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Character Class Mod


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I'm currently working on a mod that adjusts all the of the game's character classes to more closely match their paper and pen variants. I'm relatively new to KOTOR moding though, so I may need some assistance as the mod progresses.





  • Removed all visual force effects. Thanks Seprithro!

  • Removed the Power Blast, Improved Power Blast, Master Power Blast, Weapon Proficiency: Melee Weapons, Weapon Focus: Melee Weapons, Weapon Specialization: Melee Weapons, Weapon Specialization: Blaster Pistol, Weapon Specialization: Blaster Rifle, Weapon Specialization: Heavy Weapons, and Weapon Specialization: Lightsaber feats.

  • Removed the Force Valor, Knight Valor, and Master Valor force powers.

  • Altered the Soldier's default clothing. Thanks Seprithro!

  • Altered the names of various feats and powers to match the D20 core rule-book. IE: Weapon Proficiency: Blaster Pistol is now Weapon Group Proficiency (blaster pistols).

  • Altered the effects of various force powers to match the D20 core rulebook. IE: Burst of Speed now increaes your base speed to 10 times normal for 6 seconds.

  • Adjusted the starting feats for each class.

  • Adjusted the levels feats are gained. All characters now acquire feats at 3rd, 6th, 9th, 12th, 15th, and 18th level.

  • Adjusted the feats the game grants based on a character's class and level.

  • Added the Armor Proficiency (powered), Weapon Group Proficiency (simple weapons), Weapon Focus (simple weapons), Weapon Group Proficiency (vibro weapons), and Weapon Focus (vibro weapons) feats.

  • Added the Alter, Control, Sense, Enhanced Ability (strength), Enhanced Ability (dexterity), and Rage force powers.

  • Added an extra feat for human characters at 1st level. For the main character this can be any feat they qualify for.

  • Added "Bonus Feats" at certain levels for each class. These feats are chosen from a special list.

  • Added a defense bonus based on class and level.

In Development:

  • [*]Altering the game's feat and power recommendations.

[*]Adjusting the starting equipment for each class.

[*]Adding additional attacks based on base attack bonus.

[*]Much, MUCH more!

Current Project Team

Jatku: Project Coordinator

operagh0st: Game Balance

darkkender: Scripts

Cloud91690: Items


Project Contributors

Darth333: Placement Scripts

beancounter: Script Consultant

Achilles: Moral Support


If anyone else is interested in lending a hand, feel free to PM me. The scope of the mod has grown quite a bit from when I first came up with idea, so whatever your skills may be I'm sure we could benefit from having you on the team.



I'll keep this post updated as we make further progress.

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Sorry that I'm just now getting to this. The freakiness of the last few days has thrown us all off :(


As for your mod, all I can say is "can't wait to see it". I've thought about tackling stuff like this for quite a while, however I have no knowledge of PnP RPG's so I've often thought better of even starting.


Best of luck with your project.

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Hi Achilles,


Thanks for the show of interest!


Any idea how I could incorporate the paper and pen Jedi Guardian's "Increased lightsaber damage" class feature? (+1d8 dmg with sabers every 5 levels). I've thought about adding the benefit through a set of custom feats, but I'm not sure how that's done.


I'm also stumped when it comes to adding additional attacks for higher BAB totals.


By the way, great work on your own mods. :thumbs1:

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Originally posted by Jatku

Hi Achilles,


Thanks for the show of interest!



Any idea how I could incorporate the paper and pen Jedi Guardian's "Increased lightsaber damage" class feature? (+1d8 dmg with sabers every 5 levels). I've thought about adding the benefit through a set of custom feats, but I'm not sure how that's done.


I'm also stumped when it comes to adding additional attacks for higher BAB totals.


By the way, great work on your own mods. :thumbs1:




Beancounter appeared to stumble onto a resource in this thread a few days ago. Perhaps that can get you started.

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Acording to that information, creating a new "combat" feat (any feat akin to Dueling) isn't possible, and that's exactly the type of feat this would be.




I think I've figured out a way to add the benefit...

I'll need the assistance of a more experienced scripter though.


*cough* Darth333 *cough* :D


If anyone is willing to lend a hand, please PM me.

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Thanks Mono!

Originally posted by Mono_Giganto

I thought it was a combat feat akin to "power attack" or something that you select in a fight.

