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Shadows of the Empire Mod for JA (aka "Want List")


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Sounds like you are having fun.


I am interested in hearing Lando. I am looking for a host for my online FTP server at the moment. When that's done, then you will have a place where you can upload stuff.


...figure out the correct speaking distance from the mic...

Might I recommend a microphone screen? The issue you are talking about is called aspiration. Microphone screens drastically cut down on the pops and such.


Just do a Google search for more information.



As for me, I'm still working on the code for Guri. I am trying to emulate the behavior of kyle_boss. For an example of what I'm talking about, type

helpusobi 1

npc spawn kyle_boss

playerteam enemy


This is general idea of how Guri should act (minus the lightsaber).

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O btw if you want your mod to be very realistic to the star wars universe, the Merr-Sonn PLX-2M missile system does not look like it is supposed to in JA, it is supposed to look like this,


so you could have somone model it, or once I maybe get somone to model my weapons(if ever) you could use mine.


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Don't forget, now that the DF MOD is out, the team has given permission to the DF2 and SOTE teams to use their models, as long as they get the proper nods in the credits.


On another creative suggestion note...my son came to me with another idea I thought was too good to pass up. He suggests more of a greenish black tint on the dianoga as opposed to the standard fleshy brown. I'm not too sure how this would look when you factor in the color of the sewer water, but I do believe it is worth consideration. I think only time and experimentation will be the true telling factor on this if this change is to be implemented.

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Originally posted by MikeGunther1969

Don't forget, now that the DF MOD is out, the team has given permission to the DF2 and SOTE teams to use their models, as long as they get the proper nods in the credits.


On another creative suggestion note...my son came to me with another idea I thought was too good to pass up. He suggests more of a greenish black tint on the dianoga as opposed to the standard fleshy brown. I'm not too sure how this would look when you factor in the color of the sewer water, but I do believe it is worth consideration. I think only time and experimentation will be the true telling factor on this if this change is to be implemented.

The only problem is, is that the none of the models I have just mentioned are in the DFMod.

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Oh believe you me, there will be models we're going to borrow. Like I said before, I'm not too crazy about their dianoga. I think they did a wonderful job on it for their mod. However for the purposes of our mod, It just isn't going to cut it, or at least in it's current condition.


I might use it if I can animate it differently. Also I need to make it so that it can survive under water.


I'm already borrowing certain models. As I have stated in the game outline:


Kyle Katarn will be making a cameo appearance. Therefore I am going to use Infinity Blade's Kyle Katarn, rather than Raven's



Speaking of Cameo appearances:


Mara Jade is going to make an appearance too. I am using Peretti's Mara Jade model with a modification to the skin. More specifically, I'm using the Agent of the Empire model, changing the hair red, and getting rid of the "belly button" tank top. I also need another Mara model. This one will be of Arica the dancer in Jabba's palace.



Not much else to report at this time. I'm just waiting on the Outrider from Hatrus, and some sounds from Mikegunther1969

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Vocal casting has begun. I have found a few voices that I really would like to use. I have a friend of mine here in Washington that is perfect for the role of Jix, Vader's hired thug.


I have also found someone to do other voices as well. Bizzaro has made a total conversion for Jedi Outcast. I checked it out, and listened to the sound files he created. I must say that I am impressed. He has done some good voice work. I have recruited him for the voices of Boba Fett and IG-88. If he's up to it, I might have him do Jabba's voice too.


MikeGunther1969 is working on a Lando Calrissian voice (which I'm still waiting to hear:p ).


I may tinker around with a Luke Skywalker voice. But we'll see.


Other key voices that I'm looking for right now are as follows:

Male voices:

Dash Rendar

Prince Xizor

Imperial Officers/Troopers/etc...




Various alien voices


Female voices

Princess Leia

Guri and


Mara Jade as a cameo.



That's all for now.


We are still looking for the following positions to be filled:

*Character Modelers/Skinners

*Object Modelers

*Mappers/Level designers/editors


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I just sent Jedispy my entire collection of sound effects which may/may not end up being used in the MOD. I am still waiting on a few others from Benevolence of the DF Mod team to finish the set. I am also still trying to find a "clean" Darth Vader breathing to use as a background effect for my Vader voice. All of the ones I have found so far are exactly the same....slight blaster noise in the background. Anyone who can help me with the proper breathing effect please email mikegunther1969@aol.com


For the record, I sent clicks, beeps, whistles, doors, water, glass, electricity, and plent of gunshots and explosions. I also sent some wind, rain, and thunder too. I should have some good base voice recordings sent in by Friday.




