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Monkey 1


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Hello recently I wanted to replay Monkey Island1 (which I REALLY love), although much to my dismay I found that when I located it on my drive, half the files were gone.

It was the old 16 color EGA DOS version and I would REALLY like to replay it.

So if anyone could be so kind as to send the game to me @ dieter@eds.saix.net it would be most appreciated!


Thanks in advance, Zor.

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Erm yeh... You see, I kinda live in South Africa, and I'm kinda 14 years old, I know my parents won't help me, and contacting Lucas-Arts is such a pain.

I don't have anything 'cept a couple of stiffies on which it came.

That's all. I don't have a proof-of-purchase or nothing.


Can you just tell me one thing - is what I'm asking for illegal? Because then I'll by all means stop.


But thanks for the help, Udvarnoky.


EDIT: Oh yes, and the stiffies are corrupted too.

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