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Shadows of the Empire Mod for JA (aka "Want List")


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Good idea breaking it up into 3 maps. I remember reading that the DF Team actually wanted more enemies and dead bodies in the Talay level , but hit their absoulute NPC limit causing them to still be a little on the light side of enemies and bodies, not to mention being extremely critical of whereabouts to place them inside the level in the first place. By using the 3-level breakup, you can actually have a whole buttlaod of NPC's in the city of Mos Eisley, Beggar's Canyon on the walls of the canyon itself, and the same goes for the Dune Sea background.



For some good ideas on backgrounds, I highly recommend you play Rebel Assault 2, and 3 on the gamecube. You may not be able to access/hack the discs for textures, but the desert levels will definately get the creative juices flowing a little bit. I also recommend these games for inspriration on the HOTH levels.


Battlefront is a great source of creative inspiration too!!



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Ahem...hey mikenike07054, you double posted with blank posts. Might wanna delete those.


Anyway, we're going to have a few levels like that where we have to split things up into different maps. It's going to save time/resources for the player. Rather than have a 1/2 hour wait time while one fricking huge level loads, we're going to make them smaller. Same goes for npcs.


I've been playing another Raven classic, Star Trek Voyager: Elite Force. I know I know. The very mention of Trek here is sacrelige. However the game itself was well made. It's interesting how Raven made that game vs. Jedi Outcast/Academy. Outcast & Academy support quasi large maps. Elite Force has relatively small maps. In the starship itself, they have 1 map for each floor. It's kind of annoying. If it were made for JA, I could see having most of the ship as one workable map. Granted the two games have entirely different SDKs, but the overall concept is the same. Both are on Q3 game engine.


With that said, I have to laugh at Raven sometimes. They totally reused code from Elite Force. For example, each npc has a .npc file. Each npc has a class that fits them. I think Kyle Katarn's class is Katarn (or something like that). The blue bartender guy (can't remember name or species....i'm ill today) is part of the class "bartender." There are some though that have class "Klingon." Hrm....oh I get it. Maybe this is the era where they had smooth foreheads?!?!


There are other places where I see subtle references to Star Trek. Yep, it's official. Anyone who loves Jedi Outcast/Academy is an unwitting Trek fan.


back to the mod

I can't wait to see what the mappers have. Keep up the good work boys!

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Originally posted by MikeGunther1969

I just found out that one of the guys at ILM placed the Milienium Falcon in the Borg/Federation space battle in Star Trek - First Contact. After further review, I can neither confirm nor deny such alleged reports. Maybe I need one of those new fangled RBFHDTV sets in order to spot it.

Maybe jedispy should buy one for you:p
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  • 2 weeks later...

Well we're coming up on the April 2 deadline, and it doesn't look likely that we're going to have our 3 level demo ready. So we're pushing

the launch date back a little. I would like to say May 1, but with people's busy schedules, it looks more like we'll be watching Episode 3



In regards to go live dates, a couple things are up in the air at this point in time. We may decide to make it a 1 level demo first, then 3

level later (just like DFMOD). We may or may not have a trailer before hand. Really....up in the air.


But we progress along as usual. I'm working to wrap up Luke's vocal recording. I am done with Admiral Piett, Zuckuss, and Han Solo. I may

also add random enemy voices Stormtrooper/Black Sun trooper/Rebel trooper, bounty hunters, etc...). I'm still waiting for the other vocal team members to give me Palpatine, Boba Fett, Darth Vader, Xizor, Dash

Rendar, Bossk, and others. We're wrapping up a few skins for models, and waiting on a few new models too. I'm the main tester so far, so I'll keep you all updated on what I get.

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...Just Curious....




...Any of the following characters, taken?


- Darth Vader

- Emperor Palpatine

- Lando Calrissian

- Han Solo

- Jabba the Hutt


- Jix


I know someone who can do all those, spot-on...

(Maybe not Han Solo - but damn close)

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Still Going here....but dreadfully slow....Had a death in the family and trying to cope, get affairs in order, that sort of thing. I wanted to have Xizor, Jabba, and Dash done by now, but no luck.


Real bummer,, but on the bright side, my tolerance to alcohol and bullshyt is nearing an all time high. Freidrich Neiche (or G. Gordon Liddy) says, "That which does not kill you, can only serve to make you stronger".......I'm feelin like I must be pretty friggin solid right now...yeah right!!!


See ya in a week or so, after all of this blows over.






PS screenies anyone?

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I hear you on that. You've had a lot happen, so that's why you don't hear the whip cracking. Seriously Mike, take care of your family business first, and don't worry about this silly little project. It's going to be a cool mod, but it's secondary to real life.


Anyway, back to bizniss for me.

...Any of the following characters, taken?

Well officially most anything is open. MikeGunther1969 does a really good Xizor and Dash. (Exlan, feel free to still send me your Dash stuff.) Obijon was doing an awesome Emperor Palpatine voice, and a really good Boba Fett, but seems to have disappeared recently.


Jabba is still kind of up in the air. I haven't had much for Jabba content. Of course he's perhaps a little hard to do since he really needs to sound like he does in ROTJ. I also have written out the Huttese. Trying to make him a little authentic, maybe bring a tear to Mr. Lucas' eyes.


Open voices:

Darth Vader - Was thinking of doing it myself, but I'm doing too many voices already

Lando - Nobody seems to want to touch this one. I've been trying to practice a working Billy Dee Williams impression, but it's weak.

Leia - We need female voices, period.

Guri - See above


I personally have done Admiral Piett, Zuckuss, Luke Skywalker, and Han Solo. I admit that my Harrison Ford impression isn't that hot. If anyone can do Han's voice better than me, then have at it.

Jedispy's Han Solo Sample

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Dude, your Skywalker and Solo are both better than the LEC imitators...stop punishing yourself. I swear you are your own worst critic....lmfao!!!


I wish I could do Billy Dee Williams, but all I ever end up with is "Superfly" sounding stuff; really over the top brotha impersonations. I'm thinking of kidnapping Geri Ryan so she can, do the female voices for us, then do ......(use your imagination here)....for me; you know cooking cleaning, laundry, dishes...etc...:D:laughing::yeldance::wazup::drink1:

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I was bored the other day, and some vocal inspiration hit me. This is Xizor's naval commander:



#3 - This one is my fav.


So I've been playing the original SOTE game in Jedi mode lately. All I can say is #@$% it's hard!! I've never personally seen the allegid secret ending. I've not decided yet if I will have such a secret ending.


If I do, it will contain:


Dash is alive and well after the skyhook is destroyed. When Luke and gang thought the Outrider was destroyed, Dash actually made an escape via hyperspace.



EDIT: O.k. it's working now.

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Well if you are referring to the spoiler I posted, I don't really know. It is up in the air. If I can beat the game and see the alleged hidden ending, then I will know for sure. I'm going to use FRAPS to record it if I can. Since SW video games count as EU (well, the ones that have a plot do, excluding SW Rebellion and such), then I think it's fair to say that this really happened.


Anywho, we've now got an actress filling in for the Guri role. She's got a cool, yet kind of creepy voice.


Guri Sample


We're still accepting auditions for other vocal characters as well.

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What I did to get the hidden ending was,


1: beat the game on medium difficulty


2: when skyhook turns red and you're still inside of it, keep flying and make it out of the arm! Let the credits play, At the end you'll see a hidden ending.


Hope that helped.

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