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Just 'nother starwars RPG...


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Junn woke up to see someone shooting at the wampas, he couldn't reach his vibro blade or blaster, the y were on the floor a little to the right of him, so he decided to wake up the others

" hey guys! wake up we were attacked by wampas, if one of you could reach your blaster, or mine either and shoot us down that would eb great"

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Serce woke up and blinked a few times. He caught Junn's words. He looked around, apparently somebody was attacking a wampa.


He tried to take his weapons, but they were not there. 'Damn!' he cried. He hanged where he was and then wiggled a bit. His last thermal detonator popped out. Serce tried to catch it, but only managed to fling it towards the Wampa. A second later, there was an explosion and a sound of a dying Wampa was heard. He felt the ground, apparently he had fallen from his hanging. Smoke filled the iced chamber, and nothing was certain...

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Alaro woke up with a pounding headache, wished he hadn't done so. His right arm flexed, metal clicking on metal, as he slowly returned to conciousness. He opened his eyes, and immediately shut them again. He was not about to tolerate his eyes acting oddly.


After a brief inward lecture to his eyes to straighten up and stop trying to pull tricks on him, he opened them again.


The world remained steadfastly upside down. He began to contemplate this. The last thing he remembered was Serce suddenly grunting, Jensa yelling something, and he'd turned around to shoot the wampa that had been in the middle of attacking Serce. Junn had been thrown to the side by the Wampa's initial attack. Alaro had looked for a shot, but the way the Wampa kept a hold of Serce, he couldn't, really.


Then he'd been hit from behind. That bothered him, as the Wampas had apparently been taking lessons in tactics since he'd been on Hoth before. He'd been part of a team to clear out a nest of the things in the lower levels of the main Rebel base, and they hadn't been bright enough to use sneak attacks and diversions before.


Matter of fact, the Wampas seemed to be behaving much more intelligently ever since he got here. Lying in wait, letting the snow cover their bodies up, and then jumping up out of it to ambush passers-by. He puzzled over this a moment until he heard someone groan loudly. Junn was talking about reaching their blasters. Alaro quickly searched his body. His weapons were not there. He shrugged, and pulled himself up to his feet. He pulled his right arm back and slammed it into the ice surrounding his feet three times, and then fell to the ground.


A moment he lay there, trying to get his breath back, and then a thermal detonator exploded. He was thrown by the concussive wave across the room, and into a bank of computers. Ice and snow raised up in the room, filling it with sort of a cold cloud. He twitched his legs, and stood up for a moment, and then started looking around for his blaster.

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A small explode sounded in the room and stone flied a few meters away from the rebels. As the stone and the explosion made some dust flying around, Tepe dropped out of the pipe and landed on his feet with a small thump. "Good evening" Tepe said sarcastic tone on his voice. "Am I right that you are the rebels I met outside. One of you had a very good sighting with the disruptor rifle?"

Tepe looked around. "Dont worry about me. I may be one of the Imperial's, but now that I'm lost from the others, I'm not really sure what to do" he said again, pointing his blaster at the roof and started to shoot the ice around the last two's feet. "Besides, I'm outnumbered. I shouldn't do anything dumb" he said as Junn dropped from the roof.

He put his blaster away and looked Serce

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Alaro found both his pistols on a desk, along with the others' weapons. Had the Wampas figured out to do that all by themselves? And why would they? It wasn't like they had any great pressing need to stockpile weapons. Alaro looked around uncomfortably.


He looked at the Imperial Bounty Hunter with a certain vehemence. "Your loyalties are as thin as the Empire's justification for this war? Somehow, I am not surprised to find it so." His feet, both of them metal prosthetics, tapped the floor. Where 4 toes were on a normal Devaronian, there were now 4 metal claws. A kick from one of his legs could tear open the man's face... He smiled a toothy Devaronian smile, and the man smiled back, little knowing what caused Freak's smile.


"Please, good sir," he said, his voice dripping with sarcastic smoothness, "Be so good as to hand over your weapons." He extended his right hand to the man for the weapons, his metal arm catching the light.

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((Well, that's a little fast. Maybe you should... umm... read what's happened?))


Tepe threw his blaster into the air and catched it from the pipe. As he was giving his blaster to Alaro, he kicked a small button on his other boot and a vibro-blade flew up to his hand. He catched it and gave it to Alaro. He took the four thermal detonators from his belt that were left and gave them to Alaro also. "You want the explosives too?" he asked saracstic tone on his voice. He took his helmet off. "Ah, much better. You know, this helmet is hot. And if I'm right, you seem like the one that shot with the disruptor rifle" he said, turning back to see Serce. "Name's Tepe. Rebel hunting for money in the Imperial team"

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OOC: D'y'know how freakin much that is? And besides, a lot can still happen. You can steal it from me, more people can join (reinforcements) i can get knocked of my feet by a wampa, and after this scenario we can continue on with another... But alright, i suppose i should try to read it all... Thoguh it would've been a lot easier had someone just said what happened to them and where they are now.


