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Shadows of the Empire Mod for JA (aka "Want List")


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Hey man, i just emailed you about mapping (Possessedclown64@hotmail.com) and wanted to know what you would like me to start on. I have a bunch of good programs for this sort of stuff. I cant distribute them to you of course, but if you need to edit sound stuff, just send me the sound files and i can edit it to your liking. Same thing for video stuff. My Screename for AOL is possessedclown64, thanks

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Thanks for the edit mikenike07054


O.k. folks. We're making ground. As I stated in my last post, we're still recording. Add a little tweaking to things, and we'll get there soon enough.


We have now officially entered the next phase of development: The Demo Phase.


Right now, tentatively of course, we are planning on releasing a 3 level demo of the SOTE Mod. The rough date for this release is April 1 2005. With a lot of work, we're hoping to get it ready.


Before that time we're also planning on releasing a trailer for you guys too (did you get that Zappa_0??)


On my website, I will soon update it with more information. Until then, get excited because something big is about to head this way!!

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Anyone here ever play Rebel Strike for the Gamecube?


If you play Hoth in the 2 player vs mode, there are these huge Imperial transports which drop AT-AT's, and AT-ST's. My son and I were thinking these could somehow possibly be included in the level, being another target at which to shoot, or just a simple background animation, whichever the designers prefer. The transports could carry 1 AT-AT, or 3 AT-ST's Sorry, I don't have any pics to show off or link to....yet


We were also thinking of 2 or 3 Mon-Calamari transports in the background as eye candy, along with the previously mentioned trenches, cave, and shield generators.


He is also working on a bird's eye view map to submit. Once completed, I will scan it and send to to Jedispy...only for consideration. It actually doesn't look bad for the artwork of an 8-yr old.


I really don't know who wants to play this worse, him or me!!!


Later Folks!!!

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Originally posted by jedispy

Thanks for the edit mikenike07054


O.k. folks. We're making ground. As I stated in my last post, we're still recording. Add a little tweaking to things, and we'll get there soon enough.


We have now officially entered the next phase of development: The Demo Phase.


Right now, tentatively of course, we are planning on releasing a 3 level demo of the SOTE Mod. The rough date for this release is April 1 2005. With a lot of work, we're hoping to get it ready.


Before that time we're also planning on releasing a trailer for you guys too (did you get that Zappa_0??)


On my website, I will soon update it with more information. Until then, get excited because something big is about to head this way!!


Somebody will think it's an April Fool's Joke. ; )

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Yo SPY!!


Kurgan is right....April 2 would be much better. I was a sucker/victim to the DF Mod Team joke last year. I was one of the fortunate hopefuls who thought LEC grabbed up all the DF stuff to do a re-release until I saw the April Fool's joke.


There....I amidit it.....I got suckered



Oh and BTW...


MD 99

DUKE 92 How friggin sweeeeeeeet it is!!!!!!


Duck Fuke




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LOL. O.k. O.k.


I hadn't thought about that. O.k. we're shootin' for a non-April fooling 2nd of the month demo release....unless the joke's on us and we're not ready. However we'll see what can be done. I don't want to get anyone's hopes up too high. Right now, pretty much everything rests on what the mappers can accomplish in that timeframe. This has been out biggest delay thus far, not having any serious mappers until recently. Now that we have a few people working on it, things are starting to look brighter.


I'll keep you posted as things develop.



So....vocal team......how are those recordings coming?? <snicker, snicker>

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MMkay, this is kind of weird me asking this since i am a mapper. I am having many problems using EasyGen. I tried to get the fabled GTKGensurf, but could not get it(thats why its fabled). I'm working on the Dune sea for the Demo, and i really need to have hills on the sides, could anyone possibly help me out by making the hills, or telling me how to use it. thanks alot

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Hey, i figured out how to use gensurf, but whenever i convert my maps into .maps, they wont load up, it maybe because of too many triangles, but what the hell is gensurf for than anyway. Radiant cant make big Simple Patch Meshes, and it cant load the .map files up from Gensurf. Ive been doing this for like a week and a half now, and havent gotten anywhere on the dune sea, cause i cant even get the Base done so that it looks realistic. The only way i could see this working if one of you could make a couple of models of hills and rough terrain that i could use. Any help would be just great, the faster i can get the terrain down, then i can move onto detail around the level. thanks alot

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I'm sending you some information that I hope will help.


Recording is coming along. I'm getting more and more auditions. This is good. We still have plenty of voices to fill, so keep 'em coming.


