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Recently released raw model data (from Raven)... loading problems


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I'm having problems loading those JA XSI files that Raven released a while ago, into 3d Studio MAX 5.


When i try importing them i often get a "Version 3 revision level not supported" error. And then other times, when it does actually load the data exists as verticies alone and doesn't seem to animate or anything like that (i'm assuming it's loading improperly). And then with others, although i've only actually found one of them so far (both_walk2.xsi), load with the skeleton and animates properly and all that; nothing seems wrong with it.


Do i maybe just need a more up-to-date XSI plug-in? I was just using the one which came in one of the JKII SDK packages, since there wasn't one in the JA SDK package....

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That one works out a bit better, it doesn't ever error out and the geometry always loads nicely. But the bones seem to always come in as Helper objects. I think the animation data is comming in fine though, as there is some indication when i try playing it... but seeing as the bones aren't loading in properly it's kind of hard to judge.



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Hmm.. alright, i guess they do work. My view ports just weren't refreshing for some reason, so when i played the animation nothing was really going on visually.


But umm.. these helper-like bones are indeed very annoying, it's hard to see what's what... but i guess it's tolerable..... kind of.

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What you can do is constrain those helpers to a Biped from character studio. Granted it'll only help with making new animations, but it does come in very handy.


Kaydara's Motion Builder and HumanIK is the best solution as pointed out by Corto to me. It'll allow you to convert the xsi into motion capture data.

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