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List of useful script to dialog


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In poland We are creating a very big mod with dialogs, items, quests and area. I have a request for script writing people on the holowan labs.


I nead a list of useful script etc. NPC give me money, write new quest in journal, when I have a item( etc. Mandalorin Helm) the dialog is other, gaiden exp points.



You now, I like to create a quest like this at the Dantooin in the game( Mandalorina quest). NPC please would kill Mandalorina group, and when I back with Mandalorina Item they gives me some money and exp points.



I know how to create area, dialog, NPC only I nead is


List of useful script to dialog




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I still need :


- inscription into journal

- gives exp

- gaiden light side point

- gaiden dark side point


(later I will write more)




void main()


object oPC=GetFirstPC();





Gives my 200 exp.?

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Originally posted by Veldrin



I still need :


- inscription into journal

- gives exp

- gaiden light side point

- gaiden dark side point


(later I will write more)

- Inscription into journal: I made a tutorial sometime ago. Look at this thread: http://www.lucasforums.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=129333

- Give xp:

Example for plot xp: (this gives 350xp)

void main()

Normal xp (I'm not sure of this one - I don't have nwscript with me to verify the syntax - but if i remember correctly is GiveXPtoCreature and not GiveEXPToCreature - I'll confirm this this when I get home) - the script should give 200 xp, if you write 20, you'll have 20xp - :

void main()
object oPC=GetFirstPC();


- gain ls or ds points:

You can simply type the following entries in the script field of a dialog file - no need to add anything else in the override folder - they refer to the game default scripts and it makes a less messy override folder ;) :


for ds points:





for ls points:




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Thanks. :) I need one more thing.


A script witch add a new reply to dialog, when we have a detemined item. etc. When we have "Mandalorian Head" in dialog we can choice " Yes we killed a Mandalorian group". I need this to quests.

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You can check my recruitable Dustil mod if you want.

You have to set a global variable when you get the head, per example:

   SetGlobalNumber("MY_PLOT", 1);


and then, just add a conditional script in the active field of the 'RepliesList' in the EntryList that checks where your global is and, depending on the result, make those replies available or not:


int StartingConditional()
   int nResult = GetGlobalNumber("MY_PLOT");
    if nResult == 1
       return TRUE;
   return FALSE;

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I have questcion with global.jrl file.



1) I open it usiing GFFeditor, and I saw first line "0" .

What is the "TAG" etc. tat18ac_dragonhunt - is it quest tag, script tag??


2) EntryList- is it the tekst that show in Journal??

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