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New professions and new species


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Guest DarthMaulUK

Some of the information on JTL is hard to get because frankly, it seems that they dont know themselves and October/fall isnt too far away now.


Hopefully once the Q&A comes back, we should have some answers



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The new professions are:


Shipwrite: This person makes ships. It takes normal skillpoints.

Alliance Pilot: Pilot for the Alliance.

Imperial Pilot: Pilot for the Empire.

Neutral Pilot: Civilian pilot.


The pilot skills take a seperat space skill point system and does not use any of the 250 points you have. How many I don't know.

Exactly what the pilot professions does (except granting you access to fly for yourself :p ) I don't know, but one function is it will "unlock" different certifications for the different ships.


As for species, I don't know, haven't read about it yet. (read=don't care :D ). I can try and find out later tonight.

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Originally posted by Jan Gaarni

The new professions are:


Shipwrite: This person makes ships. It takes normal skillpoints.

Alliance Pilot: Pilot for the Alliance.

Imperial Pilot: Pilot for the Empire.

Neutral Pilot: Civilian pilot.


The pilot skills take a seperat space skill point system and does not use any of the 250 points you have. How many I don't know.

Exactly what the pilot professions does (except granting you access to fly for yourself :p ) I don't know, but one function is it will "unlock" different certifications for the different ships.


As for species, I don't know, haven't read about it yet. (read=don't care :D ). I can try and find out later tonight.

What dose a shipwrite come out of? Engeneering 4?

And if your a alliance pilot, will that nmake you open to attck from imperials?

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Thats the point greivous. Basically they are opening the GCW in space. What I want to know is what would be the purpose of having a nuetral pilot if he can't perticipate in the battles. Only thing I can think of is personal charters which wouldn't make you anything and deliveries for the artisans. other than that I don't see the purpose in them being there.

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Originally posted by Exar_reborn

Thats the point greivous. Basically they are opening the GCW in space. What I want to know is what would be the purpose of having a nuetral pilot if he can't perticipate in the battles. Only thing I can think of is personal charters which wouldn't make you anything and deliveries for the artisans. other than that I don't see the purpose in them being there.



Neutral pilots are the self serving sub-culture. You don't see any purpose? What do you think Han Solo was before pledging himself to the Rebels. Smugglers, criminals, bounty hunters, etc. All these characters play a part in the ground segment of SWG. Why not the space segment? The spaceways are not just frequented by Imperial or Rebel ships. Remember, in this era, having a spaceship is almost like having a car. Everyone travels through space.


Personally, if I were one of these sinister characters, I would eager for the space expansion to come.

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Originally posted by Darth MarcII

Neutral pilots are the self serving sub-culture. You don't see any purpose? What do you think Han Solo was before pledging himself to the Rebels. Smugglers, criminals, bounty hunters, etc. All these characters play a part in the ground segment of SWG. Why not the space segment? The spaceways are not just frequented by Imperial or Rebel ships. Remember, in this era, having a spaceship is almost like having a car. Everyone travels through space.



i agree

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Yeah but how interesting can it be for a nuetral cmon now. Oh you work for a crime sindicate.


Jabba the Hutt says: Deliver this package to Yavin 4 without getting caught by the Empire.


Ok so take a space port shuttle problem solved. See what I'm saying? There needs to be some major content along with this whole thing or its going to be a major dud.

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to just not care about the gcw and travel and explore and be a rogue in your own ship and do whatever yu darn please without having to worry about the gcw ,thats what neutral is for ,kind of like han ,without the smuggler aspect of it,he was just a rogue, doin whatever he wanted.

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Originally posted by Exar_reborn

Yeah but how interesting can it be for a nuetral cmon now. Oh you work for a crime sindicate.


Jabba the Hutt says: Deliver this package to Yavin 4 without getting caught by the Empire.


Ok so take a space port shuttle problem solved. See what I'm saying? There needs to be some major content along with this whole thing or its going to be a major dud.


Um. . .yeah. Take illegal contraband on a public shuttle. Jabba should put a bounty on your head just for being stupid. :D

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Originally posted by Darth MarcII

Um. . .yeah. Take illegal contraband on a public shuttle. Jabba should put a bounty on your head just for being stupid. :D


exactly, what are you gunna board a shuttle with a huge pile of spice on your lap or sumtin, most smugglers don't smuggle stuff that can fit in your pocket

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LOL! Jabba probably wouldnt let u take the shuttle, you just gotta think about it for a little, its common sense.


Anyway i was wondering, i heard somthing about adding new planets, is that gonna be part of JTL or is that gonna be in a later publish?



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As far as we know at the moment, no new planets has been announced or planned for the JTL release.


Only 2 extra deep space sectors, and eight star systems.


If you're wondering why only eight starsystems and not 10, since we can go to 10 planets/moons, it's because Rori is the moon of Naboo, obiously you don't have to split those up, and Talus is in the same starsystem as Corellia, orbiting the same sun, Corell.

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