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What should Monkey 5 be about?

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Originally posted by toenail1

he needs to defeat guybrush to regain his ego


without his ego, lechuck would be a sissy like guybrush

That's a Cache 22, without his ego, he has no incentive to defeat guybrush. dark Clive versions better.

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I think half of the monkey island 5 game should be with Murray!!!

I've got to laugh so much of that skull in CMI that I almost cried.

That skull is the funniest thing ever, and especially with Denny Delk laughing out MUUUHAHAHAHAHAHA.


Murray should have a major role in MI5. Definetely.


Return of Largo is also a must. There should be a spitting contest. More cool and funny insults. More monkeys. More cool background music.


And there should me a little add to the game so when you're stuck... Guybrush could for instance have a board of checkers in his inventory and play with someone. Or chess or whatever.

Cuz it can get pretty boring when you're stuck.


Why does Elaine always have to have a major role. Why is it always about her... Drop her... She can stay home and play with their new dog or whatever.... Well okay, she can have a little role, she is after all his wife...


More underground lava ghostships. More living skeletons. Maybe more grog?? Hmm...




Lechucks fortress should be there. Maybe Guybrush should steal somethin from his fortress. I don't know... the possibilties are endless....


God Bless You all...

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A new Monkey Island needs to be original. That's the reason MI3 was so good. Some of the characters from the previous games were in there, but all the locations (with exception from the carnival (which we didn't really saw that much of)) were new. The game was a game that's standing on it's own feet. Original plot. Adding too much of the other games will only make it worse.


I think EMI did this. They added too much of the old stuff we already knew, and this, I think, had too large roles.


And Guybrush shall be his own master, but he married with Elaine. Point 1: Get her out of the way. Make LeChuck take over Guybrush's body (then he IS married to her), and send Guybrush to a dimension of eternal pain, and make him come back again and kick LeChuck's butt.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Originally posted by Cosmo Jones

But will monkey island (the island itself, not the game) be the same without the giant monkey head? I guess Jojo could have brought it back, but that'd be stupid.


Wouldn't be the same. Have MI5 start with Guybrush waking up on the shores of Monkey Island. The whole Herman=H.T. Marley and Monkey Robot thing was just a dream. The cutscene shows Guybrush not escaping MI, but instead, taking up residense in the abandoned cannible huts. If the whole last chapter of MI4 was just a dream, then you can easily disregard the monkey village, herman toothrot (who should now be on Dinky anyway), the church of LeChuck, complete with lava flume and that damn annoying talking monkey (damn dirty ape!). This is better as a lot of that was utter crap.


After spending a few weeks on MI contemplating escape from Monkey Island (yeah, I notice that this means the last game doesn't live up to it's name, but then neither did SOMI) a dead body washes up on shore. It's none other than Ozzy Mandrill, possibly the most anoying guy in the last game (and not in a good way, yes we're meant to hate the villian, but not that much, I still love LeChuck). Some kind of obvious thing about Ozzy (it has to be obvious, otherwise Guybrush won't get it) shows Guybrush that Elaine is in trouble (been kidnapped by LeChuck, this takes Elaine out fo the picture and gives Guybrush a nice motive) and so he has to get off the island (now there is more urgency).


Of course, I'm not saying this is the definitive adventure game or this is exactly what MI5 should be like, or it'll suck, it's just an idea (feel free to tweak it or add bits). What d'ya think?

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Originally posted by Joshi

Wouldn't be the same. Have MI5 start with Guybrush waking up on the shores of Monkey Island. The whole Herman=H.T. Marley and Monkey Robot thing was just a dream. The cutscene shows Guybrush not escaping MI, but instead, taking up residense in the abandoned cannible huts. If the whole last chapter of MI4 was just a dream, then you can easily disregard the monkey village, herman toothrot..


Of course, I'm not saying this is the definitive adventure game or this is exactly what MI5 should be like, or it'll suck, it's just an idea (feel free to tweak it or add bits). What d'ya think?


I totally agree.... It wouldn't be the same without the monkey island "island"... And I think it's a hilarious idea about the village and the cannibals, they should definetely have the cannibals back. Lemonhead was too cool!


Here's another idea... If Guybrush succeds escaping the village and the cannibals, murray comes in a ship loaded with monkeys to take over the island (and eventuelly the world as he always tries too)... hahaha, that would be hilarious!

I like the idea of Elaine being kidnapped... or maybe she should become hypnotized by LeChuck who uses some kinda funny voodoo thing to help him...

Anyway, it's just ideas, and I know there are people out there who have tons of ideas, so why can't lucasarts just pull themselves together and make another MI game...

Can't they think of ideas and stories and puzzles ?

