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Hey, xwingalliance.net is lookin good but being a webdesigner myself I gotta comment on it XD


1. the content has no padding inside that gray metal space, it has no breathing room between the edges.


2. use a css file to control your styles and such, it'll clean up the site code a lot and make sure you don't have lil problems like the border around the last smilie on the news page


3. fix that google ad banner code cause it's givin errors on the page


4. try to make the google ad banner look like it's part of the site's page instead of just a white banner stuck on the site.


5. get rid of the page padding (the space above the banner and to the left of the navbar)


6. the navigation bar seems kind of empty, how bout instead of clicking on the game titles to bring up their navbars you could just have the links to their content there in the first place


7. while i have nothing against the star background, the area on the left doesn't need to see it, try to fill that area up to distinguish it from the content's gray metal colour.


8. if any of you know php templating, use it because it'll save you guys a lot of trouble, believe me, if you want to add one linkt to the navigation bar you won't have to go around to every page to make sure it's added.


10. Use fonts like Arial, Tahoma or Verdana for the content text, Times New Roman looks wierd on a site that's meant to be for a sci-fi game.


11. Use a darker red, #0000FF red doesn't go well with the shade of gray you're using.



That's all i can come up with at a glance, but anywayz *stops nitpicking* it's good to see XWA is back up.

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