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Character Class Mod


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Well, I tried all last night to get at least a small portion of the script to compile, and failed miserably.


This is what I (last) tried to compile:


object oItem = GetPCItemLastEquipped()

effect EffectDamageIncrease(oItem, int nDamageType=DAMAGE_TYPE_UNIVERSAL, int nDamage=DAMAGE_BONUS_1d8);



Which I was inserting into the end of the k_def_heartbt01.nss script. (a copy I saved to my override folder).


I know it's not much...

I'm not sure how to properly implement the "if" commands the script needs.


Originally posted by darkkender

I'm curious if you will or already have fixed an issue I've noticed with KOTOR and skill points per lvl with PNP d20 games it is Class skill pts per/lvl + Int modifier = per/lvl skill pts however KOTOR only does this some of the time most of the time it seems to provide either just the class pts per lvl or 1 skill pt. The game seems to at least have the default no less than 1 skill pt per lvl that is part of the d20 character advancement rules. I would love to know if this will be included.

To be honest, I never noticed that issue. I've only played the XBOX version of KOTOR up till a few weeks ago. I'll look into it and see what I can do.


Originally posted by darkkender

I suppose my only other question is are you going to try to implement epic experience advancement and try to bypass the lvl 20 lvl limit hard coded to the game or avoid that can of worms?

I think I'll be avoiding that can worms. Besides, I want to unbalance the game as little as possible, if anything I'd like to make it slightly more challenging.


Thanks for your interest in my mod! :)

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Are you planning on adding unique bonuses to the toher Jedi classes as well? Cause I thought of something today:


Why not mess around with spells.2da, I believe you can change the level required per force power for each class, so maybe, raise the rquired levels on some Guardian force powers to offset the 1d8 thing, and lower them for Consulars? Like maybe instead of 15 for force wave, Guardians need 18, while Consulars need 12? Just a thought. :)

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Well the plans for this mod is to get Kotor to actually match up with the pen and paper d20 Role playing game of star wars not to adversly change it to get an adverse advantage in the game.


I think I'll be avoiding that can worms. Besides, I want to unbalance the game as little as possible, if anything I'd like to make it slightly more challenging.


the suggestion about adding epic progression up to lvl 40 would not necesarily unbalance the game since epic progressions are designed as to be balanced with lower level progression. However I cannot blame you for avoiding the excess coding and programming required to bypass the 20 level limit cap.

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What you are trying to do might seem simple, but it is actually pretty advanced scripting. Based on the code you posted, I think what you are trying to do is a little too advanced. Maybe you need to start with something easier like item editing? Once you get comfortable with that try to make a custom force power. I am not trying to discourage you, but I think you are trying to do something to advanced.

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I have to agree with Beancounter, our script expert with tk102 :) . What you are trying to do seems to be a bit much for you right now. Why don't you familiarize yourself with scripting via simple things first...


Making a new force power is easier and faster than what you are asking, although there are easier things to begin with...

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Originally posted by Jatku

OK, OK, I can take the hint...

Stupid Jatku can't handle the big boy scripts. :p


I'm definitely interested beancounter, and would graciously welcome any help that your willing to offer.


Nobody said you were stupid. They're only making these suggestions because what you want to do is extremly hard and they don't want you to get discouraged and give up all together.


If you search through the forums you will find multiple complex mods people were working on, and it went way over them or they ran into some roadblock and the project never saw the light of day.


So don't ever think your stupid, just realize you just showed up here and they want you to stay around and give what ever you can.

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Jatku, I would be glad to help ypu out. The first thing you need to do is take a look at this thread.




It deals with the spells.2da file as well as creating a custom icon. Once you have managed to update the spells.2da extract the script k_def_buff.nss and k_inc_force.nss. Both of those scripts have examples that should come in handy.


Your force script needs to do three things:

1. Check your casters effects and make sure they are not already under the influence of your force power. This is necessary to prevent multiple casting of your force power to stack with each other. This is far easier than it sounds. Check the function CM_RemoveSpellEffectsGeneral in the k_inc_force. If you are having trouble with this part skip it for now and complete parts two and three.


2. Determine what effect you want to apply. The script k_def_buff sets different effects based on the characters level. You will need to change it around a bit, but it should give you a good idea.


3. Apply your effect. There are numerous examples in k_inc_force & k_def_buff.


Good luck and don't hesitate to post here if you get stuck.

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No worries Nodakrattler, I'm not going anywhere. :)


I appreciate the informative post beancounter...

I've started work on the new force power, I'll let you know how I make out.


I also appreciate Darth333 taking time out of her day (especially as busy as hers are) to take a look my scripts, and for putting up with my annoying PM's.


Thanks Darth! :heart3:


I'm going away for the (extended) weekend, I'll be back late Monday night. I'm turning the thread over to darkkender for the time being.


That's ok with you, right dark? ;)


After I'm back home their will be some major updates to initial post of this thread.


OK, so I lied...

I guess I am going somewhere, but I AM coming back. :p


Have a great weekend everyone!

