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Combat balancing delayed until AFTER JTL

Guest DarthMaulUK

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Guest DarthMaulUK

Well spotted by Invader, was this article http://pc.ign.com/articles/532/532038p1.html over at IGN due to the playing (and paying) community unhappy that they have to wait even longer to address the balancing (not fixing!) issues with SW Galaxies.


Any thoughts or views on this?


I can understand the team being pushed to get JTL out because this really will give Galaxies a shot in the arm, it so desperately needs but how much longer can players pay $14 a month (approx) and have so many serious issues that need balancing.


Combat is one of the key areas in ANY star wars game and the lack of battlefields to encourage pvp action really is a tough blow to those wanting to battle for their chosen faction.



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Guest DarthMaulUK

Well spotted by Invader, was this article http://pc.ign.com/articles/532/532038p1.html over at IGN due to the playing (and paying) community unhappy that they have to wait even longer to address the balancing (not fixing!) issues with SW Galaxies.


Any thoughts or views on this?


I can understand the team being pushed to get JTL out because this really will give Galaxies a shot in the arm, it so desperately needs but how much longer can players pay $14 a month (approx) and have so many serious issues that need balancing.


Combat is one of the key areas in ANY star wars game and the lack of battlefields to encourage pvp action really is a tough blow to those wanting to battle for their chosen faction.



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Hmmm, I knew about this since this weekend. :)

I probably should have said something in here too.


By the way, if you need help on the news bit on SWGalaxies.Net, don't hesitate to ask me. Except for a newsbit by Juztyn today (or yesterday) you seem lonely there. :D



Anyway, I didn't like this dissission, and even more considering they just did a rewamp for the Jedi. Many in the community took this much harder than myself, with estimated over 1000 accounts being cancelled during the weekend (non-official, don't know where they got that from, but reading all the hype this created thruout most of the Official Boards I wouldn't be surprised :) ). :(

Yes, I understand that it was needed to get rid of the Hologrind, but the Combat and GCW rewamp is even more needed than something that pretty much doesn't exist in this time and age (read=Jedi).


My hope now is that I will get into the beta, maybe I'll get some combat in there. :D :D :D

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Hmmm, I knew about this since this weekend. :)

I probably should have said something in here too.


By the way, if you need help on the news bit on SWGalaxies.Net, don't hesitate to ask me. Except for a newsbit by Juztyn today (or yesterday) you seem lonely there. :D



Anyway, I didn't like this dissission, and even more considering they just did a rewamp for the Jedi. Many in the community took this much harder than myself, with estimated over 1000 accounts being cancelled during the weekend (non-official, don't know where they got that from, but reading all the hype this created thruout most of the Official Boards I wouldn't be surprised :) ). :(

Yes, I understand that it was needed to get rid of the Hologrind, but the Combat and GCW rewamp is even more needed than something that pretty much doesn't exist in this time and age (read=Jedi).


My hope now is that I will get into the beta, maybe I'll get some combat in there. :D :D :D

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I think holding off on the Combat revamp is a good idea. With so many players complaining(some justifiable, some not)SWG needs JTL to be as good as possible. The dev team does not need to have their focus diluted by another project. Concentrate on JTL. With JTL being good performance wise, this will give the gamers some respite while the other issues with the combat revamp are resolved. And then, this game will truly rock. :D

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I think holding off on the Combat revamp is a good idea. With so many players complaining(some justifiable, some not)SWG needs JTL to be as good as possible. The dev team does not need to have their focus diluted by another project. Concentrate on JTL. With JTL being good performance wise, this will give the gamers some respite while the other issues with the combat revamp are resolved. And then, this game will truly rock. :D

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Guest DarthMaulUK

Yes its good to focus on one thing at a time but the problem is simple. Including the Jedi so soon was totally unplanned and has delayed everything else.


Star Wars is about combat - and having to wait probably a year just to battle is extremely poor. Its like buying a car with no steering wheel!!


Unless JTL delivers, Galaxies will become another planetside



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Guest DarthMaulUK

Yes its good to focus on one thing at a time but the problem is simple. Including the Jedi so soon was totally unplanned and has delayed everything else.


Star Wars is about combat - and having to wait probably a year just to battle is extremely poor. Its like buying a car with no steering wheel!!


Unless JTL delivers, Galaxies will become another planetside



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*raises hand* i want his head aswell.


i been playing from start. and i have tried every profession but pikeman. (heard very bad reviews on it) but my only combat love = Pistoleer. well unfortunatly that profession is the 3rd worst profession in game :) .. but when im looking at the star wars movies. i see han shoot stormie after stormie witrha DL444 blaster. and i cannor even make a DENT with that one. i mean i didnt see han go over to a stormie and do like dizzy attack KD and spin attack spin attack spin attack. i saw him use A PISTOL BLASTER!!


in order to get aherad or be so called: UBER! (only dorks thing that) you HAVE to be melee. or a good doc rifleman combo....


wich it should not have to be. its should be very much the same. it should be a close call if i attack a fencer with my blaster.


but thats prolly just my stupid point of view.


Wraith 8

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Guest DarthMaulUK

Gotta love this from Haden


Do we wish we could do all those things faster? Definitely, that’s something that I think every developer wishes they could do. Unfortunately we don’t have a team of 300 and we’re trying to do what we can with the team size that we do have. I would hope that a lot of players would see this as a positive that we’re not rushing out or putting out revamps that could potentially change the game in ways that they’re not happy with


The game has been 3 years in development and within a year it has under gone so many revamps - proving how wrong the game was at launch.


With SOE racking up over $3 million a month in player fees, I think they can afford to employ - even freelance in extra programmers to actually get Galaxies fixed.


It's becoming a worry. Galaxies really has suffered lately with the bugs, lag, lack of content, no creative ideas at all and it could turn into a huge white elephant - hence why Jump To lightspeed MUST be released in October - to save a sinking ship.



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I would be more than happy to lend my skills to develop new content for this game. I enjoy writing and developing Concepts and designs for a lot of different things.


granted, the chances of being even intereviewed would be like winning the lottery while being eaten by a great white in an oasis in the the Sahara, but hey, gotta have stupid little dreams, right?

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