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I played swg for two months (before player cities and vehicles) and it got a bit borring and I just stopped logging on less and less. I then moved to KOTOR and I really enjoyed it. I know swg is having a huge confusing Jedi revamp, but anyways how do the swg jedi compare to playing KOTOR?

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I played swg for two months (before player cities and vehicles) and it got a bit borring and I just stopped logging on less and less. I then moved to KOTOR and I really enjoyed it. I know swg is having a huge confusing Jedi revamp, but anyways how do the swg jedi compare to playing KOTOR?


I personally dont think you can have a winner out of these 2 games, for one, they are 2 completely different style of games, sure, KotOR has flashy graphics and stuff, but no way does it have the exploration and free will of SWG, and for one, KotOR isnt even multiplayer. There are lots of points for each one, but seeing as i have them both and.. if i really had to pick a winner, i probably would choose SWG, seeing as i am enjoying that a lot more right now.

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See, I liked Kotor and I'm a bit angry that I've explored that game to my heart's content. SWG has a much larger universe and online (good) aspect to it. So lets say I wanted to play KOTOR online, would swg be a fulfillment to that?

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I have both games and KOTOR is fun but I beat it so many times and did all the quests and then it gets boreing.Plus it dosent even have a multiplayer mode,which brings down its lasting appeal.SWG is better in my opinion becuase:

1. It never gets boreing.There are so many professions,places to explore and constant updates to it. There are updates in Knights but not many game breaking ones.

2.Exploreation. Can you go to evrey little place in jabbas palace,go to a rebel base,visit ben kenobis old home,visit fort tusken or even see a bunker full of mandalorians in any other game? I don't think so.

3.Speies.There are so many diffrent species in SWG.

4.Addicting.Yea knights is to,only up to when you beat it. Then it gets a little boreing,knowing whats going to happen.SWG is by far the most addicting game I have ever played.

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Originally posted by Nevhision

See, I liked Kotor and I'm a bit angry that I've explored that game to my heart's content. SWG has a much larger universe and online (good) aspect to it. So lets say I wanted to play KOTOR online, would swg be a fulfillment to that?

Unfortunatly, I think it will become that very soon, as the game will turn more into a wierd mix of Empire Strikes Back theme, coupled with Attack of the Clones theme. :(


You just can't seem to place this game in one time zone, it's in multiple different once. :)


It's like a out of control space-time continium distortion whatever has hit the game. :D :D

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Originally posted by Lord Haine

I personally dont think you can have a winner out of these 2 games, for one, they are 2 completely different style of games, sure, KotOR has flashy graphics and stuff, but no way does it have the exploration and free will of SWG, and for one, KotOR isnt even multiplayer. There are lots of points for each one, but seeing as i have them both and.. if i really had to pick a winner, i probably would choose SWG, seeing as i am enjoying that a lot more right now.


i totally agree,even though i dont own swg ,kotor was done when yu beat it ,it didnt have the huge open endedness like swg sounds like it has!!

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the jedi shouldnt be in swg ,period!!wrong timeline ,it sounds like it would screw up the whole feel of the game.


Yeah but look:



Unfortunatly, I think it will become that very soon, as the game will turn more into a wierd mix of Empire Strikes Back theme, coupled with Attack of the Clones theme.


Im afraid that Jan is right here. Although, to me, it doesnt affect me in the slightest.


Im not really that bothered about the timeline. I love Star Wars, but im not offended or anything by this game being a little wrong. I mean, in this timeline i dont think there would be millions of people going around Coronet shouting: "Anyone want any armor slicing for less than 10k a piece, go to **** -**** for more info"

Espiaccely when slicing is illegal and the empire has banned it. You know what i mean? But to me, if it is in the wrong time period. It doesnt bother me, im happy with what it is and cant wait to see whats in JTL.



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Originally posted by Lord Haine

Yeah but look:





Im afraid that Jan is right here. Although, to me, it doesnt affect me in the slightest.


Im not really that bothered about the timeline. I love Star Wars, but im not offended or anything by this game being a little wrong. I mean, in this timeline i dont think there would be millions of people going around Coronet shouting: "Anyone want any armor slicing for less than 10k a piece, go to **** -**** for more info"

Espiaccely when slicing is illegal and the empire has banned it. You know what i mean? But to me, if it is in the wrong time period. It doesnt bother me, im happy with what it is and cant wait to see whats in JTL.




jan is right but i dont really agree with yu haine ,sorry.

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