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How Many Disks? *Spoilers for Kotor1*


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Okay, so I was talking to my friend about KotOR2, or the trailer at least, since his net connection couldn't support it, and we got on the topic of everything that they're going to have to take into effect, if they want it to match with the first KotOR with minimal plotholes. As we got into this discussion, we realised that this game is probably going to get into more than four disks with everything taken into account.

Let's see:



1. Dark Side Ending/Light side Ending: Probably won't have too much of an effect on the storyline, just who died or not, leading in to...

2. Who Died? Let's see, so basicly, you can kill off everyone but HK, T3, and Canderous. Either they're going to have to leave all of those characters out of the storyline, or add in their models, and different models for replacements, and different conversation texts. I don't know how much space that this'll take up, but... Yeah.

3. Revan's Gender. Okay, so, we can choose the gender in the first game, but how is this gonna turn out in the second game? Are the questions at the beginning going to say: "Was Revan Male or Female?" Sheesh, I hope not. Anyways, they're going to have to have different models for each gender, so that'll add something to it. And, if you got the dark side ending, the face won't be a problem, because she/he will probably be wearing the mask again, but what about the lightside ending? Will he be wearing the mask again?

4. General Donnanda + Vandar's battle fleet. Okay, so say that they did manage to make the Forge go all kabloowey, yay. That takes that out of the picture. But, say that they didn't. How are they going to handle that? There's all sorts of ways, like a last republic strike against it, destroying it, which is the most likely, but they'd have to add that in somehow. Either that, or at the beginning, they're going to add in that shortly after K1, the Republic marshalled a fleet large enough to challange the Forge, and destroyed it? Or that a crack fighter pilot suicided himself into it? Who knows. Anyways, that's some more to add in there.


So, I'm guessing that either they're going to be leaving a lot of things out in K2, or that there's gonna be a few more disks to include everything in it.

Anyways, basicly what this post is askin here is : Did anyone from either Obsidien or L.A. say anything about HOW they're gonna keep the diskage at a resonable amount? I really havn't seen anything about it.

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Actually Mav, the are not saying much because Revan's fate will be revealed in the game, so Revans models should be present.


And back on topic: I personally don't care how many CD's there are, the more there are the longer the game will be, and thats fine with me! :D

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To me the most obvious thing is this:


IF in KotOR 1 you went lightside (and Male): Bastila and Revan's love will have been discovered and they will have been banished by teh Jedi Council, Bastila once again crosses over to the Darkside perhaps because of something she sees on Dxun or something and kills Revan when he tries to stop her. Think along the lines of Jolee and his wife going to the DS. Oh and Bastila will be the Sith Lord with the mask.


If in KotOR 1 you went Darkside: Then if Bsatila lived she will kill Revan in true sith fashion and is the Sith Lord with the mask, if you killed Bastila than simple... Revan is the guy in the mask again.


WHO KNOWS??????? AHhHHHHHHHhHhHhhhhHH!!!!!

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Originally posted by maverick187

To me the most obvious thing is this:


IF in KotOR 1 you went lightside (and Male): Bastila and Revan's love will have been discovered and they will have been banished by teh Jedi Council,


I don't think the jedi would banish the former Dark Lord of the Sith (if LS), after regaining control over him. I would think something of that extreme would just push him back to the dark side. It would be basically saying 'Thanx for saving our asses, & using love to redeem Bastila. But for that love, ya got to go.'


The number of discs, I'm guessing about the same; 4.

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I agree with RedHawke. The more discs the better, because there is more goodness.


I would guess 6, why? That would add one more section to the case, and still not be an insane amount of discs.

They might also make a DVD version. People with a DVD-ROM drive can install it from a DVD, instead of 6 CDs.



The reason I said 6 (aside from case layout) is all the different endings you could have. How so? Simple. There were 2 basic endings in KotOR LS and DS. Then there were some variations. Did you kill members of your party; if so, which ones.


Just going with the 2 basic ones in KotOR, and there will be 2 basic ones in KotOR:TSL. Was Revan LS or DS in the end, that makes for 4 different possible endings (if you include gender that makes 8 (though you could just switch the model)). Then there things about your party members left, and side quests completed in the first one. (Did Bastila go to see her mother, or did they part on bad terms. Will Carth be able to see his son again or not. Etc.) So you could, in theory, have many, many more than 4 endings. If they go all out, you might need 8 discs (not likely), but if they do have 8 discs (because of all the content), and they do the content well, then it will be the best game of all time, because of all the endings you will have to see, and the people of Holowan Labs modding it to make it even better.




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Originally posted by StormTrooper789

They can't do that! I don't have a Drive that reads DVDs!


WOW!!!... No DVD drive... You got to be kidding? Your PC must be ancient! How do you run KOTOR?


(Just Kidding StormTrooper789! :D)


But seriously, I do see DVD Roms being the media of choice for PC games in the near future, that would allow for games to be larger and still only take one or two disc's and also have far more impressive and theatre quality cutscenes.

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Originally posted by StormTrooper789

They can't do that! I don't have a Drive that reads DVDs!


"They might also make a DVD version" not "They might just make a DVD version.

Calm down StormTrooper789. It is not based in fact, just me spitballing.


I also don't want DVD(s) only software (maybe in a few years from now AT LEAST; until all software comes on DVD-ROM, say 200(7-8) because people with old computers (like me (not that old, a couple of years only)) can still use the software). That will give plenty of time for everyone to get a computer with a DVD-ROM drive, with a new computer, if they don't already have one in there current computer.


I hope this makes sense. I am currently sleep deprived at 06:30.



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Originally posted by jedi_5002

I also don't want DVD(s) only software (maybe in a few years from now AT LEAST; until all software comes on DVD-ROM, say 200(7-8) because people with old computers (like me (not that old, a couple of years only)) can still use the software). That will give plenty of time for everyone to get a computer with a DVD-ROM drive, with a new computer, if they don't already have one in there current computer.


You do realize jedi_5002 that DVD drives are pretty darned cheap... (around 20 bucks) and can just plug right in to most all models of PC, even a slow PII can handle a DVD drive... so it is not necissary to buy a new PC just for a DVD drive.


I realize you said you were sleep deprived so I'm just adding my 50 cents on the subject (2 cents plus 48 for inflation and taxes). :D

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Originally posted by kome566

Jeez Red stop being so political :D I wouldve expected you to be more of a ....I-only-pay-taxes-to-Bastila kinda person :D


Actually, if I remember correctly Jedi_5002 started that...


And I am not that hot for Bastila... she's cool and all... but if you wanna see the 2 girls I consider supra-hotties you'll need to grab a copy of Shirow Masamune's Dominion Tank Police anime and scope out the twin feline babes Annapuma and Unipuma... :naughty:



*Lets out a loud wolf howl*

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Originally posted by kome566

:doh: Two pixel lovers (Darth333 :D and jedi_5002) and now a Anime Twin Lover . . .what has this Forum become?!!?!? :headbump


Cat-girls at that!!


:disaprove Not Cat-girls kome566... They are absolutely true Feline Babes... :naughty:




*Lets out another loud wolf howl, then a loud Shadow ship scream*

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