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Light/Dark side mastery!


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This boards for discussion about K2: TSL. This would be better suited in Republic Newsfeed or the Padawans Lounge.


To answer your question, I'm not the most knowledgeable about this, doesn't it boost attributes depending on your alignment & class? As I said I'm not too sure, but I think I read something about boosted attributes being part of mastery :confused:


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The Official Strategy guide has the following to say : First off, your bonus depends on your class as well.


For Light Side Mastery, you get the following benefits...


Consular : +3 Charisma

Guardian : +3 Strength

Sentinel : +3 Constitution


For Dark Side Master, you get the following benefits...


Consular : +50 Force Points

Guardian : +1d8 damage

Sentinel : Immunity - Poison

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  • 3 weeks later...
Originally posted by kome566

I hope they add more jedi classes! :D maybe a jedi shapeshifter :p


So far the only new jedi classes that they've announced are the prestige classes. Not sure how many more would fit. Besides they have to leave something for KotORIII :c3po:

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Originally posted by nacho35

Will U get to choose the prestige classes at the beginning of the game or somewhere in the middle?


You'll start off as one of the Jedi classes from KT:I. At some point in the game (probably about the same point as you became a jedi in the first game), you'll select one of the prestige classes. Above and beyond that, I don't know a whole bunch.


I hope that helps.

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Originally posted by kome566

I dont mean to be stupid or anything but whats prestige mean??:confused::jawa


From http://www.merriamwebster.com/


Main Entry: pres·tige

Pronunciation: pre-'stEzh, -'stEj

Function: noun

Usage: often attributive

Etymology: French, from Middle French, conjuror's trick, illusion, from Latin praestigiae, plural, conjuror's tricks, from praestringere to graze, blunt, constrict, from prae- + stringere to bind tight -- more at STRAIN

1 : standing or estimation in the eyes of people : weight or credit in general opinion

2 : commanding position in people's minds

synonym see INFLUENCE


Basically it means "improved" or "elite"

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Hi all


Is there any word on whether the PrCs will be complusary? I know that in NWN the PrCs were optional plus you had to meet specific requirements before they were an option.


I had a dig around the Wizards of the Coast website and found the PrC Jedi Master detailed there


Jedi Master


Not all of it will be relevant, of course, but it may give an insight to what we can expect. On the reqirements they say:


To qualify to become a Jedi Master, a character must fulfill the following criteria. Jedi Level: 7th or higher (see below).

Skills: See Force 6 ranks, plus 20 total ranks in other Force skills.

Special: To qualify for this prestige class, a character must either take on a Padawan Learner, or possess 13 or more Jedi class levels.


What do you think?

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Originally posted by Morgan_Hearst

Hi all


Is there any word on whether the PrCs will be complusary? I know that in NWN the PrCs were optional plus you had to meet specific requirements before they were an option.


I had a dig around the Wizards of the Coast website and found the PrC Jedi Master detailed there


Jedi Master


Not all of it will be relevant, of course, but it may give an insight to what we can expect. On the reqirements they say:



What do you think?


I imagine that taking on a PrC will be part of the game's critical path. I don't know if it will come as early in the game as it did in KotOR, but we'll just have to wait and see.

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Originally posted by Achillies

I imagine that taking on a PrC will be part of the game's critical path. I don't know if it will come as early in the game as it did in KotOR, but we'll just have to wait and see.


Being the game is going to be about your choice effecting the galaxy, I think the Prestiege Classes will be mandantory as well.


I also hope they are not going to have a level cap, Obsidian was talking about this at some point, and that was one of the options. I just can't for the life of me find where I read it!!! Drat!!!

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Originally posted by RedHawke

Being the game is going to be about your choice effecting the galaxy, I think the Prestiege Classes will be mandantory as well.


I also hope they are not going to have a level cap, Obsidian was talking about this at some point, and that was one of the options. I just can't for the life of me find where I read it!!! Drat!!!


Dumb question:


Did you search the Obsidian TSL forums?

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QUOTE]I think I read that in one of the threads there. That not having a cap was something they were looking at.


Yeah, I've seen that too. I think they are toying with the idea of having the level you can reach more like BG2, in that the total amount of xp availabvle in the game will determine an effective level cap rather than the NWN/KOTOR hard level cap.


Either way, from what I have read, its looking like somewhere between 30 and 40.

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Originally posted by Morgan_Hearst

Yeah, I've seen that too. I think they are toying with the idea of having the level you can reach more like BG2, in that the total amount of xp availabvle in the game will determine an effective level cap rather than the NWN/KOTOR hard level cap.


Either way, from what I have read, its looking like somewhere between 30 and 40.


If that's the case, then I seriously hope they add more levels to their buff AI scripts. KotOR only had 2 (levels 12 and 15 IIRC) and it didn't seem like enough. Talchia's hardcore mod had 3, but the jumps were pretty big by the time you got to level 16.

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