Not a whole lot else to say at this point.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well things have been slow lately. Our mappers tell me that things are going along fine. Today being 3/7/2005, I'm not certain that we'll make the 4/2/2005 demo goal. Of course I will still keep cracking the whip.


In the meantime I've been playing with scripting in hopes that I will have a working map in which to place it. While wearing that hat, I am still working on recording. My soundcard took a dump again, so that's been on back burner for about a week. I have a few skinning items that I'm working on. The Black Sun trooper is nearly completed. It works well. I even managed to figure out how to get him to jump on a swoop and ride it. Of course that's irrelevant and will not be used in the game, but it sure was fun to do.


I've been trying to recruit more modellers as well for some remaining character models.


Finally, the one remaining hat I am wearing is redoing the website. Only the news section is done now, but soon it will support other members being able to run their updates.




Oh well lunch break is over, and I need to get back to the front lines of the battlefield.

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Hey, one of your mappers here. Im not putting any pics up of the Dune Sea map, since thers not much to see, like im not sure what to put, so i just made a bunch of trenches and little bumps all over the place. If you want the bsp, just post here, or email me saying you want it and i can email it to you. One of my questions was also wether or not you are going to make the speeder a little bit faster, kind of like on a permenant boost or something, since the game speeder is really slow, and whenver it hits a bump in my map it like slows down or stops. Im not sure what you want to do with that. So just email me or post here if you want the .bsp file so that you can tell me what needs to be added and taken away, thanks alot!

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The most important part of the Dune Sea Map, IMHO, is the canyon leading from Mos Eisley to Ben Kenobi's hovel. The level should start out as sort of a maze/chase through the city streets of Mos Eisley, eventually funneling into a very dangerous, twisty, turning canyon with ramps to ride up , Sarlaac pits at the end of the ramps which need to be cleared (jumped), or the level restarts at the begining of the canyon. The turns need to be sharp and dangerous enough to have to get in and out of the throttles, yet you will stil need a good enough straightawy to clear (jump) the Sarlaac pits. Backgroud scenery in the canyon should include Banthas, Dewbacks, Tusken Raiders, Jawas, and their massive Sandcrawlers.


The canyon itself should be somewhat shallow (20-30 meters deep) for two reasons:


1...Because it is the same way in the original game.

2...It will be easier on you as far as laying down shadows on

the textures. The suns are set around high noon in this level.


Mos Eisley needs to look like......well......Mos Eisley, plain and simple. There are enough textures available in the game of JA to do an adequate job, just be creative. You should have to twist and turn around crowds, avoid being shot at by Stormtroopers for speeding through town, and zigzag through alleys and streets. The city portion of the map needs to be difficult, not impossible, but needs to have the feel of a busy city. Think sort of a cross between Episode 1, Mos Espa, and Episode 4 (DVD) Mos Eisley.


I hope any of these suggestions are helpful enough for any enhancements for your map/level design.


Mike Gunther

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Yea actually me, and jedispy talked about it and we said that we were gonna make 3 seperate levels. One of Mos Eisley, one of the Dune Sea, and one of Beggars Canyon. So if we are still going with that, then all of the levels will be pretty big, making one big level. We said for the demo that we would release the Dune Sea level. I'm just doin what he told me. But for Mos Eisley im gonna need, NPC rontos, a couple of different kind of aliens (Rodians, Niktos, maybe some Devronians, and some Kitnotaks(or something like that)) if you need picutres of these guys i can get them for you. I also think someone needs to remodel the swoop, since in the SOTE game the swoop is alot bigger compared to Dash then it is in the Jedi Academy game. Thats all i have to say, if you guys want to see what th majority thinks, or if jedispy wants the mos eisley level to be joined with dune sea, thats fine. Ill only do what im told...

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Straight up. We're so far thinking that the Beggar's canyon chase level is going to be 3 seperate maps, kind of like the first level in Jedi Outcast (taspir???). Anyway, this level needs to be big.


[edit]correction, as Zappa_0 points out in the next post, the first level in JO is Kejim[/edit]


We're still hammering out the details of course.


I'm thinking that the swoops will not have any cannons to them. With that said, I may give Dash a blaster to hold and fire. He does this in the book and comics, but not the original game. The JA engine supports it, so we'll see what we can do. Dash will not be able to dismount the swoop. It kind of defeats the purpose of the level. The idea is that he has to get to luke before the others do.


So far it sounds like the mapping is coming along. i will start getting some scripts together. I've been dabbling with code recently, and I think this is going to really turn out well.

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