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Shadows of the Empire Mod for JA (aka "Want List")


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Well, it isn't a bad idea. However Kman is planning to work on a whole new model. He told me he is going to work on it after the Christmas season. He just recently moved, so he hasn't had a lot of time to devote to it.


There are a few requirements for Xizor, regardless of which model we use:

1. He must look muscular.


2. 2 Xizor models are needed; 3 skins total. The first Xizor model will be the typical Xizor that wears his Black Sun uniform. The second one will be Xizor in toga for the seduction scene.



There is a variation of the skin for this model that is also needed. As Faleen men emit their pheremones, their skin turns from green to pink. The model skin needs to be the same.



3. There are certain biological characteristics that I would like to see. The top knot of hair (which Aurra Sing does have). There is the height (which is actually controlled by the .npc file that I will make). There will of course be the need for facial animations (speech, anger, pain from being kicked in the groin, fear, smiles and smirks, etc...). Another biological characteristic is the spinal alignment (o.k. I admit I may be a tad picky)

For example:


And let's not forget them big ol' long claw/finger nails.


I'm not opposed to using any existing models as Xizor, but I am curious to see what Kman will bring to the table. Another person suggested using the weequay model for Xizor:


That too isn't a bad idea, but I just don't know about it. We're going to have weequay in the game, and I'm afraid Xizor's just going to look like a green weequay. I guess I kind of feel like it would be just like making the green Orion woman dancer from Star Trek. "Oh no, that's not a human woman in green paint. That's an ALIEN!! No really!!! I think I would be more inclined to use a green Aurra Sing (minus the nice female alien mammaries)



I tell you what, the idea is on the table, but it will wait on back burner until we see what happens with Kman.


M'kay? RRright. Oh yeah Peter, we're gonna need you to come into work on Sunday too. All right? Yeah.....

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Well...that actually was my point. I would rather not reuse one model for another in the case of Prince Xizor. I would prefer to use Kman's when it is done.


In the case of Luke, it would be pointless to do a totally new model. Only a new skin is needed.


Leia/Boushh is perfect. However new Leia models are needed.


Guri will be a reskin of the Leela/Nomi Sunrider model. The model is perfect.


The Dash Rendar model is perfect in my opinion. It's up in the air which skin I will use.


Lando is going to be a potential reskin from the game model. Maybe just a change of clothes. I'm more concerned about the voice.


Chewbacca will be two models. One is with long mane (Major Clod). There will need to be another with a flat top. I am not going to use the model from JA.


Thank you for the input.

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Hmmmm..... want list? What do I want in this mod?


Well, let's see what I can come up with.


  • Huge SP maps.
  • Smooth cutscenes and lots of 'em
  • New weapons, NPCs (especially civilians)
  • Gameplay that will last for hours upon hours.


Okay, come on, seriously. I would rather be concerned with what can realistically be completed by the mod team than what is dreamed to exist in this mod.

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O.k. let's have some peace here. The last thing I want is for this thread to turn into a flame war. I know that there are people on lucasforums who love getting their kicks from flaming others. Please, keep this simple thread peaceful. If you want to voice opinions and have them actually count for something, then email me.


This thread is intended for people who are interested in this mod to voice their ideas and post questions. Please understand that it's not like EVERYTHING posted here is going to appear in the mod. It is a brainstorming thread.


I understand the limitations of the JA game engine (yes I know it is Quake 3 game engine, but spare me). We're going to do the best we can with what we have to work with. I believe this mod is going to rock when it is done. All I ask is that people hold their judgements until the project is done. If I were rate our percentage of completion, I would say it is around 5-10% total. It is too early to start posting opinions about the mod. Once it is done, if everyone hates it, then I would feel that they have justification for their words.


Again I ask, please keep this thread peaceful. Some ideas presented may sound ridiculous. I do not intend on this mod being low quality in any means. I want this to be as professionally made as possible. It is going to require patience and faith from you, the JA community.


Now with that said, we are currently recording voices and sounds needed for the mod.


A few mappers have signed on board and production will begin in early 2005.


Several skinners have contacted me and production is in progress. A few modelers as well have contacted me. New models will be coming out in early 2005.


I am still working on the music for the game. It will consist mostly of Joel McNeeley's score for Shadows of the Empire. It will also contain some music from the John Williams musical scores.


Once the maps and models are finished, then work on the cinematics will be done.


I am hoping to get a demo ready by end of first quarter 2005. I want to thank everyone for their support of this mod. Keep the faith. Something good is on the horizon.

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........uhhh..........yeah..............what he said..........unhhh!!!



Seriously folks, we are working on a very nice project and I do urge you to have a little faith. As far as the limitations of the Q3A engine go, I can only say this...Can anyone here say Colosseum or DF MODS? Check them out again.


The game engine was maximized for rather intense gameplay, very large maps, (sort of) beautiful scenery, great new models. skins, characters, sound effects and music....all in a MOD...yes....a MOD. The game wasn't reinvented by any means, it was just utilized to it's full potential.


Now I don't want to go off on a rant here but,

I am only a 50-50 fan of home-made Levels/MODS because for the most part, they suck....badly....really, really bad. Some are no more than a really nice room or two for saber duelling, while others are just big, entry level maps with little to no textures, poor lighting, bad enemy/weapon/healthpack placement, etc., and absoulutely zero in the challenge/fun factor. What is even worse is, some are small maps with the same lack of eye candy and fun. These Levels/ MODS for the most part, do not suck for their lack of effort, but for the lack of understanding and knowledge of the tools available to the MODDER.


