from these places or are they just dungeons with monsters in them?Thanks



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Most ruins are just some walls, maybe some statues and pillars, not really anything to enter. Same thing for wrecks, prettymuch, and there aren't really many of those in the game, but I think there are some. Caves on the other hand you cna enter, and usually have verious types of a certain type of enemy. Inside, there's just a bunch of monsters and a sort of neat looking cave to explore. In some places there are MagSeal containers. 50% of the time they're locked, 45% of the time they're empty, and 5% of the time there are some skill tapes or something in them.

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Originally posted by JawaJoey

. Caves on the other hand you cna enter, and usually have verious types of a certain type of enemy. Inside, there's just a bunch of monsters and a sort of neat looking cave to explore.


whats the point of exploring if yu cant find any cool items or stuff in the places youre exploring in?are there items that are there 100% of the time in explorable places like an ancient artifact or something cool like that? thanks jawajoey

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Originally posted by reelguy227

whats the point of exploring if yu cant find any cool items or stuff in the places youre exploring in?are there items that are there 100% of the time in explorable places like an ancient artifact or something cool like that? thanks jawajoey


well caves are more for the XP but the harder ones have items you can get, they're not all good items though. You often get a badge for visiting ruins or a cave, so that is another good thing about them

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Originally posted by reelguy227

do most of the caves have cool items in them?



No they don't... most of the time all of the interior places in SWG is empty when it comes to cool stuff. But if you DO find something, the item you find is nothing nothing special all.


If it comes to monsters and XP grind... caves are like heavens with naked women.

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