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Romance in GF


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Well, I am a sucker for couples and I have some clear favourites in GF. In fact, my favourite couple ever is from this game. This might be a useless post, but I want to talk about my favourite couples and hear what you guys like. It doesn't matter if the couple has no canon proof, the fact that you wanted to see some characters together is enough.


Manny/Meche: Well, not my biggest favourite, but since it is the official couple it deserves to be listed first. I think those two are very good for each other and I was very happy for them in the end of the game.


Nick/Olivia: Ooh, I can't get enough of these two. For some reason I am completely hooked to everything that has anything to do with them. Sad that they didn't get each other. :(


Salvador/Eva: At first I hated the idea of these two together (during my first playing time I desperately wanted Manny to fall in love with Eva), but later I realised that these two could have had something going on while Manny adventured elsewhere. When Sal said "Tell Eva that I know she will guide the alliance wisely when I am gone" I immediately thought it was his way to tell her that he loved her. Call me a hopeless romantic if you want to...


Domino/Meche: Don't shoot me, I like the idea of these two together. Who knows what they did on the island before Manny came along... :D


Now that I think of it, I like and can accept every single couple with one exception: I can't see Manny and Glottis together no matter what. I have nothing against gays or anything, but the friendship of those two is too beautiful to be ruined with slash.


Your opinions? Let's talk about romance! :3heart:

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Well, most of the couples I saw were created by my wild imagination and based upon not so good proof: certain lines etc.


I even think that Toto had feelings for Lola under his "Papa Toto" act. And in a way I could see Maximino and Nick taking a trip to the other side of the line. Didn't Maximino say that they are all a big family and kiss each other? :D


Oh, and Hector seemed to love Olivia. And Lola loved Maximino, and had had a thing for Manny. Velasco loved S.S. Lamancha. Domino loved himself. Glottis loved engines. And what about Manny and Carla? They must have had a thing going on! Geez, the whole game is one big love mess. :p

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Originally posted by VampireNaomi

Geez, the whole game is one big love mess. :p


How true! For me always Meche and Manny the big couple, but after reading I like the idea of Eva and Sal more. Its a quite love without big expressions, but the two of them always knew their kind of relationship.


Domino loved himself


yep ^_^


All about love, even after you died , geez.^^

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  • 4 weeks later...
Originally posted by JawaJoey

One thing I didn't get about love is how they could... you know... I mean how do they.... when they don't have... uh...lips.

That logic doesn't bother me. I can suspend that disbelief as much as the whole skeleton walking around thing.

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