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If you want her to survive, you need to open up the module files end_m01aa.rim and look at some of the explosion scripts. I think that if you get rid of the those scripts and edit trasks dialogue, you could have oit so she kills the dark jedi, there are no explosions and trask can say something like "Oh great, that jedi who was accompaning Bastilla survived that fight with the dark jedi" then he could say"Damn! More sith troopers." Then you would need a script to make the jedi fight the sith along with you. Then after the fight is over, you can talk to her and she joins you. Unfortunately. It would be difficult to make a portrait of her. When you choose the female model that that jedi uses as your PC, then when you come into the fight, the jedi has a different head.

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The explosions are just visual effects and have nothing to see on whether or not she survives. I haven't look at the scripts because I don't have the game with me but i assume there should be a script to make her die. So even if you remove the explosion effects, it won't change anything. You'll certainly need to replace some scripts located in Trask's dialog and in the utc files of the two jedis (spawn script and user define script) and redo the dialog. I could be wrong about the functions since I haven't checked the files.


As for the portrait, just take a screenshot of her during the game, save it as a tga file and add a line to the portrait.2da file that will be referred to in the utc file. For the format, see this thread: http://lucasforums.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=128548


For the rest, DarthTomer directed you at the tutorial thread, which contains the recruitment script. I suggest you download one of the recruitable mods and compare the files with the originals that are in the game.

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i have decided not to recruite someone on the Enadar Spire but instead am going to recruite Dia on Taris, after you remove the bounty on her head she will ask to join you and will reveal that she is a jedi who survived the attack on the endar spire by using force camoflage and got aboard a sith boarding ship, but it was set an auto pilot to taris. and she will replace t3m4 so you can either use t3m4 to get itno the base and then recruite her or im going to give her freakishly high security skills to get into the base with out the help of t3m4, you choose.

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You have to create a new .utc file for Dia that makes her a party member by setting the faction to 2. You also need to change the references to the scripts in there if you want her to behave like a party member. I suggest you compare the utc files in one of the recruitable mods (Yuthura is a good example) with the originals. In the Template ResRef field add per example new_dia (note this is not the name that appears above her head during the game)and in the tag field T3M4. Oh and don't forget ot rename the .utc file or it will simply override the original file


Then the script that you will attach to the convo with the original Dia should be:

void main ()
  AddAvailableNPCByTemplate(7, "new_dia");


Even if you raise Dia's security skills to open the doors of the Sith base it wont change anything: these doors open only if you have t3m4 with you. In fact since she uses the same tag as T3M4 she should be able to open the doors but i haven't tested this yet. However a problem could occur concerning plot advancement since you would skip the part where you purchase t3m4. I can't check it right now because i don't have the game with me but that can be arranged easily if it occurs.

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