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I had a thought. I wonder if they are going to add any major battles to KOTOR II? As they did in NWN: HoTU. Where you fought off( Or helped out ) the advancing Drow army that was trying to overrun a resistance camp. You lead troups, positioned them, tell them when to attack and such. You where even able to round up allies before the battle started.


I would find something like this to be very fun myself. I would really enjoy such an area in the game. What do you guys think?

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I'm not sure how I would feel about something like that. I doesn't seem very consistent with the whole "avoid bounty hunters, assassins, and Dark Jedi while trying to survive" theme that I think this game is going to be about.


Don't get me wrong, they might do something like that and do it well, but I wouldn't expect it.

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I have to agree with Achillies and lukeiamyourdad, it seems from everything we hear about KOTOR:TSL that you are going to be the hunted through most of the game, and possibly, although only a slight chance, the hunter toward the end.


But Hiroki your idea sounds very KOTOR 3, you gotta end a good Star Wars Trilogy with a big battle! :D

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Originally posted by Hiroki

But you didn't get to control it, Prime.


You don't but I don't see how Bioware could have implemented anything close to what you're proposing without creating serious deadspots in the storyline.


Again, KotOR just doesn't seem like that kind of RPG.

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Originally posted by Hiroki

Well, I don't need to tell you that they SHOULD have done it in KOTOR 1. Revan was suppose to be a great tactician, and military leader. We should have gotten the chance to play that role.


We'll just have to agree to disagree on that one :D

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Originally posted by Hiroki

Well, I don't need to tell you that they SHOULD have done it in KOTOR 1. Revan was suppose to be a great tactician, and military leader. We should have gotten the chance to play that role.


While I agree with you Hiroki that it would have been a cool feature.


The more I think about it, the more I figure that mass battles isn't going to be possible with the current KOTOR game engine. While NWN and KOTOR share the same basic game engine, KOTOR plays very differently than NWN, the graphics are far better, and it uses more system rescources, and all of this comes into play when you are doing a mass battle of any sort.


I just don't see that as possible, though I could be wrong. :)

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Originally posted by RedHawke

While I agree with you Hiroki that it would have been a cool feature.


The more I think about it, the more I figure that mass battles isn't going to be possible with the current KOTOR game engine. While NWN and KOTOR share the same basic game engine, KOTOR plays very differently than NWN, the graphics are far better, and it uses more system rescources, and all of this comes into play when you are doing a mass battle of any sort.


I just don't see that as possible, though I could be wrong. :)


I personally don't see how they could do it and maintain the story line. This is an RPG/Adventure game, not an RPG/Strategy game. It's like adding a FPS plot to Donkey Kong.


Just my 2 cents.

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Originally posted by Achilles

I personally don't see how they could do it and maintain the story line. This is an RPG/Adventure game, not an RPG/Strategy game. It's like adding a FPS plot to Donkey Kong.


Just my 2 cents.


What?.. Oh I see Achillies... My Bad! :D Hiroki was talking about KOTOR and not KOTOR 3, I was actually agreeing that it would have been a cool feature in KOTOR 3... that'll teach me not to type it out correctly/coherently next time! :D


I agree Achillies KOTOR had no place for a mass battle part, not in the scope of the existing story, and it probably wouldn't have a place in KOTOR:TSL either. And as I said before I don't think it would be possible anyways because something like that would be very rescource intensive, and the Xbox wouldn't be able to run it, let alone low end PC's. :)

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AFAIK, the KOTOR engine is a modified Auroa engine as used in NWN. I know from experience on a NWN PW that large battles don't really work very well in the engine. It simply isn't designed to handle it.


Bioware's new game in development, Dragon Age, *is* designed to handle large battles, however, so we may see that yet in a future Star Wars RPG.

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Originally posted by Morgan_Hearst

AFAIK, the KOTOR engine is a modified Auroa engine as used in NWN. I know from experience on a NWN PW that large battles don't really work very well in the engine. It simply isn't designed to handle it.


Then it probably wouldn't be possible, with KOTOR's enhanced models and Graphics. Just as I suspected it would be. :D Besides a KOTOR with the mass battle option would have to run smoothly on the Xbox as well.


Thanks for confirming my suspicions Morgan_Hearst. :D

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Originally posted by Hiroki

Well, I don't need to tell you that they SHOULD have done it in KOTOR 1. Revan was suppose to be a great tactician, and military leader. We should have gotten the chance to play that role.

But the only way to do that would probably be through dialog options. The game only lets you control three characters at a time, which of course doesn't lend itself very well to controlling larger armies.


So in the end, I think having to coordinate large armies with dialog at the end of the game would suck, since that would mean you wouldn't be using any of the abilities you just spent the whole game building up. That, and there would be no final battle with Malak, since you would be on a starship bridge somewhere.

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Uhhh.... while youre in the star forge??? :D :D


Bah...they really need to leave the X-box in the dust...stop being held down by consoles.


Right! Xbox sux! Kotor isnt reaching its true potential while being pummeled down to be adapted to console games!


*Smashes his Xbox poster :headbump*



Ohhh yaaaahhhh 250 posts! Im a sand person!

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Originally posted by Hiroki

You could command ships to weaken the Star Forges defenses, so that you could board it, and then everything would go as it normally did. ;)


Well that's surely an interesting idea, but not really feasable in the context of the KOTOR storyline, you are on the Ebon Hawk, and because of your smaller size are able to get on the Star Forge anyway.


Star Wars capital ships and space stations seem to have a very poor ability to destroy smaller ships and fighters. :D

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Originally posted by RedHawke

Well that's surely an interesting idea, but not really feasable in the context of the KOTOR storyline, you are on the Ebon Hawk, and because of your smaller size are able to get on the Star Forge anyway.


Star Wars capital ships and space stations seem to have a very poor ability to destroy smaller ships and fighters. :D

Not too mention that it doesn't do anything to strengthen the "get Malak" storyline. Sure it's a good idea but I think the overwhelming opinion is that it won't advance story and it would be incredibly hard to do.


It's very clear, Hiroki, that you like strategic RPG's. If KotOR isn't to your liking then perhaps there is another game that does suit your tastes :D

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i really gotta play the single player for the neverwinter nights series. i'm on chapter 1 in the very first episode, only 9 more to go, plus the preludes and conclusions, it's just so hard to get into (really boring as the missions are long, frag this, frag that, get that, get this, run aross the entire map just to get something, sheesh, i hope kotor II spares us from this, remember tatooine? where you had to run all the way back to czerka to get that stupid moisture vaporator? or in kashyyk where you had to go all the way back to the beginning just to return that stupid recording from that droid, pls spare us this)

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