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AIOFPM version 3.0.1 (all-in-one-force powers) - KotOR 1 -


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And I have mucked up the installation somehow and have needed to uninstall and reinstall the game of course i have also deleted the mod i downloaded earlier so of course do not have it again


I'm appealing to the kind soul who put up the address to download it from earlier could he do so again

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  • 5 months later...

can anyone help me? Im new here and im having pretty much the same prob as gdw i cant go to pcgm at any time, through links, through web url. PCGM is not working i just get this message every time



Warning: mysqli::mysqli() [function.mysqli]: Too many connections in /home/web/pcgm3/library/db.php on line 22


Warning: Couldn't fetch mysqli in /home/web/pcgm3/library/db.php on line 28


Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'DBException' with message 'Database: ' in /home/web/pcgm3/library/db.php:29 Stack trace: #0 /home/web/pcgm3/scripts/log.php(2): db->query('INSERT INTO log...') #1 /home/web/pcgm3/mod.php(11): require_once('/home/web/pcgm3...') #2 {main} thrown in /home/web/pcgm3/library/db.php on line 29


Warning: Couldn't fetch mysqli in /home/web/pcgm3/library/db.php on line 113

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  • 9 months later...

Yes. I thought the previous version didn't had that but it's been a while since I last played with that mod (almost 3 yrs) so I might have been wrong :D


Anyway, I edited the first post of the thread to add a new download link :)

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Hi, I have just begun with kotor again and I thought this mod would be cool to have, but so far I've had to reinstall kotor twice because of some error I got when using it in combination with the Revan/Bastila pack something (added Bastila's focus and revan's core crystals) and super skip taris. When I reinstalled it again, many of the items I got from the revan/bastila mod where still there, and I can't add the warpband to my partys inventory with KSE, any help? Sorry for graverobbing.


Edit: checked my post a realised i was a bit vague :)


I meant that, if i add the warpband to my chars inventory, i can never edit that savegame again, and if I load the save in game, all my party members are missing my quest log is whiped clean and i get the tutorial on every option there is.. Suffice to say it ruins the save game, right now i only have this mod installed. Maybe it's because i havn't patched the game?


Also when i do add it to my partys inventory it says "bad str reference" and when i click it it says it has 329050293205230 in inventory or something like that. When i press commit changes i get an error message saying "error in line" something bla bla, then if i close it i can never open the save game again (lucky me i always back them up before i do something like that)


I hope you will be able to help me, I have no doubts you will try :) Thanks in advance

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  tk102 said:
In case this is actually a KSE problem, have you tried the giveitem d333_warpband cheat?


I was going to, but i forgot how to activate cheat mode. I'll try right now thanks


Edit: That fixed it, thanks :), heh just noticed your the one who created KSE.


Would like to thank you for that excellent tool which has helped me out of more then 1 tight spot.


I also have something to say about the warpband, not sure if you knew this or not, but here goes: If you warp to the Endar Spire, You will no longer be able to choose Bastila in the party selection screen, dosn't matter if you warp somewhere else after that. Not sure if this is true for any other NPC

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  Karsus said:

I also have something to say about the warpband, not sure if you knew this or not, but here goes: If you warp to the Endar Spire, You will no longer be able to choose Bastila in the party selection screen, dosn't matter if you warp somewhere else after that. Not sure if this is true for any other NPC

I know...There is a warning in the readme about the use of this armband:


Maybe if I titled my readmes sex&money.html instead of readme.html more people would read them :giveup::)

I'd read it :naughty: ~ Cz



This armband is primarily intended to be a tool for modders to test their mods.


If you intend to use this armband just for fun, you are free to do so but it is *AT YOUR OWN RISK*. You could severely screw up your game in that many events could not trigger depending on where and when you use it. In the worst scenario, you could even be incapable of finishing the game.


Don't use it to go to locations where you are not normally allowed to go during normal gameplay (such as returning to the Endar Spire and visiting the Leviathan at the wrong moments) or to skip parts of the plot and you should be "relatively" safe (there are still risks of screwing up).

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