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Leaderboards... How do you get your name on it?

Red Cell

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not xbox but ps2 - and u have to be registered with gamespy.


"The leaderboards are updated every 30 minutes. Stats are only recorded for players who have logged into GameSpy before playing an Internet game.If you cannot find your Player name in the list, click [FIND] and type in your GameSpy nickname. If you are in the top 100 players for the current leaderboard display, the page will automatically scroll and highlight your stats. Otherwise, you will be asked if you would like to view your profile. If you name is spelled correctly in the dialog box, click YES. We will then search for your name in the Star Wars Battlefront stat database and display your profile if found. Click NO if you do not want to see your profile or if you typed your name incorrectly ( you can then click [FIND] again and correct the spelling ). "

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Ok im on PS2 and I found this:




Unless Im missing something Im pretty sure I should be on the Republic Clone Army part. I have like 80+ kills and like 30 deaths. Im not bragging or anything but Im wondering how the board works. If It wont for I dont care mch if it doesnt have me on it but It would be cool to see my name there. :)

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The leaderboards are updated every 30 minutes. Stats are only recorded for players who have logged into GameSpy before playing an Internet game.

Refer to your Star Wars Battlefront manual for more information on how to do this.


You can sort the leaderboards by ALL FACTIONS combined, or individual factions. Click on a faction name to sort by it. You can then sort by individual stat categories. Total Kills is the default, but you can also sort by Total Games, Accuracy, Head Shots, Narrow Escapes, Captures, and Living Streak. Just click on the stat category name. Here is a description of the stat categories:


Unfortunately only for those logged into gamespy

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