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Template Discussion


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Originally posted by Admiral Vostok

This is a bit of a stretch. How does the Syndicate install a leader on a militarised planet without an army of their own? I suppose the original leader is removed and their military force just says "oh well, I guess we'll forget our allegiances and fight for this new criminal warlord." :rolleyes: The only planets a crime syndicate would set themselves up as leaders on are military-less planets such as Tatooine.


But even if they did manage to brainwash the existing army to fight for them, how are they supposed to compete with such armies as the other four factions? They still aren't a galaxy-wide coherent force.


There's just too many oddities. Why try to shoehorn this odd civ into the game when any of the other four from the original game would be more widely accepted and require less of a leap of faith?


They install leaders the same way most people or entities have throughout history, they support someone who wants the current one dead and has a base of support.


What it comes down to is some of the minor civs I have in place can form a major civ for the players to play with, which will have EU units in a larger proportion than any of the others, why not have five on the back of the box rather than four, and it does make things more interesting and it does add more variety. Its not like we are talking about the Yuz..no here.

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The Hutts could be used in campaigns but not as a civ maybe a mission like they were in SWGB.


Syndicate sucks they have no power in the Rrepublic they control outer worlds to cover there illegal activities. Why would they go to war to expose this? Why would they team up with other factions that have no links to?


But I think Naboo as a civ is not acceptable. Windu thinks they trained a huge army over 10 years even though Naboo is totally against the creation of an army in the Republic..... :rolleyes:

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I pulled the Syndicate out of the hat Frosty if I write that they have sway in a corrupt senate then they do :). I put them in more for the players, not a good sign you are all against them but your not thinking of it in the same manner as I am maybe.

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FroZ - i said they could build a large military, not that they did do that - there's a difference.


Puzzlebox - in my template, i have four major civs, the Confederacy, Republic, Empire and Rebellion, and also the Naboo Coalition, which is a combination of the Royal Naboo and Gungans as a bonus civ. This adds a great deal of film content, gives players a prize for completing the SP campaigns, and adds more variety to the game.

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I thought about rewards but they would be easily gotten around given the makeup of most computer games.


Those are minor factions in my template Windu and can be played, they just are not balanced to battle the major factions. I certainly see the point in what you did though, what I was going for was a neat alternative for the players that was more in tune with the other factions than the small Naboo and such. The difference there is by breaking them back down they will no longer be balanced for general use.

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I support 4 main civs each with at least 3 Commadning officers.


Different officers in different civs can get certain units from the civs that won't be in


General Anakin Skywalker could get some naboo units.


General Kenobi could get some gungan units.


General Luke Skywalker could get some wookie units


General Vader could get noghiri and trandoshan units


General Poggle would obviuosly get geonosian units.


so by this we can commbine minor civs into major civs because altough they all may have used mainly humans {confederacy = droids} they all had other species playing an important role. depednign on which combo of officers you pick could also determine which other units you get.


I also would like to see a C&C TS mission selct stlye but less linear.


The motivation as i would see it for doing the campaigns could be the unlocking of the commanding officers which would allow you to play skirmishes and online and such but that propably wouldn't be practical, so instead it could allow give you a few screen themes.

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If more people are opposed to it than for it I'll just drop them since they are composed a few minor civs anyway.
Glad you've seen the light. The only person even mildly for the idea is Nitro, but then I think he'd rather see the Hutt Cartel implemented the way I have it, like the WC3 Naga.


I don't know how you can justify putting "them in more for the players" when just about all of the players here are totally against it.

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Getting back to templates, just thought id let everyone know that I have added Generals to my template, with four per side. In addition, i'm in the middle of giving each side unique buildings, but this will probably take a while and at the moment my template runs to 23 pages.

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Vostok - basically its when you can choose where you are going to attack, rather than the attack point simply being chosen for you. I have already included this in my template. An example from TS is when you assault a Nod base when an alien ship is. You can just attack, or you can attack an adjacent region which will prevent the original Nod base from recieving reinforcements, making the mission easier but more time consuming.

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