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Since FatSpider got hurt, we can simply say this:


No teammember may from now on do anything fun or productive outside of their house. You will cover all pointy furniture with rubber or plastic material, and be as safe as possible.


No bungy jumping,

No paintballing,

No street racing.


Like this - the demo would be finished soon right?


J/k... :p I feel sad for the fella though... Hope he recovers quick. I can wait three weeks :)

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Hee hee...


You know, I was thinking of posting a topic like this when I saw the latest news bulletin.


"You may not under any circumstances have any life whatsoever outside of eating, sleeping and working on the mod. Going outside and socializing is strictly forbidden."


-Sponsored by the RDFMF (Rabid Dark Forces Mod Fans) Organization

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I´ve just played through secbase and talay! Salv did an awesome work on this level! I´m especially impressed by the brushwork that was done in talay and sewers (well actually, I´m a bit ashamed of what I´ve done with secbase...)!


There are many other things that´ll make this mod worth the wait but I´m not going to tease you any more... (that´s The_One´s job :D ) I just wanted to say, that the mod has evolved VERY much since last year ;)


edit (just one little comment): Someone wished many corpses in talay - Salv answered something like: "trust me, there will be enough corpses. "

- I´ve never seen so many corpses in one level...

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Oh Milesteg! Its the man himself! Im glad to see you Master :)

I just wanted to say, that the mod has evolved VERY much since last year

Very true, in every aspect we just simply got better at things I think.


I heard you might be coming back!?

That would be great news! We need more mappers. Catch ya later on ICQ..

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