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What happened at the end of MI2?


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I'm glad you asked! It's very simple, really.


As LeChuck was laying on the ground dying, Guybrush pulled LeChuck's mask off, only to find that it was actually his brother, Chuckie, who he said was sent by their mom to hunt Guybrush down. A man entered the scene from the right and said "Hey, you kids! You're not supposed to be in here!" The scene changed to an amusement park and Guybrush and Chuckie, now children, walked out to meet their parents, who had been worried about Guybrush since he didn't show up at the Screaming Weenie Hut like they had arranged. Guybrush seemed confused, but quickly forgot about this strange occurance at the mention of the Madly Rotating Buckaneer ride, to which the family then proceeded to travel. However, as they walked off, Chuckie turned to face the camera and flashed his evil zombie eyes, indicating that he was actually LeChuck after all and Guybrush was in fact under some sort of evil spell.




After that, there were some credits and funny stuff.

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And now the non sarcastic response. Ron Gilbert basically tried to makea game where you play a little kid in an amusement park with an overactive imagination and the ending to MI2 was meant to signify that it had all been a sort of dream. The "Lechuck Eyes" at the end where put in just in case there was to be a sequel.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hmm.... Interesting way to post a topic....and I don't mean that positively.


When I realized you weren't actually asking anything, i thought you'd say something insightful, but you didn't, you just told us what anyone who played the game would know. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and assume it was a joke, but it's not really that funny.

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I was referring to rundll32.exe's response (dear god that's an annoying name to type)


And Jawa Joey, this thread was actually posted by Mr Cheese, but for some reasson, his post was deleted after rundll32.exe replied, making his come first. He didn't start the post, the just answered the question posed to us, but then the question got lost.

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Originally posted by Joshi

And now the non sarcastic response. Ron Gilbert basically tried to makea game where you play a little kid in an amusement park with an overactive imagination and the ending to MI2 was meant to signify that it had all been a sort of dream. The "Lechuck Eyes" at the end where put in just in case there was to be a sequel.




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Originally posted by rundll32.exe

You guys DO know that I did not start this thread, but only replied to it, right? Whoever started it didn't know how to start a topic correctly and entered only a title with no actual post.


that's actually impossible on these forums. Your best bet Mr Cheese posted this and then got his account banned or deleted or something and the opening post to this thread was deleted after you replied, which is why yours started and his didn't.


I'm also guessing some kind of forum bug helped along the way.

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Originally posted by Joshi

And Jawa Joey, this thread was actually posted by Mr Cheese, but for some reasson, his post was deleted after rundll32.exe replied, making his come first. He didn't start the post, the just answered the question posed to us, but then the question got lost.

Wow, I totally missed when you said that. I thought everyone was under the impression that I made the thready, but you had it figured out all along. Good job!:)

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