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Who destroyed The Senate

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But there was one... Kinda weird. I can see it happening already:

Votes for the destruction of the rebel allinace: 1 (palpy)

Votes against the destruction of the alliance: 453273516 (The rest of the senate) But palpy wins since he is the evil sith-emperor and thus 0wnz j00 all!


I see why it is pointless to have an empror and a senate, but clearly the imperials didn't...

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They did! Think about it, if they vote against his descision, he could veto their descision. There was a senate. I'll watch ANH later and thewn I'll have a refreshed memory, but so far, from what I've read and seen, there was a senate.

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Luke'smaster, that isn't necessary communism. The base principle of communcism in: Everyone is equal, everybody should get the same, everything should be equal. Or something like that. It would be perfect, too bad it doesn't really work, and there still are people that think they earn more while everybody is equal... That's why it fails.

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It fails like everything fails on this planet because the human soul is weak and corrupt. Comunism sucks only because everyone gets the same, but there will still be some ppl who will work their asses off (because they usually can't help it) and some will jerk off all day (also because they usually can't help it).

A senate is something completely different. A senate is a group of delegates representing their own ppl, be that a planet, a state, a province, etc.

In the Empire's case, a senate would be more like a war council for Palpatine, since the old man can't be in every place at the same time. And also because, Palpatine is not an emperor like in the Roman empire. What Palpy says, is was it's done.

Even Vader had to get his hand chopped off to realize Palpy was being a pain in the butt :D.

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Yes but communism gives the GOVERNMENT full control and gives the GOVERNMENT the choice of what job to give which person. The GOVERNMENT has control over wat you do. Not any freedom of choice in that now is there? (Do you see what I meant by this being like communism?)

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theres a lot of things that would be "the precious" in both the (Star Wars) world and this one. If your American I could guess the cheese burger (sorry but everyone likes it from what I've seen) or the Declaration of Independence. The French might think the precious is the last ciggarete from the pack (exscuse this to any french person who may take offense off it), and the list could go on and on about our precious. Although I really have no idea now why I was saying this I would like to add to EVERYONE'S the precious list....water.

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