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This is a joke, right?

Guest McGeeza

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You knew it was on the AoE engine......so I don't know what you were expecting.......yeah 3D WOULD be nice but I can think of only 2 out of the MANY True 3D games out there (Homeworld and Ground Control...)


Yeah i "Pseudo" 3D game could have been done nicly as well.......but I am happy with the graphics (I was expecting what I got.....AoE with SW art.....)


Now for you people who say "AoE looks fine, but this look horrable"






now lets complain about something worth while......like the AT-ST animation :);)



Originally posted by Duncan

As far as the arguments were people are pointing things like Day of the Tenacle have crappy graphics but fantastic gameplay


DOTT had GREAT graphics for its time, and is only just starting to show its age.... :)

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Guest HanSolo

The purpose of my above post wasn't to moan about the graphics, it was to point out that Lucasart should do better. And by that I don't only mean graphics, I mean gameplay, sound, and SW accuracy. With the resources that they have, they should be able to make brilliant games, but instead they make cheap sell-outs. Whether the games are good or bad isn't my argument...seeing that the game basically is AoE with a SW hat, I'm sure it wont fail to be at least good in parts.



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Guest Tie Guy

Welcome Hannibalscipio, interesting name you have there, as hannibal was defeated by scipio at.....Zama was it?


*hands hannibalscipio an offical GB.com giftbasket* Enjoy!


Anyways, your absolutely correct, people have different opinions, but i don't see anything wrong with arguing, as long as there is no flaming and such.


I personally think that this IS an ttempt to make a buck, every company does that, and that it IS a AOK with GB art, but i don't care. The game is fun, and the quality is good, it doesn't matter that it looks and plays similar to another game. Just because it is similar to some otehr game, doesn't mean it can't be great itself.

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I think the game is great. Regardless if is plays and feels like AOEII, who cares. If I had a choice to play this type of RTS game in a setting of dark ages (like AOE) or in a setting where I can use Jedi powers, AT AT's.........and so on, well I would pick SW hands down.


To me those who thought it would be just like AOE with a SW skin (with some extras) are right on, that is what my immpession was when they first started to inrt the game and that is what they have given us.


PS, this has been the best thread I have read so far in the last few weeks that I have been here. Great dic.;)

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  • 2 weeks later...

I just was catching up on what was posted while i was gone and came across this thread...

a good one for sure !


So here's my 2 cents:


1) The demo is just that; a demo. I found the SP mission sorely lacking and really missed skirmish. I can understand why they gave away what they wanted to give away though; full-fledged multiplayer-support would be too much and would refrain gamers 'on the fringe' to get the final product.


2) The graphics look a bit grainy, granted... but not all of them. The coloring is cartoony because there were some rescaling-procedures early on in production.. Remeber those early screenshots with the little ATAT's ? And how we looked at those tiny, tiny units and wished they'd be more recognizable ?

The thing is, this is not a SW-SIM. It's an RTS based on SW. That means there's creative freedom. That's why i personally don't mind bombers hovering or Vader jumping. As long as it plays like a good RTS and the units are recognizable SW, I'll love it.


3) The discussion has focussed mainly on the LOOK and animation of the game.. but how about the gameplay, folks ? That's simply good. Real good. I played one MP-game so far (I have to schedule to play), but it was one of those fun experiences you remember. And to think that we can only get to Tech level 3 and don't have water units and the works...


Point in case: the demo gave us the bare basics; the game will deliver the polish.

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Guest Destroyer Droid

Well said except the water part. IF you go to your military builds you'll find a dock. Plomp it down in one of the puddles on the map and build 1 of each water unit just to have a looksy :).

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Guest ICP Ringmaster

Well...um...this is ste si made for fans of Lucus Arts so if you don't like the games they put out well...go to another website.

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I don't understand Graphic complaints, the graphics are both awesome and they look fine.. I'm someone who's never played AOE2 so this game was new to me.


Also to the people complaining about "Its just AOE2 with SW graphics" I have 2 things to say


1. Didn't you ever look at any screen shots?


2. Not completely, GB has Air Units



Also 3D dosen't mean better.. I am perfectly fine with a 2D engine.. Anyone who's played Force Commander will agree

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Originally posted by EndSub

as i can see that YOU have already made up your mind, there is no point in carrying this on......all I'll say is if you don't like it.........





See what you caused:D


BTW, I like the demo. Anyone who doesn't...too bad...it's just a demo though so don't get so ticked...

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