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vehicle critical spots/ headshots


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Im gonna say i am confused. I saw in some movies that it takes one shot to the engine of an x-wing from a tiefighter to down them, but elsewhere a couple in other movies. i also saw head shots with sniperrifles, and two shots elsee where with the same weapon. Can somebody please clarify?

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not in the ign movie. There was a short chase seen: It all started half-wway through the movie...A darktrooper took flight and land ed in a tie fighter, where he took off and began searching out pray. As he was approaching a rebel new what danger was now approaching and climbed into one of the two X-wings nearby, and lifted off. The dogfight began with a few pot shots from the tie, which was racing after the X-wing. Flying in a gradual part circle the X-wing began to race towards a rock tunnel, but the tie had the edge. After revealing its engines, the X-wing exploded into flame and the tie went shooting gloriously off overhead, where the camera switched to a differant clip.


(acting mystical on purpose, by the way lol)

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Watch the video again. After the TIE takes some shots at the undamaged X-Wing and misses, the video advances, and the X-Wing has been damaged (look at the red bar on the HUD which shows your enemy's health), and then the X-Wing is destroyed by the final shot.

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Originally posted by I like seafood

I read somewhere that the critical point on the AT-AT is the neck region.


Is this true?


Does anyone know if this will be reflected in the game?


One of the things I really am looking forward to is seeing an AT-AT get taken down. :D


I don't think the AT-AT really has a 'weak spot'. Tow cables are probably the best way to take one down.

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Originally posted by Clone_Fighter

I mean I have read somewhere that it is possible to kill with single shots with sniper if u hit a certain place on the head.

Dunno if it's true though.


That would be quit easy as the head isn't constantly moving. But the AT-AT would explode if you kill the pilot???

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Yeah Im having fears that the sniper class has too much advantage and as I've seen in the clips he even shoots quite rapidly so it's not that hard to get 2 shots in before the enemy sees anything, but sniper is useless against vehicles........ ohh well people can just spamm snipers + Heavy Weapon class to win the game ( hope not )

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Originally posted by Dragnarr

Yeah Im having fears that the sniper class has too much advantage and as I've seen in the clips he even shoots quite rapidly so it's not that hard to get 2 shots in before the enemy sees anything, but sniper is useless against vehicles........ ohh well people can just spamm snipers + Heavy Weapon class to win the game ( hope not )


The battlefront sniper also has a weak point: He is easy to spot. Everytime he shoots you will be able to see where the shot comes from. And the damn radar may make this even more easy.

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Originally posted by Mountainforest

I don't think the AT-AT really has a 'weak spot'. Tow cables are probably the best way to take one down.


For anyone who has played Star Wars Arcade on the Hoth mission you have to target the neck of the AT-AT to help weaken it or something so a snowspeeder can wrap a tow cable around without getting shot at. Also you have to shoot the neck of a fallen AT-AT to fully destroy it.


In The Empire Strikes Back I think during the battle of hoth some snowspeeder took two shots at a fallen AT-AT's neck and it suddenly exploded (why that causes it to explode is beyond me). It would suggest that the neck was a weak spot, after all it must surely be less armored to allow the head to flex.


Whether it is a weak spot in battleground I dunno, haven't been keeping up with the news. :eek: If it was I guess you would have to use heavy weaponary (or just go for the normal tow cable routine or be in heavy weapon vehicle).

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Originally posted by Mountainforest

The battlefront sniper also has a weak point: He is easy to spot. Everytime he shoots you will be able to see where the shot comes from. And the damn radar may make this even more easy.


Yeah, but if he ain't moving or shooting, you wont see him on the radar.

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Besides what good it is to see the sniper when you are lying on the ground dead :p . Im just saying an army of elite snipers could take down all the enemy infantry it seems, then just add couple of Heavy Weapons dude and yeah on a clear map like Geonosis, the enemy has no hope. Just introducing my clan strategies :cool:

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The AT-AT does not have any built in Neck weakness, but it was planned at one time. I'm not sure why it is not there anymore...it may have been a balance issue...because I remember they were too easy to target and kill that way. Bobby might know. You cannot head shot or kill an AT-AT pilot, though, that is for sure. In ESB you see a shot of a snowspeeder shooting directly at the windshield of the AT-AT but it doesn't do any damage. Once an AT-AT loses all HPs it falls to its knees and explodes into pieces.

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Originally posted by nortenyo

The AT-AT does not have any built in Neck weakness, but it was planned at one time. I'm not sure why it is not there anymore...it may have been a balance issue...because I remember they were too easy to target and kill that way. Bobby might know. You cannot head shot or kill an AT-AT pilot, though, that is for sure. In ESB you see a shot of a snowspeeder shooting directly at the windshield of the AT-AT but it doesn't do any damage. Once an AT-AT loses all HPs it falls to its knees and explodes into pieces.


Do you know how it works if two people are piloting an AT-AT? If the shootermoves the head to shoot something, won't that effect the view of the pilot?

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The snipers have the disadvantage of being easy to spot, since their shots are bright lasers, and they probably don't do as much damage as snipers in other games. In the sniper descriptions on the website, many of them say that the gun isn't even a true sniper rifle, just a normal rifle modified for long range. It's probably the scope that makes it useful, and it's probably more accurate, but not more powerful, meaning you'd have to head shot someone to one hit kill them.


Vehicles probably have weaker spots, like the neck or underside of AT-ATs, and fighter engines are probably more vurnerable, but I doubt there will be an instant kill zone for any vehicle.

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Originally posted by JawaJoey

In the sniper descriptions on the website, many of them say that the gun isn't even a true sniper rifle, just a normal rifle modified for long range.

The descriptions mean nothing. All the sniper rifles perform the same. The description of the Republic DC-15x Sniper Rifle says that it's a modified version of the standard DC-15 rifle, but in videos, you can see it performs just as any other sniper rifle.
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