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Level 6 on Jedi Knight: Dark Forces II


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Hi everyone, I've owned "Jedi Knight: Dark Forces II" for about four years now and have been severly stumped on a particular part of the game in level 6. I've been searching all over the internet for advice and have even looked at the various walkthroughs, but still can't figure this particular detail out (I finally put the game away in frustration and have just now pulled it out again).


I have the feeling it's probably something totally minute, but if it is then please don't clobber me too hard. ;)


Here it is: in level 6, I've managed to get to the area of the palace itself where you have to connect and cross over the two-part extending bridge. This is the bridge where you have to go into one room, flip the switch for one of the bridge's sides, then use Force Speed to rush to the second switch and flip it also.


While I have done that, the problem is that I have still have not been able to get across. I've have tried doing the above, then persistently using Force Speed to race beneath the bridge, up the ram, around and trying to run across while the pieces were still in two, or at the very least still close enough together so I could use Force Jump to jump from one moving portion to another. But I simply haven't been able to make it, and the switch you find in the small room area once you've gone up the ramp only extends one end for a short period of time (at least when I've tried it). Is there something special you have to do to make the bridge slabs actually come together and "stick"? Is there a way to get them to stay put where they are, or am I just supposed to keep trying to run up and around until I finally make it?


What is it I'm doing wrong? I've done explording throughout all the other areas I could find but have been unable to find any other way to either get up there or to help me in the matter. Any assistance at all would be greatly appreciated it.


Thanks in advance.


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If I remember correctly you have to turn on the switch you previously mentioned in the room inside the building. That half of the bridge should be more than enough to jump to the other side. Just wait the bridge to retract completely, then re-extend it with the switch. IMO you don't need force speed either for this second pass.


P.S.: wrong forum :p

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Yea, I got stuck on the same level...took me 6 months too! You have to go to both rooms activate the ramp. Use force speed to get up, then go to the control room behind u and press the button then force speed and force jump over. Then go around on it, theres alot of walkers up there too btw, then go to the point where the walkway is close to an open space and jump over. And also theres more hard stuff on its way!

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Speed....speed, speed, speed, speed, speed is the key to to your success. run like hell, get to the very end of the bridge and just a regular jump while speeding will gracefully get you across the gap. I am wondering if you are wasting any time by running out of the exit as opposed to jumping out of the window once you throw the second switch. I also usually go fron the right side of the bridge to the left while making the crossing. On a side note, I have a child who has been playing DF/Jk games since he was 4 (now 8) and even he can complete this feat. Hope this trick works for you.


ps.....Before i figured it out myself (which took entirely too long), the fly code was my favorite way around any obstcale. eriamjh is the code just for reference.



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  • 2 weeks later...

i never had a problem with this (well 1st time i played i had to figure out WHAT the switches do which took a few minutes and the room you have to enter from under the bridge), but afterward I aced the jump first try, now i dont know why you are/were having so much trouble but a trick is to use force speed to run straight toward the upward slanted ramp that the bridge extends from(make sure that you will hit the ramp near the edge so the ramp isnt directly above you)and at VERY last moment just as you touch the ramp jump(it doesnt have to be a force jump because when i play the game i dont get force jump until the battle with yun)and you will be propelled up just enough to clear the ramp and get on top. Also this works on most ramps but only on ramps and it must be done JUUUUUST right, it usually takes at least a few tries

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I was stuck here for mabey half an hour when I first played it. My problem was that I didn't put enough stars into speed at the beginning of the level. Whenever I play the game, I always get EVERY secret area in the game (helps to have them memorized!!), and dump all the stars I get into speed as soon as I can. I don't remember very well (it's been almost a year) but I believe that you should be able to max out speed by that point if you have found all secrets areas so far.


Solution to problem with 4 stars on speed:


1. Go to one of the switch rooms

2. Activate speed

3. Run over to the other switch room

(by run I mean hold SHIFT down while moving, or select "always run" in the setup options. This will make you almost FLY along with speed)

4. Activate second switch

5. Jump out window and run to the opening in the tower

6. The bridge should just be CLOSING by this time, and all you have to do is WALK across



Hope this helps,

The Saxman

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