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For the script, I suggest you look at the .nss files Beancounter pointed out to find the functions you need to call (it will definitely be more than a 5 liner script).


You can look at the Tach morphing force power and at the AIOFPM for examples for examples on how to add a new force power to the game: http://www.lucasforums.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=134933

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I apologize for the lack of updates...

I've been very busy sense I got back.


I DID make some headway on adding the new force power, but I'm (once again) stuck on the script.


Here's what I have so far:









void main(){




effect eVFX = EffectVisualEffect(VFX_PRO_LIGHTNING_L);

eLink1 = EffectDamageBonus(DAMAGE_INCREASE,1d8)




Sp_RemoveSpellEffectsGeneral(FORCE_POWER_INCREASE_SABER_DAMAGE, oTarget);



Sp_ApplyEffects(FALSE, OBJECT_SELF, 0.0, 1, eLink1, 36.00);


What am I missing / how do I get the script to only add damage to the lightsaber(s) the character has equipped?

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hmm, that script needs a lot of work. There are a couple of glaring errors (For instance oTarget is not defined) and it will take a lot of time to walk you through it. I have been working on a force powers mod and this script should not take me that long to make. If you want I could post the script here. If you want to do it yourself you need to download the NWN Lexicon and do a couple of the tutorials in there before doing your won script.

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Sorry, I'm no programmer, just trying to piece things together through guesswork. If you could write the script, I'd GREATLY appreciate it. It's been holding up the entire mod. Actually, if your interested, I'd love to make you a part of the team. The mod will only need a few scripts, but your knowledge and skills would be invaluable.

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hey Jack I think I figured out how the script might need to look I used the throw lightsaber script as a template.


here it is






eLink1 = EffectDamageIncrease(8, DAMAGE_TYPE_UNIVERSAL);

eLink1 = SupernaturalEffect(eLink1);


SignalEvent(8, EventSpellCastAt(OBJECT_SELF, GetSpellId(), SWFP_HARMFUL));




hey bean tell me if you think this would work.

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Darkkender, you are starting to get on the right track. You are using the same Effect(EffectDamageIncrease) that I wanted to.


I finished the script for you, but there is one HUGE problem:


EffectDamageIncrease is completely broke! :mad:

When you cast the power your character screen shows your damage increase, but when you actually attack someone you do not do any extra damage. You can check this by looking at the ingame feedback log. I also tested this with the stim - Echani Battle Stimulant, which has the same EffectDamageIncrease, and that stim does not give any extra damage either. Bummer.


So, I have no idea how to impliminate your mod Jatku. You could maybe make a custom saber crystal that gave the bonus.


Anyway here is the script I wrote:






void main()



object oTarget = GetSpellTargetObject();

effect eTargetVisual;

effect eBuff, eBonsusDamage;

int nDamage;

int ncnt = 0;

int nIdx;



eBonsusDamage = EffectDamageIncrease(DAMAGE_BONUS_5, DAMAGE_TYPE_BLASTER);



// Check for and remove this power if the character is already under the effects

// This is to prevent the power from stacking after multiple casting



// Block this part for now during testing

//Sp_RemoveSpellEffectsGeneral(FORCE_POWER_GUARDIAN_MASTER, oTarget);



// Signal SpellCast Trigger

SignalEvent(oTarget, EventSpellCastAt(OBJECT_SELF, GetSpellId(), FALSE));


// Set Icon Effect

eBuff = SetEffectIcon(eBuff, 7);


// Build Visual Effects

eTargetVisual = EffectVisualEffect(VFX_PRO_FORCE_ARMOR);

eTargetVisual = EffectLinkEffects(eTargetVisual, EffectVisualEffect(VFX_PRO_FORCE_SHIELD));


// Build the Bonsus Damage Effect

eBuff = EffectLinkEffects(eBuff, eBonsusDamage);


//Apply Visual Effects

ApplyEffectToObject(DURATION_TYPE_TEMPORARY, eTargetVisual, oTarget, 3.0);


//Apply Icon and Buff

ApplyEffectToObject(DURATION_TYPE_TEMPORARY, eBuff, oTarget, 30.0);



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Drat, this game's incompleteness never ceases to amaze me...

You appear to be 100% correct bean, I even tried altering the damage type to get an effect. At first I thought the game might have been lumping the added damage from your script in with the weapon's energy damage, or that the log wasn't properly displaying the damage breakdown, but I ran some test and in combat the character's damage (with the power up) dropped below the range reported in the character's equipment screen on multiple occasions.


On a side note: Why wouldn't the script compile when I changed the damage bonus to 1d8? According to the nwscript.nss file DAMAGE_BONUS_1D8 should be a declared identifier. I tried DAMAGE_BONUS_8 as well.


Well, in any event, I GREATLY appreciate your help bean. Great work as well dark, you've come such a long way in such a short time. I'm glad to have you on the team.


