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Just afew question for all the star wars fans?



in both sw:a new hope and return of the jedi both obi-wan and yoda become one with the force but quin-gon jin and vader did not because thay were burning they body so why didn't quin-gon and vader not become one with the force?



Obi-wan keep saying yoda trained him but he didn't Quin-gon did so why does he say it?



Did boba fett die in ROTJ because he was in jedi Acadmy so whats going on?


:confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused:

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Q1: To be answered in Ep 3. Personaly, I believe Qui-Gons the key to retaining identity, through the living force.


Q2: Yoda trains all the younglings before being assigned to specific masters. So it's true from a point of view.


Q3: A Boba Fett fan boy EU author just felt the need to bring him back to sell books, to make $$$$ off Bobas popularity, IMO. Perhaps someone who likes the EU could explain it better.....

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1. Fist... Vader did become one with the force, Luke is only burning his suit... you can see Anakin's ghost with Obi's and Yoda'...


Now, the reason why Qui-Gon, like all the jedi we see die in ep2, didn't dissapear and become one with the force... Well, there's only theories at this point, we might lean the reason in episode 3, then again we might not. So your guess is as good as mine... well maybe not :p


2. It's true Yoda trains all the younglings... and that's a fair answer. But the true reason is at the time the OT was released, Qui-Gon Jinn did not exist in George Lucas' mind yet... Kinda boring explanation but it's true... Still, like I said the yoda training all the younglings explanation holds up pretty good to me.


3. *laughs*


Well, we had a very interesting discussion about it... and we finally got to the conclusion that it all comes up to wether or not you consider EU as part of the true Star Wars story or not... personally I don't...



--> Next time, don't make 2 identical threads in different forums please ;)

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Well first off, just want to say that discussions about the answers to all three of these questions have been held on numerous times elsewhere, so if you're interested in various points of view, you might want to wade through the forums in hopes of finding them. That being said, I'll toss in my two cents.


1) In other discussions, I've argued that the reason why Obiwan and Yodi disappeared while Vader and Quigon didn't depends on the preparedness of the individual to let go of their life. Obiwan choose to let Vader kill him, Yodi felt it was his time to die. Both of them were prepare to leave their life behind, and as such were ability to free their spirit from there bodies and join with the Force.


Quigon wasn't ready to die... we can see the shock on his face at the saber hits him. He's wants to stay alive to guide Anakin, as he feels he's meant to do. True, he has Obiwan take over for him, but he wasn't ready to go. Vader also doesn't appear to be ready to go. He realizes he's dying, noting that nothing can prevent it, but he seems rather resigned in the fact. He realizes he's been saved, and to that extent he's at peace, but he doesn't seem actually ready to die. Basically since Vader and Quigon are too tied to the physical world, they need help freeing their spirits from their body, which is accomplished through the pyre. The body is destroyed, allowing the spirit to leave and join with the Force.


2) This has been covered pretty well by the other responders. The only thing I might add on top of it is that many people look to Yoda for guidance, through all stages of their jedihood. Obiwan could very well be talking about seeking Yoda's help with numerous things after he took Anakin as a Padawan. After all, he refers to Yoda as "The Jedi Master who instructed me" not as "my Master." It could simply be that Yoda was a master who instructed Obiwan to undertake various missions and provided him with counsel, not necessary the person who taught him as a teacher would a student.


3) While the argument of Boba's life after the Sarlaac was presented in EU (none of which I've read), some of the support for it as being possible canon arises from the fact that the third trilogy was never made. We KNOW that Lucas originally intended for there to be a third trilogy. So it's possible that Fett might have reappeared within that trilogy, meaning his escape from the Sarlaac would become canon (though not necessary as described in the EU). Since Lucas isn't going to make the third trilogy, then canonically, Fett is dead. Still, who knows, maybe 10 years down the line Lucas will change his mind and make the third trilogy (or set someone else up to do it) and canon will change...



