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Dire Cats


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Ok you people from -A- Where are these things? I'm grinding out unarmed 1-4 and need something with low health. Wraith said that they have 1k health and are worth about 1k. The approximate location was Cori Celesti. I've gone there multiple times but haven't found any! Can someone please tell me where to find these things so I can get TKM overwith?

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Originally posted by Exar_reborn

Jan, Ya I wasn't strong enough to get the missions but I think I have it now. thanks for the group before also


Unarmed 4 isn't even that fast with Dire Cats, but once you get Spin Attack getting to Tera Kasi Novice is pretty easy

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Im at unarmed 4 now, so to get to Novice i should do Dire Cats.

How long does it take to get to Novice after u start killing Dire Cats, and also when i do get Novice what should i do?? U said that u got TKM in 3 days! How?


Thanks for the help

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Gforce here was my strategy. Once you have unarmed 4 and spin attack 1 you should be able to get the direcasts mission there is like 10-12k per mission. Thats option number 1. Number 2 is heading to Rori and hunting Leviasqualls, deranged Squalls, and Vir vurs. Thats not all that bad but it might take a bit to kill them. With the coming of vehicles missions are the best bet. After you get novice its cake from there (thats what the 3 days is novice to master) Get your comp and your buffs and head to Dant for a solo group and get quenker missions. Fill up the Attack and speed tree first. the 0/0/3/0 fill it to the 3rd block where you get spin 2. With that and maybe a block of defense tree you can either stay with the quenkers and slowly work up to Huurtons or go to Tat and hit up the Squill cave. After that its common sense. GL!

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Yep, ive been doin Dire Cats, im really close to Novice :D then im goin to go to dant and do the quenkers. Thanks for the help Exar!

After u master TK, mastering anyother melee prof gets a little easier, Do u think TKM, Medic, Master Fencer is a good Template??


After u master TK is getting a buff to do missions really nessacary??

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well i need buffs, my stats are at 400/400/400/400/400/400/1000/1000/1000, if i didn't get buffs i'd be screwed....


i did TKA in 3 days by doing quenkers then huurton stalkers when i got better, go up the speed and damge tree 1st

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Originally posted by GForce

How many hours a day did u spend on grinding unarmed. After im able to do quenkers then huurons, does it go by fast?


i didn't grind the Unarmed tree that much, maybe 4-6 hours in total, over 2 days i guess, that was just unarmed 3-TKN. i did about 5-6 hours a day for TKA and did it in 3 days

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  • 2 weeks later...

Yea, Dire cats are great.. They have like 1k HAM and give 1.2k exp. I have been suggesting them to everyone who is grinding the lower level skills (I point them to Cori cuz Everyone loves Cori! But you can get them anywhere). On the terms they are like 2.1k missions. You need a few people to get them though.


Once you get Novice, Do Quenkers then Huurton Stalkers. TKM should be a breeze.



Good luck Koji :)

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when i was on Corillia, Karreem (i think) i had taken a job from a guy in a cantina that had me fighing Dire Cats. I was doing well with teh first group then they just started pouring out of hte den like water. tried twice to defeat them.....for the third time I had gotten some help and we were both quickly dispatch.


granted, im a n00b and had no business going after them with what i had at the time, but....live and learn.


i plan on going back soon and having a little talk with those kitties again.

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Okay I got novice the other day by hunting dire cats and today I went to dant and hunted regualr quenkers and now Iam 0/0/2/1.

Is this normal or bad? Are you sure you have to hunt quekers becuase how can you do this in 3 days.I worked my ass off and got this and I thought it would go by much faster.Do I have to hunt diffrent quekers or hurton stalkers yet? because it seems to be going slow for me

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