EDIT: Alright, i deleted that last post, since it didn't really fit in... But i'm outta sync here. And having a hard time getting back in...

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"alright enough wiht the pleasantries, lets get out fo here, wait i think i reactivate this console, thankfully i had a brother who was a master at computers, he taught me everyting i need to know"

Junn walked over the contorl panle, pressed a few buttons, pulled a few levers, and ti started up, he acsessed the video panels and searched through until he found the romm where the artifact was

"ah ha! i got it, its guarded by alot of wampas, wierd i didn' think they were smart enough to guard something, whatever, it looks like we can get in form here" junn pointed to numourus(sp) screens and saw a path " alright, lets go" junn walked over to a door and opened it "move tepe"

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Serce looked at Tepe, a stern gaze. 'You escaped this time, but you will not come alive next time.' he said and walked around the room. The smoke cleared and Serce was feeling a bit better. He strecthed (sp?) himself and went over to the party. He thought about the cunningness of this bounty hunter and asked Tepe, 'Speak Up, do you know where the Artifact is?'

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"I have no idea. I knew where the power switch was, but I have nothing in my map that would seem like an artifact" Tepe answered. "Basically, as I was in the middle levels, wouldn't I go get the artifact in the same time. Besides, there's huge wampas in the middle levels. I hate to think what size they are in the lowest level..."

Tepe said and followed Serce with his eyes.

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"right... i'll take the rear, lead on serce, quickly now, more can come any second" Junn walked behind the group solemnly, keeping watch on tepe and thier surroundings, they were moving quickly and quietly through the halls

" tunr left here, ive seen this hallway on the video screens"

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  • 2 weeks later...

Serce nodded and whispered, 'Keep quiet. There will be legions of Wampa's here. It will be advantageous(SP?) to use stealth here.'

He turned left as Junn advised and crouched through the hallway. The cold grew. They trudges for sometime and often Serce would look back at the party as some sense would alert him constantly.

He eventually landed up in a control room. The screens around him were broken and smoke was coming from them.

'Somebody has been here before...' Serce murmured. Unknown to him, there was an open ventilation shaft above him.

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Junn regarded serce's words and sneaked off he reached the control room after exploring a dead end hallway, he looked out and saw that there was the artifact with a bunch of wamps around it, he saw no way in, the only way in was through a door, that was now blocked by ice, he looked around him and saw a ventilation shaft above serce and himself, he looked at serce and noted to him the shaft, and that he would boost him up.

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Serce looked up to the shaft and observed it. 'Okay' he whispered and gave a boost to Junn. He then rummaged for his grappling hook, but it was lost somewhere. He jumped into the air and with much difficulty and clambering, got into the shaft. It wasn't like any other shaft, but was ice-covered and had circular walls. Junn was in the front.Serce motioned him to move further.

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junn was about to crawl further down, but realized he would have no grip, he pressed a button on his boots and small spikes came out he kicked into the shaft and pressed off, he went sliding down the tube, he would have yelled yeehaw, but the wampas would have heard him and killed him.

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'How nice!' Serce thought. He forgot to install one more accesory... 'Oh well,' he put his hands ahead and crawled, slipped and tried what he could to get grip. He lost his grip and gained speed, ultimately crashing down another shaft entrance, ending in a storage room. He got up and rubbed his legs and body, where he was hurt.

There was broken junk and boxes, and other useless items dumped here. Junn had apparently dissappeared somewhere else. Serce staggered away a while and dropped down. He blinked a few times, then got up and used his vibro-blade for support as he walked.

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Junn went flying down the shaft, faster and further than he wanted, he went sliding aorund corners, and then dropped down a shaft, he fell pretty hard but got up and was fine, he looked around and saw he was in an extra room, it was completely empty, and the door was covered in ice, junn took a thermal detonator and plcaed it on the ice wall, he activated it and ran to the other end, it blew, when the smoke cleared the ice was blown apart but still it covered the door, junn figured it was useless so he tried to get back up into the shaft and he barely got in, he slowly this time went down the shaft looking for the one leading to the artifact, he had no clue where serce had gone.

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Serce continued staggering through the room, until he came to a tunnel. He went in and as he turned,a Wampa roared. The powerful roar threw Serce off his feet. Serce made a weak roll beneath the Wampa and planned a sneak attack, but the Wampa gave a furious blow to Serce. Serce cried out loud and sank at the feet of some crates. Then everything was black.

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