I spoke with Achilles early today about granting the ability through a custom saber crystal. I think a custom saber would be more fitting though. The only problem is having the bonus increase based on the character's level. I'm not sure if anyone's figured out how to do that yet, or if it's even possible.


I believe their were weapons in the beta that granted additional benefits, based on a character's feats. That could be a possibility, but that weapon property may have been removed from the game.


We have a few options, when it comes to tackling this issue:

  1. [*]Change the power so it adds strength instead of damage.[*]Attempt constructing a custom crystal / saber to mimic the ability.[*]Abandon the addition of the ability entirely.[/list=1]What are everyone's thoughts on this?


I've re-added the Weapon Proficiency (Simple Weapons) feat to the game, and changed the Weapon Proficiency (Melee Weapons) feat to "Weapon Proficiency (Vibro Weapons)". Though I've been able to edit the baseitems.2da file to get the Proficiency working properly, like many of the other feats that were abandoned Weapon Focus (Simple Weapons) doesn't actually grant it's stated benefit.


Bean, is their a script function to check for a specific feat? If so, do you think you could write a small script that checks for the Weapon Focus (Simple Weapons) feat and adds +1 to the character's attack rolls if they have it? I suppose it would have to be added to the k_def_heartbt01 script.


Please let me know. If that's possible than we should be able to fix and re-instate many of the other un-included feats.

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  • 4 weeks later...

a way off topic cause of your scripting problems... why you had to remove "every" visual effects of the force powers?

i never saw the imperator using his lightnig storm without the visual effect of lighning, for example..


so i cant really understand why you´r doing this :confused:

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Originally posted by FunSolo

a way off topic cause of your scripting problems...

Your not off topic at all, any post that pertains to the mod is acceptable. Honestly I've been hoping to get more feedback (this thread has been rather quiet). If anyone out there has any questions/comment, please post them. Oh, and as for the scripting problems, the majority of them have been solved. Thanks Bean!

Originally posted by FunSolo

why (did) you have to remove "every" visual effects of the force powers?

Sorry, I should have been more specific. The visual effects for all force powers that should not (as per Star Wars canon) have them, have been removed. IE: Force lighting still has the "proper" visual effect.
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  • 2 weeks later...
Originally posted by Jatku

I spoke with Achilles early today about granting the ability through a custom saber crystal. I think a custom saber would be more fitting though. The only problem is having the bonus increase based on the character's level. I'm not sure if anyone's figured out how to do that yet, or if it's even possible.


I've been developing an RPG mod of my own for a while now, and this is exactly the solution i used to grant the "Increase Lightsaber Damage" feat to the Jedi Classes.


I began by re-activating a few of the dormant feats from "feat.2da" which (while not active in the game) were still incorporated into the code and data.


Specifically I used the series of "Simple Weapons" proficiencies; which is suitable because the graphic icon is of a little sword, and also threw in the "Grenade" weapon proficiency (with a different icon) to be the +4d8 feat.


I chose these feats because they seemed to be the least likely to interfere with the normal operation of the game; however they could still serve as a required feat to equip lightsabers of higher damage.


I set these feats to be automatically granted to the Jedi Classes at their appropriate levels;


Increase Lightsaber Damage +1d8: Guardian 5, Consular/Sentinel 6

Increase Lightsaber Damage +2d8: Guardian 10, Consular/Sentinel 12

Increase Lightsaber Damage +3d8: Guardian 15, Consular/Sentinel 18

Increase Lightsaber Damage +4d8: Guardian 20


Changing existing feats also included an editing of the "dialog.tlk" file; an unpopular solution I'm sure, but necessary.


I then created an entire compliment of enhanced lightsabers to correspond to the appropriate feats, e.g. "Lightsaber +2d8" requires the "Increase Lightsaber Damage +2d8" feat in order to be equipped. This was done with special focusing crystals, which (when equipped) cause the lightsaber to deal out the additional damage.


I debated for a while on whether or not to leave the other upgrade crystals in the game; understanding thay they also have a significant effect on damage as well. I compromised by deciding to simply diminish the effect of the in-game upgrade crystals. Now they provide only small enhancements to the lightsaber.


I decided on this because it seemed to me that the folks at BioWare included the upgrade crystals specifically to replace the increase lightsaber damage feats; likely since the player would only naturally reach level 12 as a Jedi, and they didn't want to stunt the player's ability to be more effective in combat.


I'm playing through the game with my mods in place to test things out. My main concern is finding out whether or not the appropriate focusing crystals are available to the player when they receive the new feats. Presently, I've just placed them in Suvam's shop; allowing the more powerful crystals to be purchased as more of Suvam's inventory is revealed through the game.


So far the biggest thing i notice about playing under the RPG rules is that combat is a lot tougher. Blasters are no longer a joke; dealing between 3d4 and 4d8 points of damage (depending on the type), and every class has level bonuses to their AC; making everyone much harder to hit.


When I'm finished with this run-through I'll post my findings on this thread. There's still alot of work to be done (and more, I'm afraid that can't be done) to bring KoToR closer the the pen-and-paper RPG.


Happy gaming!

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