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Imperial vs. Republic

Lord Tyreal

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Come on Jacobim, no one is taking it seriously, so relax, and enjoy a nonsense chat. Make fun of yourself, is the best way to brake the ice. No one cares if I'm smart, or you're smart, or if that dude with the chick on the avatar is hot or not.



PS: I'm not smart, not as smart as Maxwell Smart at least. I'm a bored dumbass, otherwise I wouldn't be posting crap in here.

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Let's be fair here... we all know that Stormtroopers are only horrible when shooting at the heros. Remember the Tantive IV? Killing and capturing the Rebel Troopers and killing Captain Antilles? And remember the Battle of Hoth? Driving the Rebels out of Echo Base? :trooper:


I'm not so sure that Stormtroopers in the picture below were all that bad.




And to clarify if Stormtroopers are clones or regular humans, here's an article from Star Wars Insider:


Star Wars Insider #76 Page 96

During the production of Episode III, Lucas told crewmembers that the stormtroopers seen in Episode IV are - in the story world - made from multiple sources. That is, they're not all Jango clones. By that time in the saga, other clone hosts have been selected.


Lucas intimated that the selection process has become more political than strategic in some cases - a highly placed officer's cousin might be selected over a more capable specimen, for example. This politicization results in less-than-ideal candidates, which could explain some of the embarassing marksmanship witnessed in the original trilogy.


In addition to multiple clone hosts, stormtrooper ranks also include conscripted soldiers and academy graduates, as has been chronicled in the Expanded Universe for many years now.

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no, antilles is just a very popular Corellian surname. I read it somewhere. He is in no relation to either Bail or Wedge and Bail and Wedge arent related. But the actor of Prequel Obi-Wan is the nephew of Wedge's actor. Interesting, eh?

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Originally posted by yaebginn

no, antilles is just a very popular Corellian surname. I read it somewhere. He is in no relation to either Bail or Wedge and Bail and Wedge arent related. But the actor of Prequel Obi-Wan is the nephew of Wedge's actor. Interesting, eh?

That's actually scarier than the fact that Palpatine was played by the same person in both the sequels and prequels.
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In ep 2 you got overwhelmed by special effects


tech was poor in the old star wars days...heroes won etc etc. They looked so damn weak lol, even that one trooper who bumped his head when han and luc free leia and get int he garbage container


The clones shot pretty slow though, and stand still in standing position. Anyways i think theyre equal and if not, imperials pwn. They pwned hoth

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I think TK-8252 gave us the answer. :) Clones would win, because they are pure Jango Fett, an accurate Mandalorian with quick reflexes and a sharp mind.


The Storm Troopers are half made up of good Clones, though probably not as good as Jango, and human Academy recruits. And the other half is made up of inaccurate Clones who can't hit anything, even when standing still...

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Incorrect. The clones arent as good as Jango. Only the ARCs as even close. The others just have some of his attributes, thats why they keep getting killed. If you had a thousand Jangos out there, barely any would die. And stormies arent clones. They are actually very well trained and all, they just have to suck because the heroes cant die.

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Oh come on Jacobim, even you don't but that "Jango's the best" bull. He got killed in the most lame way a infamous bounty hunter could get killed. Even Greedo died with more dignity, I mean, dodge a blast at that close range? You have to be Neo. But not seeing a badass mothafuka coming at you wielding a lightsaber?!?!?! Wtf?

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I didn't say they where equal to Jango, but they DO have his attributes, one of which is being a Mandalorian. The Storm Troopers are well trained humans, but also made up of a both good and bad selection of Clones.


The human Academy graduates probably are fairly effective, though not on the Clone Troopers level, and so are some of the better hosts for the Clones, but they have a lot of people cloned for more political reasons than strategic.


Its all in TK-8252's post. And his source seems pretty official to me.


Edit: Oh, and Mace Windu is the second strongest Jedi in the galaxy, give Jango a break. ;)

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Then who would be the first? Yoda? I know he has control but his powers with the force are surpassed by Anakin's way before yoda turns 800 making him the strongest. If you are talking about that exact time period then I understand but I go for where the character ends to be the strongest, not the earliest time where he's the strongest. (Like Luke no matter what time would be stronger than Anakin and Vader)

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Wrong, Luke's Master. Anakin had a higher over-all potential with the Force than Yoda, but he would be no match for him. Because Yoda was a true Master, who had been practicing the Jedi arts for 800 years, had Darth Vader fought Yoda as he was on Geonosis, then Vader would have lost.


Luke did not have a higher potential with the Force, but a lower one. But through an intense training effort, and a rigorous amount of work, he was able to come close to matching his father in the Death Star II. Though it took a burst of anger to defeat him.

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It always takes a burst of anger to beat the bad guys. It's kind of maquiavellic, then end justifies the middles. That's why Yoda didn't defeat Tirannus, cuz he's like a granny, and never gets mad. Obi Wan used some anger to defeat Maul, and later on Vader, and Luke used it to defeat Vader. That's what I call Dragonball effect. Somehow, someway, the sons become stronger than the parents, even when we all thought it was impossible.


Hiroki: and he is also a badass mothafuka ;).

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