No their seems to be pretty detailed instructions for creating that type of feat, it's custom feats with an "always on" effect that aren't possible. The effects for feats of that type are hard coded into the game, and cannot be altered.
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I'm trying to make a script that adds 1d8 energy damage to any lightsaber a Jedi Guardian equips, for every 5 Jedi Guardian levels they posses.


IE: A 15th level Jedi Guardian would have 3d8 energy damage added to any lightsaber he equipped.


I've been researching the game's script functions, and it looks like this is possible. I'm having trouble implementing it though.




This is what I have so far...

void main()


object oPC = GetPCItemLastEquippedBy();

object oItem = GetPCItemLastEquipped();


int nDamage = IP_CONST_DAMAGEBONUS_1d10;


itemproperty ipAdd = ItemPropertyDamageBonus(nDamageType, nDamage);


IPSafeAddItemProperty(oItem, ipAdd);


I can't seem to get this script, or the custom OnPlayerEquipItem.nss I wrote to execute it, to compile.

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OK, I've been paging through the nwscript.nss...

I see entries I can use, but without examples to reference I'm rather lost. (scripting is far from a strong point of mine). Could you help me with the script's structure?


This is basically what I need it to do:

  • Fire when the player equips an item.
  • Check to see if the item is a lightsaber. If not, the script aborts.
  • Check to see if the character's class is Jedi Guardian. If not, the script aborts.
  • Check to see if the character has 5 or more levels in the Jedi Guardian Class. If not, the script aborts.
  • If the character has 5 or more levels in the Jedi Guardian Class add 1d8 energy damage to the item equipped.
  • If the character has 10 or more levels in the Jedi Guardian Class add 2d8 energy damage to the item equipped.
  • If the character has 15 or more levels in the Jedi Guardian Class add 3d8 energy damage to the item equipped.
  • If the character has 20 or more levels in the Jedi Guardian Class add 4d8 energy damage to the item equipped.

If possible, I'd like to have the script affect all characters, not just the player character. (for game balance reasons).


I really appreciate all the help!

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Originally posted by Jatku

OK, I've been paging through the nwscript.nss...

I see entries I can use, but without examples to reference I'm rather lost. (scripting is far from a strong point of mine). Could you help me with the script's structure?


This is basically what I need it to do:

  • Fire when the player equips an item.
  • Check to see if the item is a lightsaber. If not, the script aborts.
  • Check to see if the character's class is Jedi Guardian. If not, the script aborts.
  • Check to see if the character has 5 or more levels in the Jedi Guardian Class. If not, the script aborts.
  • If the character has 5 or more levels in the Jedi Guardian Class add 1d8 energy damage to the item equipped.
  • If the character has 10 or more levels in the Jedi Guardian Class add 2d8 energy damage to the item equipped.
  • If the character has 15 or more levels in the Jedi Guardian Class add 3d8 energy damage to the item equipped.
  • If the character has 20 or more levels in the Jedi Guardian Class add 4d8 energy damage to the item equipped.

If possible, I'd like to have the script affect all characters,

not just the player character. (for game balance reasons).


I really appreciate all the help!


There is no way to have a script fire when you equip an item. KOTOR does not support the OnEquip trigger, even if it did support the OnEquip trigger, it is a module trigger. This means your mod would have to change EVERY module.ifo file (there are about 40 or so). The only command that comes close is the GetLastItemEquipped(), but that is not very reliable, because it returns the last item you equipped. So unless the last thing you equipped was a lightsaber the script would not work correctly.


You could change the hearbeat script(case 2001) in k_ai_master, but I would not recommend it. The heartbeat script fires every six seconds and eats up a lot of the processor time. This script would involve checking that the PC had a saber equiped using the command GetItemInSlot, checking if the PC already had the effects applied to them, and applying the effects to the PC if they were not active. However, everything I have read strongly discouraged using a heartbeat script.


I think you would be better of making a new force power that only the guardian could get that would give the attack bonus. You can even require that the PC have a light saber equipped in order to cast the power. See the throw saber power in spells.2da.

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I'm curious if you will or already have fixed an issue I've noticed with KOTOR and skill points per lvl with PNP d20 games it is Class skill pts per/lvl + Int modifier = per/lvl skill pts however KOTOR only does this some of the time most of the time it seems to provide either just the class pts per lvl or 1 skill pt. The game seems to at least have the default no less than 1 skill pt per lvl that is part of the d20 character advancement rules. I would love to know if this will be included. I suppose my only other question is are you going to try to implement epic experience advancement and try to bypass the lvl 20 lvl limit hard coded to the game or avoid that can of worms?

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