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Well... Im back!

Lord Haine

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Hey everyone,

Although probably no one will remember me, except DMUK maybe... I was on the forums about 5-6 months ago or more, and since then i havent really returned, as i lost interest in SWG, but, suddenly i have a mass craving for it and as the expansion is soon to be coming out, and on gamespy they say that SWG has improved bug wise etc. I thought i might come back and join the excellent community that is Star Wars Galaxies. So... Im basically just saying a massive...




To everyone on these forums, and hopefully i should be back on SWG by tomorrow/thursday.

Thanks alot for reading this,


Haine Suras

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I feel hurt.

Why would DMUK be the only one remembering you?


Welcome back, Lord Haine.




I just didnt think i made that much of a fuss so not many people really noticed me :o, heh, thanks alot. :D



remember who?






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