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Special Thanks to Benevolence.....he sent me some good clean Darth Vader breaths that I was able to sample into a nice steady stream. It sounds very clean, and will the be the perfect base for the Vader voice, whether it gets done by me, Zappa_0, Jedispy, or James Earl Jones Himself.


I will share this with anyone who needs it of course.



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Originally posted by jedispy

I also need another Mara model. This one will be of Arica the dancer in Jabba's palace.



Oooh. :naughty:


Sorry. Anyway, I'm shocked to see someone who can actually write properly on LF. Congratulations. ;) I'd like to help out with this thing, as I really loved the book, but you know...time. :(

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Anyone wanting to check out Valley of the Sith can download it here.


I'm downloading it now, so I'll see what it's like.


I am currently working on the following:


Guri - still trying to get it perfect.

Xizor's Troops - It's looking nice so far, but needs a few more touch ups.

Luke_SOTE - It's on pause right now. It's ALMOST perfect.



Guri's behavior - I'm so close I can taste it...and it tastes yummy.

Misc crap



Music - Attempting to contact Composer. Please pray for me. :-)



Voices - Still looking for good female voices for Leia and Guri. Also looking for a few male voices.

Mappers - I need people who know GTKRadiant and can build maps.

Modelers - Character modelers needed.



Design - Making it not look so crappy. I have made better, but I'm so busy in other things.


Voices - I'm working on a few voices too myself. I need to set a time to go to my buddy's recording studio (a.k.a. apartment).


That's where I am right now.

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Taking a small break from recording...here is the progress.


Lando...I've tried and tried, but it ain't happening...I can

do a brotha all day, just not Billy Dee Williams.

I don't want him to sound like a "hood rat" which

I have no problem sounding like, so I 'll farm that

voice out.

Boba Fett... Definately a Major posibility. Going to audition for

the part...we'll see what the boss says.

Jabba...Same as Boba...just trying to get the huttese (curse you

Jedispy for your perfectionism) lol.

Vader...Trying desperately to get it right...My son thinks it's good

But I'm still up in the air about it.



Luke...Nope, My voice is waaaayyy to deep for him.

Threepio...again..nope...same reason

Assorted mugs, thugs and bad guys...auditioning.

I will have my "audition" files sent to the boss this evening for

his review. Hopefully I will hear back with good news soon

enuff!! That's all for now, Back to recording!



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A fan (well I'd like to think so at least) recently emailed me and asked if we plan on making anything along the lines of multiplayer in this game. Well......I honestly don't know.


It would be cool if we could have Siege support, but there's already a Hoth Battle Siege map that comes with JA. Also I believe Darth Alex was working on another Battle of Hoth Seige map. (I have no idea how it's going, but our very own Zappa_0 made the video trailer for it).


As for other Seige possibilities....I just am not sure. I suppose I could recreate the original SOTE final level where Dash Rendar blows up Xizor's Skyhook. I suppose that would work well.


I have no idea what else would make a good seige level from the SOTE storyline. Maybe rescue the princess/blow up Xizor's palace?


Other than that we'd just have the same old FFA, and CTF. Honestly that's been done, and I doubt the JA community will be that interested in it.


We'll see. Perhaps we can do a seige map after we're done with the SP game.


In other news, I'm going to disappear for a short while. I am busily trying to finish my homework for my school this quarter. I have 3 weeks left in the quarter, and my C++ homework is killing me. I wonder if I can just hand in my SOTE code and call it good. Sigh....Not likely. :(


If anyone has any questions, feel free to fill out the E-Mail form on my website. Just understand that I will not respond right away.


Otherwise feel free to ask any of the members of the SOTE MOD team and they should be able to assist you.


I will return in approx 3 weeks.

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  • 2 weeks later...



Here's another one from my son. He suggests more tracks throughout his favorite level...Ord Mantel Junkyard. These tracks should have working, running models of the garbage haulers from the Nar Shaddaa Level in JO.


