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Help!the new video card and X-wing Alliance

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I use the windows XP,the video card is GFFX5700Ultrule,DX9.0b.When I run the XwingAlliance in 3D accelerating mode,the fond displayed will be broken,and the box around the current target is also disppeared.But the game run good in software mode,and it also run good with my old GFMMX440,:( :( :( :(

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Come on Nitro, put a little effort in it son:D


He's saying the game looks fine with 3D acceleration off, but when it's turned on, the font in the game is broken up and unreadable, and the yellow box around the current target doesn't show up.


I really don't know how to fix this. I would say make sure you have the latest drivers for your card and the XWA patch. I have the same problem where the font is unreadable for the most part. Haven't found a solid solution yet.

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My video for XWA is choppy at times, so I fiddled with a feature in XP which allows you to run a program as if it were Windows 95 or windows 98.


right click on your alliance.exe file and click the compatibility tab, check the box and choose the OS you want. Just play around for a bit and see what works best.

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Originally posted by Thrawn

Come on Nitro, put a little effort in it son:D


Sorry... Working in a call center, dealing unintelligible immigrants that, despite living in a country with TWO official languages to choose from, still don't speak a word of either... It really turns you off of people who don't use proper english. Ever try explaining to a man who says "Millennium!" every time you say the word "window" (regardless of context) what a keyboard is (so he can press CTRL + ALT + DEL to get up the Close Program window in Win98) when he refuses to lower his gaze past the task bar? I have. It included:


Ok, you see your fingers?

You mean my moose? (yes, moose, not mouse)

No, your fingers...


and after I got him to acknoledge that he had fingers,


The keyboard is the thing on your desk that has buttons with letters on them that you press with your fingers.

Start button?

No, sir, it's not on your screen. It's something your fingers actually touch.

Ok, I click on Start button!


After 20 minutes, I finally gave up and told him that he either had to have a technician look at the system, or get someone who could speak english call us back (which we're technically allowed to do after 5 minutes of no progress)...


If you're gonna live in a country, at least have a working knowledge of the native language(s)... Another true story:


Do any speeka mandarin?

I'm sorry, sir, but we only offer service in french and english.

Ok! I call back later!


Dealing with, and being polite to, people like that on an hourly basis, for 40+ (yay overtime...) hours a week drains your tolerance for the grammatically and linguistically challenged.

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