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Good to see you back in here Kryllith ;)


Now, While I love your explanation about Yoda guiding Obi-Wan... I never thought of it like that... I have to point out some things frome the other answers...


Firast, Vader's body did dissapear in RotJ, Like I said earlier, Luke is only burning his suit. linko I beleive the reason some jedi dissapear and some don't is some haven't learned how to do it... The first time Yoda comes in contact with the 'afterlife' is during intense meditation. I beleive becoming one with the force is an ability you have to acquire through trainig and/or meditation. Hopefully RotS will clear this up for us (they said it will).


Also, You mentionned GL had planned to make a third trilogy, I beleive this is a slight misconception by many people... At one point GL's story was made up of 9 episodes, but he realised he could tell it in 6, meaning he 'compressed' it into 6 episodes and did not cut extra episodes... linko

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Originally posted by .:CoupeS:.

Also, You mentionned GL had planned to make a third trilogy, I beleive this is a slight misconception by many people... At one point GL's story was made up of 9 episodes, but he realised he could tell it in 6, meaning he 'compressed' it into 6 episodes and did not cut extra episodes... linko


You beat me to it ;)


It's a common misconception that just won't die :p

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Obi-Wan may have answered that Yoda trained him, since his own master had died. He had abandoned thememory of his master and was concentrating on Luke, for he was the future. It then snapped into his mind that Yoda is a great and revered master capable of training Luke.

To cut the long story of the Jedi Order, Qui-Gon, and everything else in the prequels, Obi simply answered Yoda as it was true, yet not true.

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Originally posted by .:CoupeS:.

Good to see you back in here Kryllith ;)

Thanks. :) Glad to be back.


Firast, Vader's body did dissapear in RotJ, Like I said earlier, Luke is only burning his suit. linko I beleive the reason some jedi dissapear and some don't is some haven't learned how to do it... The first time Yoda comes in contact with the 'afterlife' is during intense meditation. I beleive becoming one with the force is an ability you have to acquire through trainig and/or meditation. Hopefully RotS will clear this up for us (they said it will).

In regards to Vader, I was refering to the fact that we don't see him disappear as we did Obiwan and Yodi. Assuming he did, as I'm guessing we can since the Star Wars webpeople say we can, then he took a while to do it. :) Course, it may just mean that he WAS at peace when he died, given that he redeemed himself in order to save his son. Granted, there's a fair bit of speculation as to the training required to do it, so it may have been something Quigon couldn't have done. I definitely heard his voice shouting in Episode II though, so it seems his spirit is still around (perhaps released by the pyre), unless it was just a memory of his voice brought upon by the violence surrounding Anakin. It will be interesting to find out how George ties it all together. :)


Also, You mentionned GL had planned to make a third trilogy, I beleive this is a slight misconception by many people... At one point GL's story was made up of 9 episodes, but he realised he could tell it in 6, meaning he 'compressed' it into 6 episodes and did not cut extra episodes... linko


Ah, hadn't heard about that. My understanding is that he'd developed the story beyond the passing of Anakin, but decided to trim it down to six, given the time requirements it would take to do the other three, his desire to work on other projects, and the fact that the six movies cover the life of Anakin. That is to say, I thought he'd originally planned on covering more on Luke and company, but decided that the complete story of Anakin was enough so trimmed it down. My mistake; thanks for clearing it up for me. :)



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About the ghost thing: It's just another force trick. You gotta train on it and be pretty powerful. Of course, Qui-gon didn't know he'd had to learn it, he didn't expect to die so soon, since the Sith were supposed to be extinct. After his death, the council probably decided that it was best to have the Jedi train to become ghosts after their death. As we can see, only a few Jedi managed to master this technique before the Empire rose to power. Or they learned it afterwards, since they ahd all the time. Whatever.


I made most of that stuff up, but i'm pretty sure i read somewhere it was a special technique.


EDIT: woopsy, i see soemone already said this. But here's my theory on the thing.

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