In the swoop bike level, more scenery...particularly banthas grazing in the distance to the right and left.


Hoth Asteroid filed...a quick glimpse of the Millenium Falcon being chased by three TIE Fighters flying by. How about being able to destroy the ISD?


Hoth Battlefield.......once again...a quick glimpse...Luke Skywalker's speeder getting blasted...or even crushed by the AT-AT.


I tell you this kid is a genius.....If only he knew how to map in GTK Radiant for JA (remember he is only 8 yrs old)


Why couldn't we come up with these ideas? SHEEESH!!!

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Good ideas. I have already thought of the Bantha idea. I plan on having the following for the Tatooine level:

1. Stormtroopers...lots of them. Their aim is going to be pathetic. The code allows for (I believe) 1 to 5, 5 being a sharpshooter like Chewbacca, 1 being a sharp shooter like renouned astro-physicist Stephen Hawking.


2. City folk. Random city folk walking about. I'm probably going to use the hm, hf, rm, and zf jedi models with a sandy reskin.


3. Jawas. Yep that's right. UTINNI!!


4. Sandpeople with sniper rifles (for the Beggar's canyon part)


5. Dewbacks (I have a really good npc vehicle model)



For the Hoth level, I was toying with the idea of:

1. Having a cinematic that occurs between waves of enemies. It's still in concept, but I was going to have rogue leader crash, and take out a walker with a lightsaber and concussion grenade. Dash Rendar doesn't know Luke, so he only refers to him as "Rogue leader."

Dash: "Now that guy's got skill!"


2. NPC fighting action, similar to what we have in the Bespin level of Jedi Outcast. I want Echo base troopers to follow Dash around and die easily (enter Wampas and the like). O.k. my little soapbox now. I HATE Raven's "Rebel Trooper" model. The model itself is nice, but they aren't Rebel troopers. They are members of Alderaan's armed forces. That retarded looking helmet they wear, the funky black vest with circa 1970's pimp silk shirt, yeah, that's the fashion of Alderaan. TRUE Rebel troopers are seen on Hoth (in the defensive perimeter) and on Endor with Han's strike team. So in conclusion, the model I use is NOT going to be rebel.npc. It is going to be something totally different. (I think there is already a Rebel trooper model.)


About the Hoth Asteroid field, I like the idea of having a cameo of the Falcon. I'm not sure about being able to destroy the ISD. I may keep it the same as in SOTE where the player does not actually control the flight path, but rather the gun turrets instead. Perhaps in the skyhook battle I can have it where they can destroy Executor. Who knows. There are several technical problems that must be overcome first (as in how Executor is 12+km in length. I don't think the virtual world can even be that big.


Anyway more to come.....after I'm done with classes.

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as much as i would like to see the executor in a level where you can fly all around it and gaze in awe, radiant cant make a level big enough to hold it and have you seen my out rider yet?


im going to add more detail to it since i made it a while back and iv gotten alot better at modeling and ive always wanted to do a star viper theyre awesome but im not a good skinner so if you know someone who is they can do it cause i tried to skin it using the falcon texture and they didnt really fit right maybe ill try again but i love SOTE!

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Nice Outrider model. Hatrus was also working on an Outrider model. I was going to use his, but I think he's MIA for the time being. We'll see what happens.


As for the rebel trooper, yes I know I can tend to get onto a soap box. I guess what bugs me is how Raven has a tendency to half-@$$ certain things. Only once did we see the type of "rebel" trooper in ANH, and it was on Tantive IV in the first 5 minutes of the movie. That's it! No more.


Hapslash's rebel trooper is the best I've seen. However I think I once saw an "Endor Trooper" that was essentially one of the commandos on Han Solo's strike force. I will have to see if I can find it.

Either way, this is more what I'm looking for:


Image taken from http://www.hapslash.com/wip_sw5_hothrebs.html




Obijon1138 (I assume you are Bizzaro.)

One thing I was thinking about with Vader's breathing is to not have it be a sound from the model, but from the actual room itself. It is possible to have "background noise" play as a loop in a room. I may go cheap and do that, rather than try to figure out how to get the model to make the sound. We'll see though.


Just another item to put on my list of todo's. WEEEEEeeeeeee...........

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