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Likes and dislikes. . .a noob question.

Darth MarcII

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I notice there are many critics of this game on the forums. I'm just curious. What is it about the game you like or don't like? The term "real star wars content" seems to be used quite frequently along with "lousy land based game" etc. . .


So, I would just like to hear anyone's opinions.

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imp vs rebs










some tiny bugs like the decay on lights on the vendors

some people who try to ruin the game for their own pleasure.

the leveling of the combat system



i been playin since release and i played beta 3. i still cant stop playing :)

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Likes: Everything Wraithy said, just Add Endor and emphasize the RP part.


Dislikes: The Grinding chance

full PvP players who don't respect the other players (I let yo do all your PvP without saying anything, let me do all my PvE, PvP and RP doing the same)

The Bugs of the Game

AFK players who ruin the RP aspect

Those players who are only interested in doing missions to get money to buy more armor, more buffs, more food and more weapons to do more missions.


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Everything so far.




Coronet starport enterance.





I like just about everything in the game so far, been playing for a week non stop and has been completely excellent so far. The AFK'ers are annoying sometimes but thats primarily due to lag but i think its good that they are there. There arent any NPCs to heal BF and mind wounds so i actually rely on the AFK'ers to be there. And the Coronet starport enterance... AHHHH. Wont even go there. And Naboo, im not too keen on Naboo, i dont know why, it just doesnt appeal to me.


Favourite planets:




Yavin 4



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Guest DarthMaulUK



Star Wars Theme after restarting after crashing 2 desktop.

excellent user interface

custom options




boring themepark missions

too many bugs

its taken a whole year to get the first piece of 'star wars content'

no star wars content

you feel distance from the actual struggle between the rebels and the empire

Lag is unbearable in some cities

Frame rate issue (see above)

lack of creative ideas from sony

Sony tech support

lack of billing options for europe

hardly anything has changed in a year



Its the sad truth. With so many revamps going on because they have got things so wrong time and time again, has left Galaxies in a poor situation within the gaming community. Only true Star Wars fans stick this one out, despite all the flaws in the game.


With Jump To Lightspeed coming, they MUST start making the game more like a Star Wars game and stop people running around to the middle of no where to kill a couple of dressed up aliens, to run back again to claim money.


The game needs a real story, and i dont mean the so called 'monthly' Cries Of Alderaan, which has just ended. yawn. The chance to explore should be given a focus and i dont mean to go and collect some knife made out of stone. You should uncover secrets, unlock new areas where you can do battle and have chances to spy for your faction.


If JTL doesnt bring this, I can see the amusement of flying space ships wearing off after a couple of months. It will be very interesting to see how many 'jump to battlefront' when that is released... no monthly fee and a chance to battle properly



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Star Wars Theme after restarting after crashing 2 desktop.


Hahahaha, LOL, sorry but that one tickled me :p


no monthly fee and a chance to battle properly


Correction needed me thinks, just so people dont take it the wrong way, its no extra monthly fee, am i right? You still have to pay the $15 a month to play.

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Basicly evreything wraith said and the fact that you can go to dantooine and see the ruined jedi temple and stuffAnd the fact that you can get mandalorian armor :jango: .Speaking of the jedi temple is that the same one from KOTOR?



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All I have to say is Asheron's Call. Now seeing that the graphics are horendous in that game. There is soooo much content to it that it makes up for it 10x over. There are over 500 dungeons thousands of quests. Quests give you rare items and such the storyline is always continued in each monthly update (and the'yre always monthly) If SOE could get some content to this game and some decent quests and what not it would make it so much better. Theres no reason to lvl really. You get to the top then what? All you have left is reb vs imp. Achieving the top of a profession and then after you get bored with it and then you try every other profession its just not worth it nor is it fun. Get the dev team from Asherons Call and do some work. And get George lucas while your at it.

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Guest DarthMaulUK

There wont be a fee to play Battlefront online, unless youre a PS2/Xbox user. PC players should be able to play on gamespy. If thats where Battlefront goes.



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