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saber model help


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Hey I have just started making models and I think i have some tag errors along with some other errors. Ok in game it give me this erro when i try to load up my saber.

Your ghoul2 instance has no model!

And out side of game in mod view i can see the tags on the model. they are untextured as they should be but they show up in the surfaces list instead of the tag serfaces. Could anyone tell me what I did wrong with my model.

Here is some bg info on what i have done.

Using 3ds max I have modified a staff and messes with the angels the tag comes out to better fit the drawing of what the guy in my clan wants. The tags are still only skinned on one side and i used a md3 exporter and md3 view to turn my model in to a glm. Also I made a sab so the model would show up in the saber list and not replace an old saber. Also on a funny note the saber it self dose stick straight out at the angel i wanted it to the problem is it is coming out of the crouch area instead of where i want it to come from. :p On female models this looks very weird. :p

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i did not make the tags i imported a saber and use those tags. They where named *blade1 and *blade2 in 3ds max they had the second materal on them when i imported them and it had a name of [No Materal] i first left it then later i tried deleting that name (sense in md3 form that is where it will look for a skin) and it still did not work. I realize that this is very tough quesion. If anyone could also just give me a link to a saber making tut. that would also be a great. Thanks

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