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  • 4 weeks later...

there has to be something completely "new" element in the story - in my point of view.


something about pirates , that nobody ever knew - until they found something in the sea. the secret , le revenge , the curse and escape - what next ?


what about the dog in the first part , after entering the "scum-bar" ... or this big fire at the beach. was it possible to go into the lightower . maybe there is something that guybrush was not looking at but everything (his complete life) would be different than his life today. guybrush is a star and has problems going into the public , everyone knows him - thinking about turning the time back to the beginning as he wants to be a pirate - breathing for ten minutes underwater. he is not wanting to have private sword-fight lessons at the pool with instructors anymore and "Stan- his lawyer", he is sick of him - years of living alone , only with a hand full of well paid private voodoo masters . he decides to turn back the time and finds himself in the deep sea on the ground . "he" is "turning" into his biggest enemy "le chuck" . the story is repeating - now he is realizing that it is himself , who is "le Chuck" .


sorry for my bad english (i am from germany) :) have a nice day...

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they should have Guybrush carry around a feral chicken- you know, like Murray-- that tells him where to go and stuff, sorta like a portable voodoo-lady... but then again, maybe they shouldnt...


maybe Guybrush finds a passion for running a bar, opens a Scumm Bar equivalent, and then one day, a mysterious customer walks in (LeChuck in disguise- they found an absurd reason for him to still be alive) and then the adventure starts...


He goes to a new island by the name o' Crows Nest Island, where Lechuck's new fortress is, and along the way... he enters another spitting contest, loses, cheats, enters again, wins, ear4ns 3,00 peices o' eight (for no apparant reason. That's a bit much for just a lousy spittin' contest I owuld say.... Im in!) finds another equivalent to (in what is my opinion) the best and most hilarious scene in the game- the bone song! Guybrush meets Wally and.... picks up a feral chicken!:c3po: I know im adding a lot of the old stuff, but it incorporates new stuff too!:confused: or DOES it?

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there could be one character that shouts out weird things like, "Bring me the dried monkey bonesess!" or, "I swears, on, the precious...monkey head!" or, "Look alive there matey, there's a storm brewin' up right above your 'ead!" on a perfectly CLEAR and Sunny day... or something...

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maybe LeChuck should not live in a fortress but in a tree - like in the second part - House (there he lives with his dog-ghost).



LeChuck decided (after dYing so many deaths ) to become a regular citizen . As he is a ghost he is reading many books about humans and finds out that humans used to be monkeys some years ago . he gets to know many monkeys and lives in peace together with the citizens of his island . in the council office , they know LeChuck keep sending mails to the Governor , whether LeChuck is peaceful or not.


however in the end of the game everything comes different than anyone would expect . LeChuck is still "peaceful" (nobody expected) , but he switched minds with one of the monkeys he got to know via "voodoo" . he is organized in monkey-groups and from time to time goes to the ground of the big sea to look after his treasure . the Complete Monkey Madness breaks out . and they have no bananas on the island anymore ......

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Hah! Now that wuold be hilarious! ...not to mention confusing, and outrageous to the monkey fans waiting for a game that follows the good old, "Guybrush kills lechuck and rescues elaine" formula. Personally, I owuld enjoy a game based on MY plot idea! Take that, ideological monkey lover!

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  • 2 weeks later...

i guess MI 5 is already being tested by some "insider-fans" , i would love to play it in advance . but maybe , there is one idea inside my 2 threads which can be used for Monkey Island 6.


as i worked for a computer-game-seller in germany years ago - i sometimes got packages from California with lots of games inside.


so dont cheat on me !


edit: ++++


there where many cool games that time , but nowadays it is just dumb "killing each other games" and no real story . funny thing about MI is that there is a story , which seems to be absurd , but still people find out how to play. i learned a lot english when playing games like MI , DOTT , ZAK , and also the game with the Dog & the Bunny.

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yeah. that would be awesome. oo awesome to describe with my duller-than-sword wit.

Perhaps, you could make your own little fan game and change names to Guycomb Seepbrush for Copyright issues, or you dont have to sell it and justkeep it the way it is.. after all, you worked for a video game company! You have to know SOMEthing about making video games!

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Originally posted by tonytouch

as i worked for a computer-game-seller in germany years ago -


He probably only knows how to sell them. Plus, even if you didn't sell such a game, LucasLegal would still find a reason to sue, just as they did when they forced other free fan games off of the web because they kept the same names and so on.

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Originally posted by Cap'n Bender

Of course GEorge Lucas isnt rich enough already! He just needs more money!

Please think before posting such bullshít. At one point it looked like he'd have to sell LucasArts to be able to make Star Wars 1. These things cost money, you know?


It's not like he's having a giant money bin and takes a swim in it every day and there's money coming out of the showers and he uses banknotes to wipe off and then he eats lobster from a golden plate which is decorated with rubies and diamonds and he drings champagne from a platinum chalice and again uses banknotes as a napkin...

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