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*** Q&A with Galaxies producer Haden Blackman. ***

Guest DarthMaulUK

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Guest DarthMaulUK

Welcome to SWGalaxies.net Q&A(question and answer) session with Star Wars Galaxies producer Haden Blackman.


We are giving YOU the chance to put YOUR questions to the above man. You can ask about Jump to Light speed and any other aspects about Galaxies.


So post away, but please, only one question per person. So make it a goodie.


By this time next week, I will submit the questions to Lucasarts and get those answers ;-)



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JTL - when?


No really...


Ship balancing... will TIE Fighters and Interceptors be balanced individually against X-Wings and Y-Wings. Assuming rebel craft get shielding and Imperial don't - as the do in every 'arcade' game since the venerable 1982 wire frame graphics coin-op - how is this balance maintained? Or are you breaking with tradition? Rebel snubfighters traditionally have hyperspace capability whereas Imperials don't - does this mean there will always be an Imperial support craft / installation nearby?

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Ok, well,


Jump to Lightspeed:


In JTL ive heard that the PvP battle system will change, is this true? If so how will it change and will it encourage more people to have duels etc, because at the moment people are very relunctant to because of the damage (cant remember the name of what its called, maybe you could help me on that on DMUK?) that you get to your items. Will this change in JTL?

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can i play it without having to play or pay for the crappy land based game?


This has already been answered, and as the JTL is an addon, you will have to buy the original SWG to play it, and by the way, you will be playing the "crappy" land based game all the time aswell, you wont constintly be in space, and if you were it would just get boring.

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Are you planning on adding more content for people who (shock!) aren't mega grinders?


Will there be more interesting content for non-combatants?


Will there be more vehicles?


Will there be more species with the expansion?


Will there be more proffesions with the expansion?

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest DarthMaulUK

The person these are going to is away. So it can be extended by a week.


And dont worry, I do have a few decent questions to throw in. So be quick if you wish to ask something



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Will the ships actually have cargo halls. or hauls or however you spel it :)


is it possible to use ships to realy be a MERCHANT and SMUGGLER.

like shipping recources to a spacestation... or really smuggle crates of muon gold past imperial guards. instead of onlt using the ships to shoot with. wich is nice and all :)


Wraith 8

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In the game now when you are in a faction you can get special items like marine and stormtrooper armor with faction points. In JLT will you be able to get a X-wing or T-I-E Fighter for a certin amount of faction points?


And also how are we going to "build ships",Will the game give us a free ship when the game launches or will we have to get one all by ourselves?

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I don't really have any questions, I suck at comming up with them till after these types of Q & A's are over. :p



Anyway, my question is, will there be some new NPC's to the game, such as the Naval Troopers of the Empire? (those in alll black and with that cool helmet :) )


If so, as an Imperial will we be able to get that outfit?



And DMUK, can you pass this comment along with GeneralGrievous question?

If we get a free ship with JTL, which is how I'm understanding it to be, wouldn't that detract from the passanger ferrying possibilities of the multipassanger ships, such as the YT-1300?? If everyone has a ship, what's the point then?

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Guest DarthMaulUK

all questions submitted today. expect a few weeks before the answers are published



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