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What about the PC version ???????????????????????


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Has there been any word on the system specs ???


What about modd-ability ? Can we add our own models and change stats around ??


Just gotta drop the launchers for the rebs/imps and add T-21 heavy blasters instead !


[ don't have a clue as to the launcher stats but I was thinking if a launcher/blaster swap is possible to drop the launcher damage by 1/2 but make the reload rate 1/2 and cut down blast radius .]


Who knows, maybe we could mod the imp. officers back in ? Or better yet what they now call imperial naval troopers but what they called death squad commaders in the org. figures,the black uniform,big helmet security guards ! That'a be sweet !

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There has been no word on system specs.


I agree, the Imperial Navy Trooper would be a great addition. Having a T-21 rather than a missile launcher... interesting! The T-21 is supposed to be like a really powerful repeating rifle, powerful enough to damage starships.

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1)System specs: idont think any1 knows

2)Yes, it will be moddable

Originally posted by T-21

...Just gotta drop the launchers for the rebs/imps and add T-21 heavy blasters instead !


[ don't have a clue as to the launcher stats but I was thinking if a launcher/blaster swap is possible to drop the launcher damage by 1/2 but make the reload rate 1/2 and cut down blast radius .]


Who knows, maybe we could mod the imp. officers back in ? Or better yet what they now call imperial naval troopers but what they called death squad commaders in the org. figures,the black uniform,big helmet security guards ! That'a be sweet !

good ideas about the rocket launchers and imp officer that will probably be possible.

Im going to get the PC version 2.

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Originally posted by TK-8252


powerful enough to damage starships.


sry, but I have to clarify this. It can damage some starships, and not with shields. I mean, maybe it can weaken the shields minutely, but not enough to really matter. And it can somewhat damage the hull of smaller starships, but not on a large scale. Maybe alot to a TIE, but anything much bigger, and no. The T-21 isnt a superweapon, it was made for infantry, and while it CAN be used against ships, is mostly used against ships to take potshots at. This is nothing against you, I'm just really anal about these things.

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Ah! I see.



This weapon is devastating against infantry, wielding enough power output to slice easily through personal armour suits or break down force fields. The T-21 also can cut through the armour plating used on many light combat vehicles, such as armoured landspeeders. In the hands of a skilled operator the T-21 can eliminate on entire enemy squad in a matter of seconds.


I mistaked the T-21 for the E-Web. :o

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Dunno about the Imperial Officer mod, it better be a serverside mod in that case... I like the Darktrooper anyway.


I mean sure Movie Battles 2 is a mod for JA, but it deserves being separated from the base JA (so that the client needs to download as well too) but a simple thing like changing a class isn't worthy enough in my opinion.

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As far as we know E-Webs are not in the game. The turrets that Pilots build are all Merr-Sonn Mark IV Blaster Cannons mounted on little walls, which gives you a bit of cover. It would be nice if the Imperial Pilots and Clone Pilots could build E-Webs instead, though.

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Yeah, the T-21 was the big blaster rifle carried by the front " sand " trooper enroute to the Falcon on Tatooine in the first Star Wars movie. Has something like 25 shots when not used with a large continous power pack.Supposed to be capable do damage light vech armor and such.


Isn't it a bit odd to be so close to release and not have system specs up yet ?

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Originally posted by lukeskywalker1

Whoa.. no imperial officers?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!11111111111



sup with that? You can't just have stormtroopers, and no one to command them! It won't be as cool as the movies if it doesn't have them.



For about a month people are complaining about this in all kinds of threads. Where hav you been? :D

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