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Grinding TKM


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Okay I am up to Unarmed 3 and am grinding to get to unarmed 4. I have about 30kxp and need 70k. Iam having a really hard time grinding this xp and find it really hard. Can anyone give me any adivce on what they did if they are tkm?

also whats the diffrence between a x34 landspeeder,speederbike and a speederbike swoop?


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getting from unarmed 3-4 is the hardest thing i ever did, it's a pain in the ass for sure, i did it on Dire Cats in northern Corellia, and then got to TKA on Dire Cats, as soon as you hit novice go to Dantooine and do quenkers untill you have 2 or 3 tree's done, then do huurton stalkers.


landspeeder, speederbike, swoop is the order they go in from slowest to fastest

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HAHAHA I was JUST about to make a post saying Worst Experience ever. And tell the tale of grinding UA. I'm 40k into Unarmed IV. I've been doing quenkers but I've gotten multiple suggestions to go to Cori Celesti and do dire cats but I can;t find them. Heres the best tactic I've heard. Once you get to novice go to Dant and do quenkers. Fill up to 0/0/3/0 reason 1) b.c it increases your damage and speed and thats the problem we have the def but it takes forever to kill. 2) you get Spin 2 with is an AOE. Once you get Spin 2 head to Tat and go to the squill caves. Round up a bunch of them and just spam spin 2 they range in xp from 3-5k and do not require a mission they just spawn like rabbits. According to EVERY TKM that I've talked to Unarmed 1 to 4 in the brawler tree is THE WORST grind in the game b/c your so weak.

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I took on Novice Brawler to give me a kinetic fighting system to compliment my Marksman skills. I gravitated naturally to pikeman because of my martial arts background, but I've been considering TKA(those hand movements look cool). I'm about at Unarmed 3, so thanks for letting me know what to expect. :D

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i went to Fort Tusken for fun today(waste of time), i was being yelled at for being to strong, so we all left and went to the squill cave were everything spawned really fast, gunna go and try to max out on combat xp there some day. I did TKM in 3 days, casual grinding not hard core into it or anything, all on quenkers and huurton stalkers, without armor on to(but i was master swordsman already)

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Yea i hated the grind from Unarmed 1-4, it was so hard, and i did it all for commando. Waste of time in my opinion, commandos cant pvp for their life literally lol. But im really glad i got it done because now im goin for TKM, and im 5k away from fencer. I really like Guns and all but the ones i use arent that efective in pvp.

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Originally posted by lil_dude

i went to Fort Tusken for fun today(waste of time), i was being yelled at for being to strong, so we all left and went to the squill cave were everything spawned really fast, gunna go and try to max out on combat xp there some day. I did TKM in 3 days, casual grinding not hard core into it or anything, all on quenkers and huurton stalkers, without armor on to(but i was master swordsman already)

You got to a Teras Kasi Master in 3 days:eek:

and quenkers,I heard of them were are they on dantooine?

and from grinding all of that,what gave you the most xp?

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Originally posted by GeneralGrievous

You got to a Teras Kasi Master in 3 days:eek:

and quenkers,I heard of them were are they on dantooine?

and from grinding all of that,what gave you the most xp?


Huurton Stalkers, get in a solo group and do quenkers, you get about 50k xp/lair and can chop them all down fairly quick, then when you're a little stronger go do Huurton Stalkers in a solo group, about 70k xp/lair and by that time you can do them as fast as you could do quenkers. Should've done it in 2 days but i didn't put much effort in

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Here is the difference....


X34 Landspeeder : Slowest Vehicle. Fastest on Hills.


Speederbike : Second to Fastest Vehicle. Medium speed on hills.


Swoop Speederbike : Fastest Vehicle. Slowest on Hills.



I hope I got it right. But I haven't played in like 3 months.



- McCusto

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Yea this is what i did...i did dire cats on corellia, u can get Novice in one day. When u are a Novice do quenkers on dant, they are really easy and u get 3000xp a pop! Its good stuff. ive been TK for 2 days and im 1/1/4/2, and thats actually considered bad lol, i should be farther.

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I think you should pick trandoshans becuse of all thier bonuses rom unarmed combat.Thats what

I did.Wookies are good too,I can't really see any other species.BTW were are dire cats(what cities to they hang around and should I get a buff and take them or I don't need one?

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Wow! I didnt realize how easy it is to get to TKM, im 4/3/4/3 in 3 days...i think, but its soo much easier than getting Unarmed 1-4 i though mastering TK would take me months, also master meditation is so sick, it heals wounds with No preoblem...really fast to!

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