Then suddenly, like a heavenly vision from above, someone (or MOD TEAM) comes out with a truly wonderful, intense, well drawn, well lit, and kick-ass fun factor Level/MOD which fully utilizes the tools given to the MODDER and it's like I've swallowed the red pill and have been awakened from my long life of sleep in the Matrix. Again I must make reference to Colosseum and DF.


With a little luck, some TLC, some TIME (remember we all have full time jobs..I'm 35 with a 55/hr a week job, wife, and kids in sports), and some more luck, THIS will be one of those red pill projects.


Of course that's just the way I see it, I could be wrong.















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Heh. o.k. seriously though, this mod is going to be great when it is done.


And about that, we've had just a few minor setbacks lately. Nothing too major, but it will hold off development until 1/1. This is mostly due to everyone being on Christmas break. I myself will be on vacation from 12/22 - 12/29. My recording crew is going to be gone until 1/1. There are a few other things too....such as my @#$% FTP server being down for the time being. I am looking for a different host in the meantime.


It is my hope right now to get a working SOTE demo released by the end of 1st quarter 2005. I am planning on a 1-2 level demo. I was thinking the first level might be the Battle of Hoth. Level 2 may be one of the other levels (hopefully one with a working jetpack).


More is to follow in the coming weeks.

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Originally posted by TK42235


Um, this just looks like a red scout trooper with a neat belt. It needs to be modeled on the legs and the chest plate needs to be skined better.


Tweaks will be made to the BS Trooper. It will get a new mouthpiece and I'm sure any additional input such as yours will not be overlooked. Such are the reasons for the forums in the first place; we want everyone's input, as long as it is only constructive in purpose toward the finished product.


Thanks a bunch amigo,




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hrm....good image.....not bad at all. It might make a nice splash screen.

<jedispy's wheels are turning>


As for the BS Trooper skin on the Scout trooper model, it looks great for the most part. I agree that we need to see armor covering the entirety of the arms and legs like in the following pic.


screenshot taken from the original SOTE

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Not bad at all, however it needs wings on the sides and a better canopy. I'm not sure whether the canopy will need to be done with polys or a texture, but the wings on the side can be done as an add-on.


Use this snapshot as a comaparison.


Having said all that, it looks kick ass, and I can't wait to see it textured and animated. Any luck with the Outrider?





PS.......to all members and curiosity seekers............12th wedding anniversary this weekend, out of town.....see ya late Sunday, or Monday evening at the earliest!!

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<Jedispy's Jaw Drops>



Nicely done. This is the image that I took from Star Wars' website:



To answer your question, yes this model would be highly useful, both as the Virago and the Black Sun starfighters. (They are the same model)


As for animations, the ship folds up (kind of like the s-foils on an X-wing) during atmospheric flight. I will try to make an animated GIF from the original game footage. (I haven't fired up the ol' GIF animator in a while)


Nice work.

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i dont need to know how the wings fold cause i have the game;) but the guns i dont quite know how they look when they are folded cause i dont know wheather they point back or if they tuck completely in or not:S and the skin is almost done. as for the outrider i might make a whole new one cause the other one is old and im alot better now. i also kinda modeled it off the top of my head. to answer mikes question, the wings are right its just that the pic you showed they are folded and mine arent. as for the canopy it is modeled exactly right, cause i modeled the entire thing using mutiple pics. the only hard thing was the rear cause i couldnt find a good pic of it.

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I suppose the N64 version does show some footage of it folding. However, In the PC version, one of the cinematic scenes shows Virago coming in for a landing on Xizor's palace. The wings fold in. The animation for the cannons (or is is canons?) has the guns roating from back (aft) to front (bow) when the wings deploy.


I must say, I am impressed. I wish I had your talent. As it is, I just don't have time to learn how to create models. I played with Poser 4 and Bryce 5 once, and loved it. However I was never good enough to make anything close to what you veteran modelers can do. I learned my place, and that's to stay away from modeling.


I will look forward to seeing what else you may offer. I had hoped that Hatrus would provide his Outrider, but he sounds pretty busy with the Terminator mod. I guess best of luck to him on that.

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im no vet in modelling, ive only been doin it for about 6 months so far. people just say that i leaned fast, the engines are the only thing i need to skin then ill start with the animating. and one more thing, does the star viper have landing gear? or does it just sit on the tips of the folded back wings?




that is the latest render. there might be some people who think that the skin doesnt do justice but thats the best i can do cause im not a skinner. i am learning though to where i wont have to rely on other people just to get my model done. i went on a couple of sites and found good pics of the outrider so i might completly remake it. it wont take long to model but for that i might need someone else to skin it since i lack in that department.

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For Outrider, I recommend Scouttrooper. He did a nice job on the AT-AT model by Duncan_10158.


The prototype skin for the Virago looks good. I would like to see the black sun symbol on one or two of the wings. The black sun symbol is shown in the middle of my crappy banner (see my signature).


Looks cool otherwise. Welcome to the team.

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the black sun symbol i made i thought of ive never seen the real one... but the one i made looks cool its kinda like the white magic symbol from that old magic the gathering card game here look...




and i just noticed the uvs on the right cannon ill fix em. but it is animated and i just gotta do things like make sure the offset is right to where it doesnt spawn half way in the ground. and the bounding box to where theres clipping or you cant get close to it. ill use the tie fighters veh file but give it sheilds and i need to make the efx for debris when it blows up. arent you glad that i know how to do this stuff myself so i can get it done qwick!

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